Theology II Final Exam

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What is the point of the story of the clowns?

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What is the point of the story of the clowns?

The story of the clowns talks about the difference between believers and non-believers in faith.

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What are the village people a metaphor for?

The village people are a metaphor for modern people- they don’t believe the clowns because of how they look and because they can’t see the fire. This shows how many people are unfaithful because they can’t see Jesus or they think he’s crazy.

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What is the content of the painting The Wanderer?

The Wanderer shows a person standing above the clouds on top of a mountain. It exemplifies the human desire for something bigger than themselves, which ultimately is the infinite.

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What is the Infinite Desire?

The Infinite Desire is how humans just keep wanting more.

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How does the Infinite Desire grow in time in the life of a human?

As a baby all you want is food and physical contact. However, as you get older you become more aware of the world and keep wanting more.

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How does the Infinite Desire influence morally bad actions?

People try to fill the hole the Infinite Desire leaves with earthly objects, but it can only be filled with the infinite. Some people turn to bad things to fill the hole, such as drugs. However, they dig themselves deeper into the hole just to be satisfied for a short time.

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How does the Infinite Desire influence morally good actions?

An example of the Infinite Desire influencing morally good actions is through Mother Teresa. She spent her life serving people and then turned to God to quench the thirst for the Infinite Desire

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Why does Rocky Valentine feel trapped even though he has everything he ever wanted?

Rocky feels trapped because everything is already set in place and the risk of failure is gone. He misses the thrill he got from the possibility of things going wrong.

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How does “The Raindrop” by F. Chopin represent the Infinite Desire?

“The Raindrop” has one note that is consistent throughout the song, no matter how much the music builds and softens. It shows how no matter what happens the Infinite Desire is still there.

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What are some of the things Rocky cannot do in the episode?

In the episode Rocky can’t kill Mr. Pip, see his friends, or have anything naturally go wrong. He also can’t leave or talk to God.

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How does the singer in “Car Radio” relate with the Infinite Desire?

The singer in “Car Radio” doesn’t want to think about the Infinite Desire at all. He just wants his car radio back because he doesn’t want to sit in silence.

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What is the main image in the poem George Gray?What are 3 ways in which the mystery of life knocks at the protagonist’s life?

The main image is a sailboat that sits in the harbor. The mystery of life knocks at his door through love, sorrow, and ambition, but the protagonist denies it out of fear.

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How does George Gray define life without meaning?

If we deny God because we are more comfortable seeking small pleasures, that is when our lives lose purpose. Life without meaning is the torture of restlessness and vague desire.

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Where does Rocky Valentine live? How does it connect to the Infinite Desire?

Rocky Valentine lives in hell as a result of his actions on Earth- he hid from the desire by stealing.

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What are some of the questions the shepherd asks the moon?

The shepherd asks the moon what the meaning of life is. He asks what he is and what he was made for.

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What is the moon a sign of? How does the shepherd feel about the moon?

The moon’s a metaphor for God and the shepherd feels resentment towards God.

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What does life point to in the poem Night Song for a Wandering Shepherd in Asia? What is a daily sign of that reality?

Life points to death in the poem- why do we life if we’re just going to die? Sleep is a daily sign of reality because we go unconscious, which is as close as we can be to death.

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How does modern society relate with the Infinite Desire?

Modern society uses advertising and entertainment to lure people in. It uses their infinite desire to get people to buy more. Everything is an object so people try to quench the desire with finite things (idolatry).

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How does wonder help to reawaken the Infinite Desire?

Wonder helps reawaken the Infinite Desire by making us think about the things we get and who gave them to us/ This brings us closer to God.

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What did all the items we wrote on the board have in common?

They are not things we chose- they are gifts from God. The most important things are the best gifts.

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What is the main difference between Christianity and all other religions?

In Christianity, the infinite tried to reach the finite. In all other religions the finite tries to reach the infinite.

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What is the context of the parable of the prodigal son? On what occasion did Jesus tell this parable?

Jesus told the story when he was at dinner with prostitutes, tax collectors, and the Pharisees. The Pharisees were judging Jesus for eating with bad people and used the story to explain that holiness isn’t separation.

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What part of his speech does the younger brother drop after he meets the father? Why is it important?

The younger brother drops the part where he asks to be his father’s servant. It’s important because he is building a father/son relationship, not a master/servant one. `

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How do we know the father was looking for the younger brother?

he saw him from far away

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What is the reaction of the older brother to the return of the younger brother?

The older brother is jealous because he has been a slave to his father for a long time and the brother betrayed his father. He is mad because he never got a small feast, but the brother got a big celebration.

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What is the father’s true inheritance?

The father’s true inheritance is communion with God, not just money. God loves our freedom before He loves our happiness.

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What is the theological meaning of the parable of the prodigal son? What event in salvation history corresponds to the father leaving the house in the parable?

The parable’s theological meaning is that God will always be waiting for us to come back to Him. We should have a father/son relationship with God, not a master/servant. The father leaving the house corresponds to when Jesus became human to be with us.

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What are the types of books in the bible?

Pentateuch, Historical, Wisdom, Apocalyptic, Gospels + Acts, Prophets, Letters, and Revelation

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What could be an example of a bad interpretation of scripture?

A bad interpretation of the Bible is using it as an excuse for slavery (Dalcho).

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What is the fundamental hermeneutical principle of interpreting the Bible?

The fundamental principle of interpreting the Bible is that Scripture has been given to a living community of faith.

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What are the 4 senses of scripture?

literal, symbolic/mythological, moral, and anagogical

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Give an example of a bad reading of the Bible when a literal passage is interpreted symbolically.

A literal passage interpreted symbolically is the Eucharist- Catholics believe it’s the true body and blood while Protestants do not.

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Give an example of a bad reading of the Bible when a symbolic passage is interpreted literally.

A symbolic passage interpreted literally is the 7 Days of Creation.

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What is the mythological age? Is myth a synonym of something false? Explain.

The mythological age is the first stories in the Bible. Myth is not a synonym of false- it is of symbolic. Myths are symbolic and relate to the creation of things.

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What is the age of the Patriarchs? When was Abraham called?

The age of the Patriarchs is when Biblical history connects to the history of the world. Abraham was called in 2000 BC.

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What is the ark of the covenant? What did it contain?

The ark of the covenant is a wooden, golden box. It contains God’s presence, the 10 Commandments, bread of the presence, and the menorah.

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What year did the Israelites arrive to the Promised Land after being liberated from Egypt?

The Israelites arrived in Egypt in 1200 BC.

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What are the 3 major regions of the Holy Land?

Galilee, Samaria, Judea

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How is the parable of the prodigal son a summary of the history of salvation?

The father leaving the house corresponds to when Jesus came down from heaven to be with us.

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What is an example of a bad interpretation of a moral teaching of the Bible?

A bad interpretation is when Jesus says, “If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” It doesn’t mean literally cut it off, it means get rid of things in your life that cause you to sin.

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What are the 2 parts of Genesis?

The 2 parts of Genesis are creation and the patriarchs

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What is the theological content of the Babylonian myths of creation?

The theological context is that the world comes out of chaos and there his no intrinsic reason.

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What does God use to create the world? How does it connect to John 1?

God uses His word. In John 1 it says “In the beginning was the Word,” which references Genesis.

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How is the story of creation in Genesis different from the Babylonian myths?

In the Babylonian myths the world is made from chaos and violence. In Genesis God creates the world peacefully.

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What is the order of creation?

light/dark, sea/sky, land, sun/moon, fish/birds, land animals, humans

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How does God create humanity differently from the rest of creation?

God created humans in His image and likeness.

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What are some of the ways in which humans bear the image of God?

love, intelligence, creation, contemplation, and freedom

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What are the 2 highest types of love?

agape and eros

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What is sub-creation? How does it relate with God’s image?

when humans create things out of what God created

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What is God’s first commandment to humanity? What is the reason of that commandment?

don’t eat from the tree of knowledge of good/evil- humans aren’t ready to have it

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How does God create humans in the second account? How does it compare to the Babylonian myths?

God makes humans using dust and his breath; Babylonian myths use dust and blood

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Why does God create Eve?

to complement Adam and get rid of his loneliness

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How does Genesis differ from the Babylonian myth?

In Genesis, humans are created peacefully from God’s Word; in the Babylonian myths humans are created out of chaos from dust and blood

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What is the meaning of God’s first commandment?

God’s first commandment prevents humans from defining good and evil for themselves..

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How do Adam and Eve relate with their sexuality?

Adam and Eve were both naked but didn’t feel shame.

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What does the second account of creation emphasize?

complementarity of men and women

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What is one thing not accounted for in the first 2 chapters of Genesis?

evil and the fall

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What is the snake? What is his role at the beginning of Genesis 3?

The snake is the Devil and he tries to tempt Adam and Eve from eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

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What are the first words out of the snake’s mouth?

lies- “Did God really tell you to eat from all the trees?”

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What are the 3 lies of the serpent?

factual lie, downplay of consequences, and “You will be like God”

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How do Adam and Eve react when confronted by God about eating the fruit of the tree?

hide from God

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What is the place of sexuality in the second account?

After the fall Adam and Eve were ashamed of their nakedness

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What is God’s first reaction to Adam and Eve’s sin?

God goes looking for them and says, “Where are you?”

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What is the source of Jesse Pinkman’s distress?

his guilt for killing a man and desire for moral judgement

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What are the 3 consequences of sin?

shame, hiding from God, blame

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What is the prophecy contained in Genesis 3?

A woman will come to crush the snake’s skull and give birth to an heir, undoing the lies of the serpent.

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Why does God pick the method of election?

He wanted to preserve our freedom and wants us to make the choice to follow him.

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What is the commandment that God gives to Abram?

“Go forth to the land I will show you”

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What are the promises God makes to Abram

land, a name, a nation, and be a blessing to the whole world

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How does Abram act in Egypt?

Abram acts selfishly by telling the pharaoh Sarai is his sister and she becomes part of Pharaoh’s Harem

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What is special about Abraham’s greeting of the 3 angels?

they symbolize the Holy Trinity- he calls them sir, which symbolizes the Trinity’s unity

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What is a meal a sign of? Why is it important?

intimacy- shows how God wants to know Abraham more

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Why did Sarah laugh? What is the deeper meaning of Sarah’s laughter?

she didn’t believe God would follow through with His promise of giving her a baby

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Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?

a test of his faith

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How is Isaac a type of Christ?

his sacrifice foreshadows Jesus’, Isaac knew he’d be the sacrifice but didn’t disobey, carried the wood of his sacrifice

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What happens after the meal at Mamre’s Oak?

God poses a problem to Abraham- 2 sinful cities and God wants to destroy them; Abraham says “If there are 50 good people there will you kill them?” and continues with this logic but stops at 10 because that’s what his family is

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What is Sarah’s shortcut?

Abraham has a son with his slave Hagar, and Sarah took him as her own

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Why does Easu sell his birthright?

he wants a bowl of stew

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What are some modern equivalents of the selling of the birthright?

temptations of the devil- wanting materials over a strong spiritual life

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What is the birthright of every Christian?

dignity and the fact that they’re loved by God

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What is Jacob’s dream? What does it signify?

sees a staircase from heaven to earth with angels ascending and descending it; signifies prophecy that one day heaven and earth will be united through Jesus

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How does Jacob get tricked?

he gets permission to marry Rachel, but when he removes the veil he married Leah

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What is the spiritual meaning of Jacob lifting the stone of the well?

the strength that love gave him; opening himself to love

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What happens at Jabbok?

Jacob is confronted by Easu’s armies and he makes amends with his brother. Also wrestles with God and reenters the Holy Land

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What is Jacob’s new name?

Israel- he who fought with God and prevailed

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How does God reveal his blessing to Jacob?

repairing his relationship with Easu

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How does Jacob get his birthright and the blessing?

tricking Easu into giving it up for a bowl of stew; tricks Isaac by saying he’s Easu and makes Isaac say he’ll get the birthright

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Why are the sons of Jacob fighting with each other?

Jacob favorites Rachel’s sons and the family’s overall messiness

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Who are the sons of Jacob? What are the most important ones?

12 sons- most important are Joseph, Reuben, Levi, and Benjamin

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How is Joseph’s suffering a type of Jesus’ passion?

he is stripped of his clothing, sold as an object, betrayed like Jesus

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What are the brothers trying to do when they stripped Joseph naked?

humiliate him and strip him of his dignity

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How does Joseph end up in jail?

Potiphar’s wife accuses him of rape

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Why doesn’t Joseph reveal himself to his brothers immediately?

he wants to test if his brothers changed

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How does Potiphar’s wife take Joseph’s rejection?

very upset and takes the rejection personally

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How does Joseph become vizier of Egypt?

interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams

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What type of government does Pharaoh set up in Egypt? What are some of the consequences?

totalitarian regime; no meaning in work or life

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When does God choose Moses for his mission?

at birth

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How does Moses’ first attempt to bring justice go?

poorly- tried to do it with his own hands

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What does Moses do when he is confronted by the Israelites?

Moses runs away to Median

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What are the 3 meanings of God’s name?

apofatic, metaphysical, and promise of eternal relationship

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