concentrated animal feeding operations
beef cattle, dairy cows, hogs, poultry
confined or allowed little room for movement for all or part of life cycle
antibiotics and nutrient supplements to minimize the rampant diseases and malnutrition
minimize land costs
improve feeding efficiency
increase fraction of food energy that goes into production of animal body mass
infections, antibiotic resistance in animals
diseases like mad cow
waster disposal (manure)
nutrient runoff into waterways and groundwater
ethical concerns
nutritional content of food
ungulates (hooded animals) can be raised on land that is too dry to farm
uses less fossil fuel energy than feed lots
vulnerability to fires because of aridity
stream bank erosion
pollution of surface waters
over grazing
leaves land exposed to wind erosion
soils can no longer absorb and retain water
biodiversity decreases
converted federal rangelands from a commons into a permit-based grazing systems
critics: low costs of permits continue to encourage overgrazing
govt spends 7x more money on management than it receives in fees (so grazing is effectively subsidized)