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Polis Religion
Religion that bound the city together as a community and was shaped by the Polis. Had an emphasis for piety (respect for Gods)
Festival held in which newly born boys are introduced to their fathers phratry. Helped expand their social connections from a young age
The proceedings of the "Playing the Bear" for Artemis festival which included sacred dances, special robes, races and sacrifices
"she bears", groups formed by young girls at the Artemis festival
Sanctuary of Artemis on the Acropolis at Athens
A ghost or tormenting spirit
Liquid offerings given to cthonic deities. Would pour liquid onto the ground
"from the ground," often referred to deities or spirits from the underworld
Piety, or respect for the gods
The 12 Greek gods that lived on the top of Mt. Olympus
Nature of Greek Belief and Scripture
No solely religious texts existed in Greek times, however some texts were thought to come from divine inspiration. No punishment for non-believers, religious persecution infrequent and Greeks would try to combine and adapt gods from other areas and religions into their gods
charge of impiety, or insulting the Gods
Cult of Demeter
religious orders dedicated to the Demeter, goddess of harvest and agriculture
City where Demeter came to earth and taught people how to grow. The people of the city started a cult in her honor
Hall of mysteries, members of the Cult of Demeter would be initiated here.
barley water drink given to initiates of the Cult of Demeter. Would give them the power to see Demeter and be in her presence
The City of Elusinion
Sanctuary of Demeter in Athens located close to the Acropolis.
initiates of Orpheus, legendary Greek musician of myth
Son of Apollo, God of healing
A doctor from the island of Kos. He developed a more scientific system of diagnosis and prognosis. Doctors today still follow his principles today.
Before Socrates, without his influence
"Father of Philosophy." Believe earth floated on a bed of water, contrary to traditional Greek views
the unlimited source of all existence
tiny indivisible particles, theory developed by Demokritos and Leukippos
the question of "what is the primary source from which everything else derives." Supported the idea of single intelligence which would make Olympians irrelevant
the idea that there is only one God
a paid teacher of philosophy and other disciplines
appearance of wisdom, making an argument seem strong than it really is through manipulation of language.
Greek Warfare
seasonal fighting during harvesting season, usually between small private armies for the purpose of acquiring resources. Warfare style changed after Greco-Persian war
heavily armored Greek foot-soldiers
"shield," consisted of 3 layers (bronze, wood, leather)
Peloponnesian League
Sparta and its allies
Terms of Peloponnesian League
1. Sparta was hegemon
2. goal was to defend itself from Persia, shifted to defense against Athens
3. Everyone had to be in an alliance with Sparta, and alliances between other city states also allowed
4. No tribute, but Sparta could request troops
5. Policies made by assembly of spartiates and congress of allies
6. All allies had one vote, but Sparta could not listen to vote
main source of history for Peloponnesisan War. Provided a more objective view and analysis of the war than Herodotus as he participated in the war for Athens, and was exiled due to failure to defend Amphipolis
City where cival war took place between Corinth and Corcyrea. Athens entered the conflict later so the city is considered to be the starting point of the Peloponnesian war
Megarian Decree
A trade embargo on the city of Megara imposed by Athens. Increased tensions between Athens and Sparta
Archidamian War
1st phase of the Peloponnesian war
Long Walls
Defensive walls that fortified a safe path from Athens to the port of Piraeus
Funeral Oration
Speech given by Pericles at the memorial of Athenian men killed in 1st year of war. Served as a rally cry for Athenians and emphasized importance of Athenian empire
The Plague
Disease in Athens as a result of many people in a confined area and lack of sanitation. Killed 33% of population including Perikles.
The lead Athenian general after Perikles' death. much more aggressive strategy against Sparta
Sphakterian Campaign
Athenian defeat of Spartans on island of Sphakteria. Athenians able to establish a presence on the Peloponnesus. Spartan peace proposal rejected by Kleon
Spartan commander and war hawk. Spent 4 years attacking Trace and Chalkidike to disrupt Athenian grain route and silver mines
Peace of Nikias
In 421 BCE, Sparta and Athens negotiated a 50 year peace treaty. Called for return of contested territories, release of Spakterian prisoners, Athens couldn't force cities into the Delian league, and Athens would help Sparta against any Helot uprisings. Neither side kept to terms
Neutral island that Athenians sent 38 ships to and invaded city.
Thucydides Quote
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must"
Melian Dialogue
Negotiation between delegates from Athens and Melos after Athens invasion of the island. Melos' neutrality vs Athens' "right" to empire. Athens killed all men on island and enslaved women and children after Melos refused to surrender
Sicilian Expedition
Athens' attempt to expand empire to Sicily. Athenian ally, Segesta, offered 60 talents of money for help against Selinous. establishing presence on Sicily would give Athens the opportunity to eventually take over Syracuse, a wealthy city with ties to Sparta
charismatic and clever strategos who used his charm to convince the Athenian people to send troops to Sicily.
A stone pillar with the head of a god (typically Hermes) and an erect phallus
Spartans reinforced a fort in this city to disrupt grain stop in Oropus. Led to Athenians requesting more tribute since grain route disrupted and Spartans feed the slaves here and used them to start building their own fleet
The 400
Oligarchic government installed in Athens due to coup led by Peisander. Aimed for alliance with Persian and conflict with Spartans. The government assassinated anyone who resisted.
Spartan general that rebuilt fleet with financial assistance from Persia. Started campaign vs Salamis and Aigina and established base at Abydos to cut of grain route
The last battle of the Peloponnesian war, Athenians tried to draw out Spartan ships, but Lysander waited and Athenains eventually forced to dock and forage for food on land. Lysander destroyed ships was able to defeat Athenians without much fighting