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The science of designing and arranging things so that people can use them easily and safely.
The study of the interaction between people and machines and the factors that affect the interaction.
work law
what does ergon and nomos stand for?
Accidents, injuries and errors
User difficulties
Low morale and emphaty
How can we tell if something needs an ergonomics? Enumerate the five basis of spotting ergonomics.
Most commonly known form of ergonomics, and for good reason. It deals with the physical load on the human body when performing activities.
Method of designing and arranging information and data to create a light cognitive load. Perception, memory, reasoning, and motor response all affect how someone interacts with and performs their work.
Combines the knowledge gained from other areas of the factory, like physical and cognitive ergonomics, to optimize safety and efficiency across the entire organization.
Human factor engineering
The application of human factors knowledge to the design and construction of equipment, products, work systems, management systems, and tasks.
Its purpose is to improve the performance of systems by improving human machine interaction.
By designing in a better interface or by designing out factors in the work environment.
How can ergonomics be done?
The following are the 3 ways of applying what?
Designing the user interface to make it more compatible with the task and the user.
Changing the work environment to make it safer and more appropriate for the task.
Changing the task to make it more compatible with user characteristics
Human Machine Environment
What is the focus of ergonomics?
Physical Anatomical Physiological Psychological
The 4 ways on how we can evaluate basic interactions
Machine > Human
Feedback and display of information. Machine may exert forces on the human due to vibration, acceleration, etc. Machine surfaces may be excessively hot or cold and a threat to the health of the human.
Machine > Environment
Machine may alter working environment by emitting noise, heat, noxious gases.
Anatomical Physiological Psychological
Three evaluation of human > machine interaction
Human > Machine interaction
The basic control actions performed by the human on the machine. Application of large forces, ‘fine tuning’ of controls, stocking raw materials, maintenance, etc.
Human > Environment interaction
Effects of the human on the local environment. Humans emit heat, noise, carbon dioxide, etc.
Environment > Human
Influences the human’s ability to interact with the machine or to remain part of the work system (owing to smoke, noise, heat, etc.).
Human factor engineering
Based solely on the relationship between the worker and his or her mechanical or technological equipment.
Promotes holistic approach which considers the physical, cognitive and organizational environment.
Comfort Efficiency Safety Adaptability
Characteristics of good ergonomics?
Efficacy Effectiveness Efficiency
Economics benefits of ergonomics?
Minimize physical strain
Principles of ergonomic design