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australia fertility rate
1.5 (was 3.5 in 1960)
australia death rate
australia life expectancy
84 (was 72, 50 years ago)
australia crude birth rate
12.1 (1.3% decline from 2022)
australia contraception prevelance
81% of women of child bearing age
australia avg years of schooling for women
13 years (8.9 in 1950)
australia female labour force increase
1.2% increase from 2022 to 2023
australia dependency ratio + prediction
54/100. (projected 65/100 by 2060)
australian government annual spending on aged care sector
$10b avg
australia pensions cost % increase
average of 7% per year
% of australia 65+ currently, and estimated
17% in 2023, 30% in 2032
skilled migrant program info:
90% of SM are employed.
SM’s account for 15% of australias health workforce.
128,000 spots allocated in 2017 (varies each year)
Compulsory Super Annuation
Made in 1991
Started at 9.5%, currently 11.5%, will be 12% in 2025.
leading the % of elderly requiring full pensions to decrease from 50% in 2014 to 30% in 2047
.id info/nillumbik
created in 1997
created by Ivan Motley
2015: 43% of 56-75 would like more housing downsize options
.id released 5 future planning/housing developments for elderly
increase in 2-3 bedroom housing (its goal) attracts youth population to address ageing
Niger tfr
niger Death rate + history
8.8 (11 in 2012)
niger Crude birth rate
niger life expectancy + history
61 (35 in 1970)
niger dependency ratio + youth dependency ratio
109.5/100 (youth: 104/100)
niger contraceptive use:
12% of child bearing age women
niger avg years of schooling
niger women marriage age stats
28% of girls married before theyre 15,
76% before theyre 18
legal age of marriage is 15
niger global hunger index ranking
115th / 121
niger food insecurity
2m food insecure in 2020
in 2014, food insecurity in Sahel increased by 532%
niger annual arable land loss
loses 100k hectare acres of arable land per year from degradation
Niger UNICEF Response
provides “Integrated Health Centres” and other infrastructure
IHC’s accessible to 65 villages in 17 different districts
700,000 people in Niger can access these IHC’s
Niger Family Planning Response
Created in 2012 in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, UNFPA, and USAID.
2012: 390k women used contraception. 570k in 2022.
Unitended pregancies averted by contraceptions: 140k in 2012 to 210k in 2022.
Niger WFP response
Integrated Resilience Program.
Working with Niger since 1968.
Aligns with 17 of the UN’s SDG’s
233,000 hectare acres rehabilitated since 2014
Supports 3m people in the Sahel region.
Niger HOSM spatial technology
Humanitarian Open Street Map
Launched in 2010
Gathered 15k points of digital data by 2019
6156 Mappers
1m+ buildings mapped
666k+ roads mapped
Niger Drone Africa Service Spatial Technology
10 years old
Soon transport medicine
Used to map environmental risks (flooding etc)
Maps displacement of people from disasters.
Ineffective coz of poor economy
Effective: UNHCR expanding their help bc of DAS reports/information.
Global Population change over time
2.5b in 1950 to 8.2b in 2024
UAE migrant remittance evidence
In 2018, UAE Indian workers sent US$13.8b home
UAE Migrant Pop + migrant Share of population + migrant Workforce %
9.7m Migrant Population
88% of total pop
90% of these migrants are in the workforce
Basic India wage VS Basic UAE wage
$2-3 per day in India
$200 - 300 per month in UAE
UAE working age migrant pop gender share
5.2m men
1.6m women
UAE total pop 65+ percentage
% of bangladeshi migrant students overseas who never return
which age bracket accounts for what percentage of all overseas migrants
young adults (18-34)
43% of all overseas migrants
Countries in all 5 stages of demographic transition model:
S1: None/Amazonial Tribes
S2: Niger & Yemen
S3: Mexico
S4: Australia & USA & China
S5: Japan & Germany
Average no. of immigrants FROM bangladesh per year
AVG of 770,000 per year
bangladesh median age change over time
20 in 2000 to 26 in 2024
Australian Gov spending on pensions
$47b per year.
Expected to be $72b in 2025
Jakobshavn Glacier retreat per year + change of
7km per year in 1985
14km per year in 2014
Greenland Fjords Stats
Out of 226 glaciers in Greenland surveyed, 74 in deep fjords accounted for nearly half of Greenlands total ice loss between 1990 to 2017
Bushfire Impact on melting
Australian 2019-2020 bushfires sped up melting on New Zealands 300 glaciers by 20-30%
Co2 concentration over time
288ppm pre industrial to 408ppm in 2018
GGGE sources %
5% GGGE from tourism
60% GGGE from cities, despite 2% land cover
WGMS 2015 survey on glacial retreat
398/442 glaciers surveyed were retreating
Greenland Positive impacts
London Mining generating US$200million+
2013: Ended 25yo ban on the mining of radioactive materials + Gov legislation passed encouraging mining
15-23 new crops available to grow
boosted productivity for 60+ sheep farms
tourism increase from 60k in 2010 to 2014k in 2019
Access to 48billion barrels worth of oil.
Greenland Negative Impacts
Overfishing + disruption of fish population, fishing is 90% of Greenlands exports
Land Degradation from mining
-0.43 life expectancy decrease from 2018-2022
USA hazardous waste exposure from 1950s
London mining US$2.35billion Iron Ore Project = 500 locals jobs, but 5000 foreigners.
Global Response to melting ice and glaciers WGMS
World Glacier Monitoring Service
Launched properly in 1986
Linked to Paris Climate Agreement
Linked to UN’s SDG’s.
Global Response to melting ice and glaciers Paris Climate Agreement
Signed by 195 nations AND the European Union
Aims to limit global temp rise to no more than 2*C by 2100.
Ineffective as countries are looking at 3*C increase by 2100.
Local Response to Greenland melting
Glacial Rock Flour:
1 ton of Glacial Rock Flour absorps 200-300kg of Co2.
more than 1billion tons are spread across Greenlands shores each year
Greenland produces approximately 1 billion tons per year.
Melting Ice and Glaciers SPATIAL TECH
ICESat 2
10k pulses of light per second
measurements every 2.3feet along its path
<4mm accuracy
approx 500km orbit altitude
Global Deforestation rates
-4.3mha per year
global Forest in mha lost since when
420mha lost since 1990
Indonesia Forest Cover over time
1990: 84% to 2021: 48%
Indonesia Natural causes of deforestation
Pests/Beetles account for 10% of deforestation in the Leuser region in Indonesia.
Pests Beetles account for only 2% of global deforestation.
Wildfires account for only 1% of global deforestation
Indonesia human causes of deforestation
From 2001 to 2016, Palm oil and Timber Industries account for 2/5ths of national deforestation.
Illegal fires account for 25% of Indonesias deforestation
Indonesia population stats and reasons for deforestation
Indonesia’s increasing pop of 115m in 1970, to 284m in 2024.
Rwanda genocide in Africa in 1994 brought over 750k migrants to Indonesia, relying on deforestation for income.
More than 30m people in Indonesia are poverty stricken.
Indonesia positive impacts of deforesation
Palm oil is 4.5% of GDP
1st in the world for global palm oil supply, at 55% of worldwide palm oil supply.
16 million jobs rely on palm oil industry.
palm oil brought 2.6 million people out of poverty in 2019
Indonesia negative impacts of deforestation
12.5 billion metric tons of Co2 stored in its forests
deforestation accounts for 62% of Indonesias GGGE.
DFS accounts for 4% of global co2 emissions
oranguatans -50% population in past 60 years
only 7.5k orangutans left, 400 Sumatran Tigers, and 1.7k Elelphants.
2.5m Dyak people displaced in Borneo since 1970 Government control
Global response to Indonesia deforestation
Launched in 2018
contributed to conservation of 120mha+ of forest in 64 countries
3.3b tons of Co2 reduced avoided
National response to deforestation in Indonesia
first temporary introduction in 2011
made permanent by Pres Joko Widodo in 2014
95% of locals unaware about the change
99% of locals unaware about the deeper effects
45% decrease in deforestation in moratorium areas in 2018 compared to 2002-2016.
Local Response to deforestation in Indonesia
Health In Harmony
Founded by Kinari Webb
400hrs listening to local communities.
70% discount for villages that completely stop logging in their area.
reforested 50ha in 2021.
1,500 orangutans saved locally.
1350 logging households in 2007 to 180 in 2017.
200 sold chainsaws.
Average annual ice loss in Greenland
260 billion metric tons per year
deforestation spatial tech GFW
Global forest watch
4m+ people visited the website since launch
Launched in 2014 by World Resource Institute.
partnered with Google, NASA, and the University of Maryland.
spatial tech to deforestation PRT
Palm Risk Tool
Data for 800+ Palm oil mills
Intan Sejati Andalan Mill was ‘high risk”, deforesting 200kha from 2009 to 2016. Will soon reach 300k. In turn, “Unilever” pulled out of business with them.
Topography of WM
West Melbourne population stats
14% australian ancestry
4th most popular destination in the world for global exchange.
38% of overseas migrant arrivals in 2023 were temporary student visas.
West Melbourne Structure Plan
By C.O.M, Chaired by Nicholas Reece
Supported by Vic Gov.
2015 to present/ongoing
aim to create a “20 minute neighborhood”.
carparks alone cost $66m
Queen victoria market renewal $250m
“sustainable urban growth”.
WM land use change
from mixed used, prodominantly warehouse and industrial, to mixed use, prodominantly residential and educational/commerical.
+48% increase in residential in past 20 years
ParkHill Apartments
8m walk from Marvel Stadium and Airport Skybus Terminal.
12minute walk from RMIT and Melbounrne Uni.
93/100 walk score
100/100 transit score
408 spencer street.
18 month devlopment time
10 years old
Mostly 1BR
30 stories
Land use change positive impacts
Increased religious + cultural stores for inclusion.
West Melbourne Strucutre Plan encourages solar panels.
Kept greenspace.
Diverse population.
Negative land use change impacts
Employment down 25% from 2006-2016.
More Co2
More pollution
less greenspace
Increased rent
Land Use Change Spatial Tech
City of Melbourne Data
updated every 2 - 18 months
ariel and satellite imagery to display land use
historical archives from Melbourne Library Maps
Data from ABS Property and System Data.
“GIS” platform.