Exam 3 I/O Psych

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Maslow's Hierarchy of needs

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Maslow's Hierarchy of needs

organizes beliefs, cognitions, actions, and perceptions giving rise to behaviors that reduce the force and bring about a steady state

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Alderfer's ERG theory

subjective needs of subjective states of need satisfaction and desire due to attaining one's goals

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Herzberg Two Factor

motivators and potential enhancement lead to greater levels of job satisfaction

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Equity Theory

internal assessment, social comparison of others, paid too much/too little (fair pay)

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Expectancy Theory

the result of conscious choices, assumes we are rational people, instrumentality and valence to reach a certain outcome, individual differences

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Control theory

social cognitive theory with a negative feedback loop

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Goal setting theory

setting goals and challenges in order to improve motivation and performance

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What are the levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy and five Job Characteristics model?

Skill variety, Task identity, Task significance, Autonomy,Feedback

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What are the levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy model?

Self-actualization, Esteem, Love, Safety, physiological

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Describe the three components of Vroom’s expectancy theory.

Valence: how desirable a particular outcome is

Instrumentality: how strong the relationship desire to perform said task and outcome 

Expectancy: how strong is the relationship between effort and performance for the desired outcome

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How does Maslow, Vroom, and 5 Job Characteristics model affect behavior and what implications do they suggest for organizations attempting to promote motivation?

These affect the way we understand and increase our motivation in the workplace

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Goal setting

Motivation is enhanced when employees accept and are committed to specific, difficult goals and when feedback about progress toward those goals is provided

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SMART goals acronym

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound

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Growth Need Strength

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Equity Sensitivity

how people’s behavior is affected by rewards or under-rewarding

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Goal Orientation

the extent to which people approach problems with the intent to learn or develop skill

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Discuss the relationship between stress and performance and the role of stress to motivate optimal performance

Stress is essential to performance, there are good and bad types of stress. The good type of stress is like adrenaline, and the good chemicals we get that motivate to work harder. Bad types of stress are extreme cortisol levels, which can lead to burnout.

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What challenges & best-practice solutions does this suggest for employers or organizations

Mindfulness techniques or meditation can help reduce extreme levels of stress. To decrease stress in the workplace

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What are two general category strategies for coping

emotion-focused & problem-solving-focused

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away from logical problem solving

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consulting vs confrontation

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Types of ways coping supports an organization:

  1. Work

  2. Family

  3. Person development

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Types of coping strategies

  1. optimism/reframenetn 

  2. Exercise

  3. Self-affirmations

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strong boundaries to keep work and life balance

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 prefer to mix work with life balance (integrates both aspects)

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discuss your thoughts on the implications of many industries moving away from promoting work-life balance and advocating more work-life integration

Integrating work with everyday life could lead to burnout. It is not a sustainable way to live and a toxic work mindset. Because of this, there is no separation between the two, and destroys any boundaries.

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discuss the following assertion: “Workload can be a stressor, but workers tend to have even greater stress levels with uncertainties, lack of control, and when their lives & outcomes are less predictable.”

Yes, greater levels of unpredictability and lack of control can lead to greater stress, BUT it is also good to mention both aspects have unhealthy boundaries. Both ends of the spectrum with too much predictability and too little challenge can lead to greater levels of stress. Stress is needed in order to perform is the baseline, regardless. 

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The U.S.’s Surgeon General Model of Healthy Workplaces

  1. Protection from harm: security and safety 

  2. Connection and Community: social support and belonging 

  3. Work-life harmony: autonomy and flexibility 

  4. Mattering at work: dignity and meaning 

  5. Opportunity at growth: Learning and accomplishment 

Worker and Voice Equity is at the CENTER!

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define French & Raven’s various TYPES OF POWER

  1. Reward and coercive power: the ability to punish or reward, control consequences

  2. Legitimate power: carries from your title, legitmizes whatever power you hold over people

  3. Expert: leader of virtue of knowledge and knowledge gained

  4. Reverent: gained when one is shown respect from others, reputational power

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behavior vs trait

Behavior: observational actions someone takes

Trait: characteristic or quality of a person

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One best way vs contingency theory

One best way: assumes this method works in every approach

Contingency theory: means it depends on the context

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Types of Leadership

  1. Follower Leadersip

  2. Situational Leadership

  3. Houses Path Goal Theory

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How could emotional intelligence play a role in path goal theory? 

Emotional Intelligence is needed in order to be able to understand and empathize with another persons perspective

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Transactional Leaders

rewards and punishments, followers move to complete their goals as agreed with leader with an exchange with reward

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Transformational Leaders

followers awareness about what is important, and away from own self interests. Uses charisma and enthusiasm as motivation.

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Leadership versus Management

Leadership: Transformational, Focuses on Goals, foster ideas

Management: Transactional, Focuses on Tasks, Assign ideas

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Why did Brill post the poem, “Desiderata”

The poem was posted in the leadership section because it was created with the overall purpose to strengthen and encourage people. It uses many words such as “nurture” and “happy” as positive affirmations.

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Tuckmans Model

  1. Forming: facts

  2. Storming: emotions

  3. Norming: values

  4. Performing: actions 

Conflict is needed to grow as a group!

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Be able to define SYNERGY

the goal of studying group dynamics and should be the overall goal of a good team

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Process Loss

loss of group dynamics and strength

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Group Think

highly cohesive group, afraid of conflict, and self-censors themselvesSocial Loafing

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Social Loafing

diffusion of responsibility

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Compare and contrast Mental Models with Groupthink

  1. Groupthink pertains to schools, communities, and organizations. It shrinks potential and causes the group to be stuck in this mentality. It censors disagreement and causes unproductivity. It is a special type of shared mental model. 

  2. A shared mental model is the foundation of a team’s culture, which can be created up subcultures and grand cultures. This applies at the team level!

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values, norms, and stories. It affects the way we think, speak, and behave

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why is it so hard to be a change agent

It is hard to be a change agent because no one wants to be the first one to initiate change in a system that has gone on for a long: We become change agents through unfreezing, change, and refreezing

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Why is there often so much resistance to change?

it is deeply rooted in existence, and people are socially comfortable and resistant to changing the status quo (neophobia: afraid of new things). And naturalistic fallacy

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Naturalistic Fallacy (change agent aspect)

a cognitive rationale for why change is not needed because of our belief the current system is good as it is

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Steps to becoming a change agent

  • unfreezing: set on rationalizing why change is so resistant (SWAT analysis on internal and external threats and then identifies strategic plan  priorities) (cleaning house at the top, bringing in new people)

  • Moving: whatever the action plan is

  • Refreezing: where is the money going? Is our [performance appraisal different? Are we getting training systems? Motivation and reward systems that which show how motivated they are through a change in the system.

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Kotter and Cohen model

8 steps for a successful large-scale organizational change, basically, increase a sense of urgency and build a new guiding team

  1. Freeze, change, unfreeze 

  2. Lehigh Valley Hospital 

  3. Create short-term wins

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Action Research Model

  1. Planning

  2. Acting

  3. Analysis/observing 

  4. Conclusion/reflecting  

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Culture Change

a movement or repositioning if culture that occurs

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discuss how values, norms, and myths/stories help to shape an organization’s culture

Values, Norms, and Stories are important in an organizations culture because they execute a certain level of management, significant values of an organization, what the company stands for.

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open social system

the opportunity to move from one class to another. Ex: elevate program, the idea that we start with inputs such as applicants, then thoughts like EDUC, and then outputs like student outcomes, like a degree.

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Moravian University: how it helps explain how we have changed based on changes in the availability of students & demand for academic programs

Moravain University allows students to have access to resources and post graduate schools, which is a positive social mobility

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Appreciative Inquiry

Helps support organizational change through dialogue and questions

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The idea employees should be highly involved with an organization and improve companies profitability

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knowledge management:

collecting and sharing knowledge with an organization

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organizational development:

Aims to improve an organization through culture change

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Total Quality Management (TQM)

detecting and eliminating errors in an organization

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