like charges repel
opposite charges attract
1 charged and 1 neutral object attract
2 objects have different charges
objects make contact
electrons transfer until they have the same net charge
transferring extra charge (+/-) to an infinite reservoir so the object can be neutral
grounding can cause an object to loose or gain electrons depending on the situation
it does not matter how many electrons are given to the reservoir because it’ll be spread over a big area
1 neutral, 1 charged object
charged object goes near neutral object to induce a temporary charge separation
a permanent charge can be created via grounding
water droplets rub against each other inside of clouds and become charged
negative drops collect at the bottom of the cloud
negative drops repel electrons on the earths surface
causes a temporary charge separation on the earths surface making the surface positively charged
excess electrons in the clouds take the path of least resistance to get to the earths surface
this creates a permanent negative charge on the earths surface