An ordered, static set of elements of a single type. A 1D array is a linear array. Unless stated in the question, arrays are always taken to be zero-indexed
2D and 3D arrays
2D: Can be visualised as a table or spreadsheet. When searching through, you first go down the rows and then across the columns.
3D: Can be visualised as a multi-page spreadsheet. Selecting an element requires three variables. An array number, the row number an the column number
More commonly referred to as a row in a file and is made up of fields. Used in databases. Each field in a records can be identified by recordName.fieldName. When creating a record, a variable must first be declared before its attributes can be accessed
A data structure consisting of a number of ordered items where the items can occur more than once. Can contain elements of more than one data type
An immutable, ordered set of values of any type. Once it is created it cannot be changed. Tuples are initialised using regular brackets instead of square brackets
Linked Lists
A dynamic data structure used to hold an ordered sequence where the items forming it are stored non-contiguously. Each item is called a node, and contains a data field alongside another address called a link or pointer field which contains the address of the next item in the list
Manipulating a linked list
Values can easily be added or removed by editing pointers. When removing a node, it isn’t actually deleted, only ignored. Although this is easier, it wastes memory and as items are stored in a sequence, they can only be traversed in this order and cannot be accessed directly
A set of vertices/nodes connected by edges/arcs. There are three types:
Directed: Edges can only be traversed in one direction
Undirected: Edges can be traversed in both directions
Weighted: A cost is attached to each edge
A last in first out data structure. Items can only be added to or removed from the top of the stack. Used to reverse an action, such as go back a page in web browsers. Stacks can be implemented as either a static or dynamic structure