Basics of Cell Respiration | Cell Respiration - Biology IB23

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Cell Respiration

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Basics necessary for cell respiration to function.

6 Terms


Cell Respiration

Convert chemical energy from glucose, fats and proteins into a usable form, ATP.

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  1. Addition of Oxygen

  2. Removal of Hydrogen

  3. Removal of Electrons

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  1. Removal of Carbon

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  1. Removal of Oxygen

  2. Addition of Electrons

  3. Addition of Hydrogen

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Electron Carriers

NAD+ and FAD

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Mitochondria Structure

  1. Inner membrane is folded - cristae, for high surface area and has proteins for hydrogen ions transport, ATP-synthase to make ATP and electrons carriers.

  2. Intermembrane Space = Small, which allows a concentration gradient of H+ which makes them move back to the matrix through the ATP-synthase.

  3. Matrix has enzymes for the Krebs Cycle.

  4. Has its own DNA to make mitochondria work.

  5. Has its own ribosomes for protein synthesis.

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