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eating disorders
extreme and damaging eating behaviors that can lead to sickness and even death
anorexia nervosa
second highest death rate of any mental illness; an eating disorder characterized by self-starvation leading to extreme weight loss
without appetite
What does anorexia mean?
of nervous origin
What does nervosa mean?
Most people who suffer from anorexia nervosa and bulimia are (male, female).
condition in which the body doesn't get the nutrients it needs to grow and function properly
a condition in which people repeatedly eat large amounts of food and then try to get rid of the food they have eaten
make food speed through the digestive system with little time to release nutrients; sometimes used by bulimic people
stomach acids from vomiting can damage teeth and injure the mouth and throat, starvation can damage the heart, overeating can cause the stomach to enlarge and vomiting can rupture it, laxative abuse can damage the kidneys, vomiting and abusing laxatives can lead to dehydration and malnutrition
What are the 5 negative effects of bulimia?
inherited tendency towards it, overeating, lack of physical activity, and body metabolism
What are 4 factors that contribute to obesity?
low self-esteem, social isolation, increase in weight, overeating, inactivity, and shame and guilt
Which of these are all listed side effects of obesity?
• low self-esteem
• social isolation
• increased tendency towards breast cancer
• increase in weight
• overeating
• inactivity
• shame and guilt
• boredom
Overeaters Anonymous
program that can help people with eating disorders
convince the person to get help, tell an adult, get professional help, encourage the person to join a support group, and recommend a follow-up
What are the 5 steps in order of helping someone with an eating disorder?
weight control
reaching the weight that is best for you and then staying at that weight
desired weight
the weight that is best for you
sex, height, and body frame
What 3 things determine your desired weight?
weighing more than the desired weight for your sex, height, and frame size
having too much body fat
Obese people weigh at least ______ percent more than their desired weight.
the body frame has to bear excess weight that puts stress on bones and muscles, the heart has to work harder to make blood circulate, and excess weight makes it harder to exercise, continuing weight gain
What are 3 main negative effects of excess weight?
a unit of heat that is the amount of energy needed to increase the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius; used to measure the energy available in different foods
eat; grow; exercise
When you ______, you take in calories. When you _________ or _____________, you burn up calories.
How many calories does the average person need daily?
nutrient density
containing large amounts of nutrients relative to the number of calories they provide
Name an example of a nutrient-dense food in the meat group.
Name an example of a nutrient-dense food in the milk group.
Name an example of a nutrient-dense food in the grains group.
helps your heart and lungs work better, helps tones your muscles, and increases the rate at which your body changes nutrients into energy, making it easier for you to control your weight
What are 3 benefits of exercising?
exercising more
What is the fastest way to burn up calories?
1; 2
You should lose ______ to _____ pounds of weight per week if you want to diet.
not eating for a long period of time
exercise; doctor
When trying to diet what should you do?
Follow a diet and __________ program under the supervision of a _________ to ensure that the plan is safe.
When trying to diet what should you do?
Set __________ goals.
Exercise; calories
When trying to diet what should you do?
__________ to make sure you burn __________.
When trying to diet what should you do?
Change poor __________ habits.
When trying to diet what should you do?
Consider food __________ when planning your diet.
When trying to diet what should you do?
Eat ________________________ foods.
low; groups
When trying to diet what should you do?
Eat mainly ________-calorie foods from the five food _________.
slowly; helping
When trying to diet what should you do?
Eat __________ and wait before taking a second _________.
snack; walk; friend
When trying to diet what should you do?
If you are tempted to __________, try doing something else—take a _________ or visit a _________.
once; time
When trying to diet what should you do?
Weigh yourself __________ a week at the same _________ of day.
When trying to diet what should you do?
Focus on your __________.
diets; results
When trying to diet what should not do?
Don't be taken in by __________ promising quick ___________.
formulas; products
When trying to diet what should not do?
Don't rely on special __________ or ___________.
When trying to diet what should not do?
Don't lose more than _______ pounds a week.
When trying to diet what should not do?
Don't eat fewer than __________ calories a day.
When trying to diet what should not do?
Don't skip __________.
When trying to diet what should not do?
Don't __________ yourself every day.
When trying to diet what should not do?
Don't reward yourself with __________.
When trying to diet what should not do?
Don't become __________ if you have a setback.
take in the same amount of calories you burn up
What should you do to maintain your weight?
Food Guide Pyramid
a guide to daily food choices from five groups of healthful foods that shows how much and what kind of gfoods you should eat
pay attention to serving sizes, keep meats lean, read dairy product labels, use whole-grain or enriched grain products, cook it right, consider nutritive values, and consume sufficient complete proteins
What are the 7 things you should do to get the most benefit from using the Food Guide Pyramid?
skin; fat
Before cooking, remove ________ from poultry and all visible _______ from meat.
Which food—broiled or fried—has less fat?
Which vegetables—steamed or cooked in water—retain more vitamins?
Vegetable Group
What group of the food guide pyramid is on the third row to the left?
Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta Group
What group of the food guide pyramid is at the base?
Fruit Group
What group of the food guide pyramid is on the third row to the right?
Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese Group
What group of the food guide pyramid is on the second row to the left?
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dried Beans, Eggs, and Nuts Group
What group of the food guide pyramid is on the second row to the right?
Fats, Oils, and Sweets
What group of the food guide pyramid is on the very top?
B and F
Which two groups should you eat 2 to 3 servings a day?
A fats, oils, and sweets
B milk, yogurt, and cheese group
C vegetable group
D bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group
E fruit group
F meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group
Which group should you eat 3 to 5 servings a day?
A fats, oils, and sweets
B milk, yogurt, and cheese group
C vegetable group