in medias res
In the middle of things, where the Illiad starts
anger (menis)
Achilles feels when Patroclus died that’s why he entered that battle after he said he wouldn’t
heroic code
Glory, your name lives on after you are gone. All heroes want it.
Homeric simile
comparing battles to agriculture
friendship that goes beyond just friendship. taking people into their home and giving them gifts
the act of pleading for mercy, usually involving grabbing the knees of the other person
Aristeia (prowess)
son of Thetis, impenetrable, curse of the Styx, refused to participate in the battle after Agamemnon stole his girl, after Patroclus died, he went into the battle and was killed. Prophecy said that he could live a long life and not be remembered or die young and achieve kleos
King, brother of Menelaus, stole girl from Achilles
God of Prophecy
Achillies’ spoil girl, stolen by Agamemnon
an old man who encouraged the men into battle, long-winded advice
Achilles’ mother, went to Hephestus for armor, begged Zeus to let the trojans win until Achilles got respect.
Helped the trojans under the request of Achilles,
King of Ithica, had to take a 10-year journey to get back home. Smartest Hero
On the side Greeks, seduced Zeus so the Greeks would have a chance
made really incredible armor for achilles
Wife was Helen, until stolen, also a king, reason the war happened
Prince of Troy, judged a competition if the Goddesses and was given Helen as his prize
Prince of Troy, killed by Achilles, son also killed thrown off a wall?
most beautiful girl ever, Menelaus’ wife then given to Paris.
King of Troy
On the side of the Greeks, granted Diomedes great strength, protects Achilles.
helps Hector and his soldiers in book 5+6
kind of started the Trojan war cause she gave Paris Helen, she continuously helped Paris (saving his from Menelaus),
Queen of Troy
Hector’s wife
Hector’s son, a baby gets thrown off a wall by Achilles son.
“father” of Tragedy, Oresteia
A trilogy of the killing of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, and Orestes’ trial
Agamemnon (Oresteia)
King of Mycenae, when got home wife + lover killed him.
Libation Bearers
Agamemnon’s son Orestes comes back from exile to kill the murder of his father and it ends up being his mom and her lover.
Wrote the Oresteia
Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. Sent Orestes away when Agamemnon was murdered, saving his life
Son of Agamemnon, killed Clytemnestra and lover, 1st murder trail
Clytemnestra (Orestia)
Agamemnon’s wife, sister to Helen, killed him because he sacrificed their daughter.
Agamemnon (Orestia)
Killed his daughter, was killed by his wife took the priestess Cassandra captive.
Agamenon’s daughter who was sacrificed to Artimes met her brother later on?
port where Agammemnon was trapped on his way to Troy
The soothsayer around the Greeks in the illiad
Artemis (Orestia)
Goddess who saved Agamemnon’s daughter when he scarified her (to artemis)
Signal fires
means that the Greeks have won the war and that Agamemnon is coming home, gave Clytemnestra a chance to plot
Red carpet/tapestry scene
walking on a red carpet was supposed to be for a God
Cassandra (orestia)
a priestess of Apollo saw herself being kidnaped and raped. Raped by Ajax the lesser. Taken by Agamemnon also killed by Clytemnestra.
Third speaking actor
Cassandra is the 3rd speaking actor: Speaking words of Apollo and the gods
Clytemnestra’s lover, killed Agammemnon, was killed by Orestes, brother to Atreus
Messenger Speech
instead of a tradition messenger speech where someone runs onto the stage telling everyone about the murders/ deaths, Cassandra foretells of her and Agamemnon’s murders
where corpses of Agamemnon and Cassandra are shown.
In Greece it was relatively normal to kill anyone who murdered someone in your family, but you weren’t supposed to kill someone in your own bloodline or else the Furies would come get you.
Clytemnestra sought revenge against Agamemnon for the death of her daughter
there was not really a court where your actions were mulled over by a jury of your peers this was kind of the first one.
Recognition scene
where Electra recognizes Orestes at the grave of Agamemnon
Sister to Agamemnon, basically a reminder to Orestes of Apollo’s instructions
The Furies
a band of three bat/chicken ladies who punished people who killed their blood relatives. Kind of talked down by Athena who offered them a home.
Delphi (Orestia)
the oracle who gave Orestes the prophecy of killing his fathers killer
Priestess’ of Apollo, chorus in the Orestia
Apollo (Oresteia)
Gave Orestes the prophecy that made him go kill his mother and her lover.
Athena (orestia)
wanted to give … a fair trail so made a jury from people from Athens
Trial by jury
being judged by your peers after being given all the evidence. In … was the first
to make someone believe something, author was trying to convince people of something, Athena uses it
Eumenides (kindly minded ones)
final play of the Oresteia, where Orestes is tried
Panathenaic Procession
a festival in Athens
Mass incarceration
a great hero, took Achilles body off the battlefield, thought he should have gotten the armor, tried to kill Odysseus but ended up killing and torturing a bunch of cows instead, had survivors’ guilt, jumped on his own sword.
the country where Ajax is King
Achilles (Ajax)
Ajax took his body off the field, Odysseus got his armor.
Odysseus (Ajax)
got Achilles’ armor, was almost killed by Ajax, didn’t want to upset him.
Athena (Ajax)
Protected Odessyues when Ajax came to kill him, showed him Ajax’s madness
Ajax’s consort, has a son with her., killed her father in front of her
Ajax’s half brother, a great archer, reminds Menelaus that Ajax came to Troy because of him and his wife
Menelaus (Ajax)
orders that Ajax must not buried, since he intended to kill greeks
Agamemnon (Ajax)
Also forbids Ajax’s burial
soldiers and sailor of Ajax
Three Actor Rule
since the Greeks thought only three actors where to be onstage at all times we think the Ajax actor probably crawled of stage or was token off
Ajax commits suicide by jumping on his sword, because he feels guilty and angry
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; many uses Ajax as an example of this because he is a soldier who has a complete break down after a war.
Brian Doerries
Producer of Theatre of war, used this to help vets deal with PTSD, lost his father and his girlfriend
Theater of War
a program that uses theatre to deal with social issues and to bring through raw feelings
Odysseus (Odyssey)
King of Ithica, went off to the Trojan war for 10 years, took him 10 years to get back. Lotus eaters, Cyclops, Circe, Calypso, etc
Son of Odysseus, went in search of his father, delt with the suitors for a long time
wife of Odysseus, stayed loyal, outsmarted the suitors by trying to weave a death shroud for Laertes but would unravel it a little every night for 10 years.
Father of Odysseus
Kind of like the Head suitor picked at Odysseus when he was a beggar, planned to murder Telemachus.
suitor, tried to manipulate Penelope
An old friends of Odysseus that Athena takes the guise of. She then guides Telemachus to visit Nestor to look for Odysseus
friend of Odysseus, was left in charge of Telemachus while Odysseus was away. Athena also appears as him,
Nestor (Odessey)
King of Pylos: Telemachus visits him in search of his father (after he visits Helen and Menelaus). Gives very long advice.
Menelaus (Odessey)
Tells Telemachus that Odysseus is alive and on Calypso’s island
Helen (Odyssey)
recognizes Tel first, and tells Menelaus.
Menelaus tells a story with him in it: if you can hold onto him and get him to submit, he will tell you anything
a daughter of Atlas, she is abandon on a island, Ogygia, falls in love with Odysseus
Athena (Odessey)
Favors Odysseus and helps him through many situations (shipwreck, suitors, etc.), appears in different peoples forms.
Hermes (Odessey)
Hermes helps Odysseus outsmart Circe and rescued him from Ogygia
Poseidon (odessey)
Tries to prevent Odysseus from returning home because Odysseus blinded his son the Cyclops