serial dilution of known concentrations and calibration curve
negatively charged inside compared to outside -70mv
SOPI pump, uses active transport to move 3 NA+ out and 2 K+ in
potassium ion channels allow facilitated diffusion of K+ out
depolarisation as gated sodium channels open and it diffuses in
repolarisation as sodium channels close and potassium channels open
hyperpolarisation when resting potential is beginning to be reached again the potassium gates slowly close and ion exchange is complete
Specialised cholinergic synapse between motor neuron and a muscle cell
ACH binds to nicotinic receptors
This stimulates ion channels in the sarcolemma to open, allowing sodium ions to diffuse in which depolarises the sarcolemma, generating an action potential that passes down the T-tubules towards the centre of the muscle fibre
These action potentials cause voltage-gated calcium ion channel proteins in the membranes of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to open
Calcium ions diffuse out of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and into the sarcoplasm surrounding the myofibrils
Calcium ions bind to troponin molecules, stimulating them to change shape
This causes the troponin and tropomyosin proteins to change position on actin and exposes the myosin-binding sites
The process of muscle contraction (known as the sliding filament model) can now begin as the myosin-actin cross bridge can form
SAN produces impulse to stimulate atrial systole
Non conductive tissue delays impulse
Impulse stimulates AVN
Impulse travels down bundle of his
Bundle of his splits into left and right ventricles
Impulse from purkinje fibres causes ventricular systole
cardiovascular centre in medulla
Cardio-acceleratory centre or cardio-inhibitory centre
increase - sympathetic, decrease - parasympathetic
increased frequency - release noradrenaline, decreased frequency - release acetylcholine