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protective tariff
a tax that makes imported goods more costly than those made locally
mass production
a system for turning out large numbers of products quickly and inexpensively
a person who invests money in a product or enterprise to make a profit
Thomas Edison
inventor of the light bulb
Bessemer Process
A method for purifying iron, resulting in strong, lightweight steel
vertical integration
In which system does one company control the businesses that make up all phases of a product's development
A corporation that gains complete control of a product or a service
Andrew Carnegie
Steel tycoon ___ established libraries in part to help the disadvantaged rise in society
Sherman Antitrust Act
The ___ outlawed any trust that operated "in restraint of trade"
In a ___, a number of people share the ownership of a business
John D. Rockefeller
Oil tycoon who used horizontal integration to increase profits
Social Darwinism
Suggested that those who had great wealth were entitled to it
socially conscious writers who dramatized the need for reform
A community center that provided social services to the urban poor
Settlement house
an activist who opened the country's first birth-control clinic
Margeret Sanger
an organization that worked for women's suffrage
a leader who urged African Americans to demand their rights
W.E.B. DuBois
An organization that used courts to challenge discrimatory laws
Theodore's plan for fair government
Square Deal
a man who led the Division of Forestry under President Theodore Roosevelt
Gifford Pinchot
president who attacked the "triple wall of privilege"
Woodrow Wilson
legislation that strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act
Clayton Antitrust Act
portrayed human misery and the struggles of common people
Naturalist novels
Walter Rauschenbusch
Which of the following reformers outlined the Social Gospel in a book entitled Christianity and the Social Crisis?
Encouraged immigrants to follow white, middle-class ways of life
Progessives that promoted Americanization efforts
Focused on helping poor African American workers
The Urban League
Threatened to send federal troops to take control of the mines
During the 1902 coal miners' strike in Pennsylvania, President Roosevelt
Native Americans
Who was most affected by the passage of the Dawes Act?
Woodrow Wilson
Who wanted to place strict government controls on corporations?
Monitor business practices that might lead to monopoly
In 1914, Congress formed the Federal Trade Commission to
Privileged access by Britain, France, Germany, and Russia to China
Spheres of influence
Governor of the Philippines who later became president of the United States
William Howard Taft
A Filipion nationalist
Emilio Aguinaldo
Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy
"Big stick" diplomacy
The belief that life is a competitive struggle and only the fittest survive
Social Darwinism
Woodrow Wilson's foreign policy
"moral diplomacy"
Brought Cuba within the US sphere
The Platt Ammendment
Aggressive form of nationalism
A policy in which strong nations control weaker countries or territories
Owner of the New York Journal
William Randolph Hearst
Perry negotiated a treaty that opened trade to the United States
What happened within a year of United States Navy Commodore Matthew Perry's arrival in Tokyo Bay in 1853?
Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown and Hawaii was annexed in
Manila Bay was ruled by Spain, and the ships belonged to the Spanish
Why did United States Navy Commodore George Dewey lead an attack on ships in the Manila Bay during the Spanish-American War?
the "Rough Riders"
A volunteer calvary unit in the Spanish-American War was called
When did the United States grant independence to the Philippines?
United States
Which country wanted open trade with China?
The Platt Ammendment
What gave the United States the right to preserve order in Cuba?
The United States could build a canal in Panama at a lower price
President Roosevelt sent troops to support Panamanian rebels in the fight against Colombia so that
Section of French border that was critical to winning the war
Western Front
soldiers killed, wounded, or missing
British passenger ship
authorized a military draft
Selective Services Act
Commander of American forces in Europe
John J. Pershing
a viral illness
Payment for war damages
a country that owes less money than it is owed
creditor nation
banned certain printed materials
Espionage Act
head of the War Industries Board
Bernard Baruch
the strongest country would win any international competition
Social Darwinists believed that
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
The Triple Alliance Nations were
The buildup of the US military in 1916 was an example of
Herbert Hoover
Who was responsible for the agricultural policies of the United States during WW2?
the Committee on Public Information
Which organization existed to promote support for the war among the American people?
many German soldiers were no longer willing to fight
One reason for the German surrender in 1918 was that
prevent submarine attacks on ships
Convoys were used to
mutual defense agreement
The League of Nations can best be described as a
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were
manufacturing method in which each worker performs one step
Mass production
A period of increased stock trading and rising stock prices
Bull market
wealthy banker who served in the Harding administration
Andrew Mellon
psychologist who stressed the importance of the unconscious mind
Sigmund Freud
targeted blacks, Jews, Catholics, and immigrants
Ku Klux Klan
first film with synchronized sound
The Jazz Singer
set the theories of Charles Darwin against fundamentalism
Scopes trial
1920s cultural outpouring associated with African Americans
Harlem Renaissance
wrote of the pain and pride of being black
Langston Hughes
agreement intended to settle international debts from World War I
Dawes Plan
As the 1920s progressed, farm incomes
They became more conversative and less politically active
Which best describes the changing attitudes of people living in developing suburbs?
the South, where Jim Crow laws existed
African Americans in the 1920s faced discrimination, especially in
damaged America's internation reputation
The U.S. handling of the post-World War 1 war-debt situation
bootleggers could branch out into other types of illegal activity
How did Prohibition contribute to the growth of organized crime?
21st Ammendment
In 1933, Congress repealed Prohibiton with the
Edwin Denby and Albert Fall
The Teapot Dome oil scandal involved
black middle and upper classes emerged
In towns such as New York, Chicago, and Cleveland,
There was no effective leadership after Garvey was deported to Jamaica
Why did Marcus Garvey's movement fall apart?
agricultural workers who work on land owned by someone else
Tenant farmers
President when the stock market crashed
Herbert Hoover
it could not be farmed
People likely abandoned farms in the Dust Bowl because
faced discrimination when competing for a limited number of jobs
Both African Americans and Mexican Americans had an especially difficult time during the Great Depression because they
Businesses and citizens acted in their individual best interests
Why did volunteerism fail?
banks so they could lend money to businesses to stimulate economic activity
Congress instituted the RFC to loan money to
President Hoover vetoed a bill providing for early payment of bonuses
Why did the Bonus Army march on Washington D.C.?
Member of the black cabinet
Mary McLeod Bethune
New Deal program that funded large murals
Federal Art Project
protest used against General Motors
sit-down strike
name for FDR's attempt to change the Supreme Court
court packing
writer of The Grapes of Wrath
John Steinbeck
putting money in consumers' hands to stimulate the economy
pump priming
formed when the government assumes responsibility for providing for citizens' needs
welfare state