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Aggregate output (GDP)
The output of all producers in a country.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Market value of all final goods and services produced in a country's territory in one year.
Gross National Product (GNP)
Market value of all final goods and services produced by members of one nation in one year.
Nominal GDP
Expressed in current market prices and not adjusted for price changes.
Real GDP
Expressed in constant market prices, adjusted for inflation.
Expenditure (Spending)
Total spent by households, firms, government, and residents on the home economy's products.
Output (Production)
Total produced by the industries operating in the home economy.
The sum of all income received, including wages, profits, and government taxes.
Fiscal policy
Government policies on taxes, spending, and borrowing to mitigate economic fluctuations.
Multiplier effect
Total change in output can exceed the initial change in aggregate demand due to circular flow of income.
Paradox of thrift
Aggregate attempts to save more can lead to a fall in overall income.
Sovereign debt crisis
Situation where government bonds are considered risky due to default risk.
Debt-to-GDP ratio
Measured level of governmental indebtedness compared to the size of the economy.
An increase in the general price level.
A decrease in the general price level.
Phillips Curve
Graph showing the trade-offs between inflation and unemployment.
Expected inflation
The anticipated rate of inflation that influences economic behavior.
Inflation targeting
Monetary policy focused on keeping inflation at a specific target.
Quantitative easing
Central bank purchases of financial assets to increase the monetary base.
Marginal propensity to consume (MPC)
The fraction of additional income that households will consume.
Autonomous consumption
Fixed amount spent regardless of income.
Government spending
Consumption and investment purchases by the government excluding transfers.
Net exports (NX)
Exports minus imports; positive is trade surplus, negative is trade deficit.
Consumption function
Relationship showing total consumption based on disposable income.
Real interest rate
Nominal interest rate adjusted for inflation.
Austerity policy
Economic policy aimed at reducing government deficits through spending cuts.
Fiscal multiplier
Ratio of change in GDP to the change in government spending.
Ricardian Equivalence
Hypothesis that consumers are forward-looking and consider the government's budget constraint.
Supply shocks
Unexpected changes on the supply-side affecting the economy.
Labour market equilibrium
Condition where the bargaining gap is zero and price levels are stable.