Chapter 28 - World War I (Slides 32-47)

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Selective Service Act of May 1917 = ?

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Selective Service Act of May 1917 = ?

Manpower needs could not be met with volunteers alone, the U.S. government needed to draft soldiers.

  • Men 21 to 30 were drafted in the beginning.

  • Toward the end of the war, men 18 to 45 were drafted.

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The U.S. army possessed nearly 5 million soldiers by the end of the war.

  • 3 million were draftees.

  • 2 million were volunteers.

  • 370,000 were Black Americans.

  • Some women were included (as clerks and nurses).

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Victory Gardens = ?

Boy Scouts and others planted gardens in their homes to conserve food rations.

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Which president headed the Food Administration?

Herbert Hoover.

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What foods would you give up and on which days of the week would you give them up?

  • Wheat on Mondays and Wednesdays

  • Meat on Tuesdays

  • Pork on Thursdays and Saturdays

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Liberty Loans = ?

Helped finance the war.

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Trading with the Enemy Act = ?

The postmaster’s general censor of the exchange of foreign publications.

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Sedition Act = ?

Curtailed free speech.

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Espionage Act = ?

Forbade helping the enemy, trying to stop army recruitment, or inciting a revolution.

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Dachshunds = ?

Liberty Dogs.

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German Sheperds = ?

Shepherd Dogs.

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Wilson caught what illness during the peace talks?

The Spanish Influenza.

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The U.S. did not join the League of Nations because of what?

The Senate did not ratify the decision.

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New European Nations:

  • Poland, Czechoslovakia created from pieces of  Austria- Hungary, Germany and Russia

  • Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia (Baltic States) and Finland created from Russia

  • Yugoslavia (land of the Southern Slavs) from Serbia, Austro-Hungarian  provinces of Slovenia and Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina

  • Austria loses South Tyrol and the rest of Venetia to Italy

  • Germany has to return Alsace and Lorraine to France

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Balfour Declaration = ?

Arthur Balfour of Great Britain issued this.

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What did the Balfour Declaration do?

Permitted Jews to return to reclaim their homes, and Palestine (Israel) is set aside as a home for the Jews while Transjordan Palestine (Jordan) is set aside as a home for the Arabs.

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How many people died from the 1918-1920 Spanish Influenza?

  • 675,000 in the U.S.

  • 20-50 million worldwide

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An economic downturn occurred before the Roaring 20s due to what?


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Demand Pull Inflation = ?

When demand is greater than supply.

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People during the economic downturn wanted ______ _____.

^ Higher Wages

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In 1919, _ thousand and _ hundred strikes occurred.

^ 3,600

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