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John is the __ of Jesus’ Apostles
John worked as a __
John was brother to
James the Great
Jesus Called John at Sea of __ after __
Sea of Galilee, after filling the net w/ fish
John was told he would be/ then he
a “fisher of men”/followed Jesus immediately
Received nickname of/ along with who?
“Son of Thunder” along with his brother James
Was present at
Transfiguration of Jesus, raising of dead girl
What was transfiguration of Jesus
He became transfigured(luminous) and glowed on mountain
John was the only Apostle who stayed with Jesus, where?
At the Cross
How did he die
He had a natural death, after many attempts to be killed. was ONLY apostle to die naturally.
John had many?
Where did John die
On the Greek Island of Patmos
Believed to be writer of?
John’s Gospel and Book of Revelation
Structure of John’s Gospel includes
Prologue, Book of Signs, Book of Glory (but also epilogue)
The Prologue
Ch 1: 1-18, Introduces story of Jesus (In the beginning was the Word)
The Prologue: (in detail)
Sets the tone for writing (foreshadows events that will occur in story)
A poem likely used by Early Christians as a liturgical hymn
Added to Gospel after it was completed
Full of rich symbolic language, metaphors and the idea Jesus is Divine Son of God
Jesus reveals God’s Glory & brings grace & truth to all
Book of Signs
Ch 1 11-12:50, 7 miracle stories That arent found anywhere else
Book of Signs(in detail):
7 signs including:
John 1:-John 12:50
Turning water into wine at Cana John 2:1-2
Healing of royal officials son
Healing of sick man at the pool of Bethesda
Multiplication of the loaves
Walking on water John 6:16-21
Healing of man born blind
Raising of Lazarus from dead John 11:1-45
They open minds/hearts n or i mite greater faith in Jesus
What word is used instead of miracles in the book of signs
Book of Glory
Ch 13: 1-20, 31, PDR(Passion, Death, Resurrection)
Book of Glory(in detail):
recounts Jesus’ PDR
Has unique elements not in synoptic gospels
Jesus washing disciples feet at last supper
Mysterious figure (beloved disciple)
Piercing of Jesus’ side w/ blood & water flowing out
Post Resurrection appearance to MAry at empty tomb
Post resurrection has doubting Thomas come to faith after seeing Risen Jesus
The Epilogue
Last Chaoter of Johns Gospel Ch. 21
The Epilogue (in detail):
Added in after Gospel was written/diff style of Greek
John 20:31 Jesus asks Peter “Do you love me?” 3x to compensate for time Peter denied Jesus 3x
Gospel ends stating u may believe Jesus is Messiah, son of god and thro this belief u may have life in his name