US History Final Review - Alexandra Tsygankov

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Cahokia Mound Builders

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US History

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Cahokia Mound Builders

one of the largest cities in north america, almost 500 years before Christopher Columbus, built mounds

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mostly in central america, largest empire defeated by spanish, montezuma defeated by cortez

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largest empire in south america defeated by the spanish, atala wapa

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the belief that all living things have a soul, gods in nature

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Columbian Exchange

the process by which plants, animals, diseases, people, and ideas have been introduced from Europe, Asia, and Africa to the Americas and vice versa.

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The Horse

the Europeans brought over the horses and it was very revolutionary for the Americans

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the Europeans brought diseases to the Americas and it was the main cause of the deaths of many natives.

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Christopher Columbus

Italian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (1451-1506), sailed west to reach the east

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first permanent English settlement in North America.

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Created by the Puritans to establish a Utopian community where they could practice their religion freely.

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hate the catholics, think England is evil so they leave and go to Plymouth, city upon a hill

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House of Burgesses

  • the first democratically-elected legislative body in the British American colonies.

  • Members would meet at least once a year with their royal governor to decide local laws and determine local taxation.

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Mayflower Compact

direct democracy. an agreement that bound the signers to obey the government and legal system established in Plymouth Colony

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The New England territory were made up of:

Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island

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The Middle territories were made up of:

 New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware

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The Southern Territories were made up of:

Georgia, Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland

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Belief in the benefits of profitable trading. Ex commercialism

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Economic system used by England, involved the creation of colonies

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Stamp Act

No taxation without representation, the Stamp Act was a tax imposed by the British to make money for the army. 

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Boston Tea Party

Throwing british tea into the boston harbor

  • dressed up as indians

  • the sons of Liberty

  • a result of Townshend Act

  • lead to England putting troops in the Colonies

  • leads to Boston Massacre. 

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Boston Massacre

  • 9 british soldiers shot several of a crowd of three or four hundred civilians

  • Crispusattucks was the first shot

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Intolerable Acts

These were laws that were passed down by the British in order to punish the Massachusetts colonists for the Boston tea party that had happened beforehand.

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Declaration of independence

Document stating the 13 colonies independence from Great Britain and is the founding document of the US.

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Constitutional Convention

Delegates from all the states (besides Rhode Island) met in Philadelphia in 1787 from May 25th to September 17th- called to revise the Articles of Confederation.

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James Madison

Fourth president of the United States, Father of the Constitution

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Bill of Rights

These were the first ten amendments to the constitution.

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Washington's Cabinet

  • Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson

  • Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton

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Protective Tariffs

Taxes, dues, or fees placed on foreign goods.

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Hamilton vs. Jefferson

  • Common Man vs elite

  • Constitution strict vs Loose

  • Bill of Rights

  • France vs England

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What did Hamilton believe in the topic of the Common Man vs Elite

Hamilton believed only the elite could efficiently govern while Jefferson believed that the common man could make smart decisions if provided with the information to do so.

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What did Jefferson believe in the topic of the Common Man vs Elite

Thomas Jefferson believed in having a small but strong federal government and this held that every man should be self made and they should rely on their own independence.

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What did Hamilton believe in the topic of the Constitution being strict vs Loose

Hamilton believed that the constitution should be loosely interpreted and the federal government had wide-ranging power

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What did Jefferson believe in the topic of the Constitution being strict vs Loose

Jefferson believed the constitution should be strictly interpreted and any power not directly given to the federal government should be given to the states/people. 

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Bill of Rights (Hamilton vs. Jefferson)

Used to amend the constitution and contains the first 10 amendments.

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Who supported Hamilton in France vs England

Hamilton/Federalists supported England

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Who supported Jefferson in France vs England

Dem/Rep of Jefferson supported France

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Marbury vs Madison

A Supreme Court decision in 1803 that increased the power of the Supreme Court and made the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional (judicial review). 

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Nationalism (examples from the War of 1812)

loyalty and devotion to a nation.

  • Star Spangled Banner - Francis Scott Key,

  • USS Constitution (boat)

  • Heroes like Andrew Jackson, Admiral Perry, and William Henry Harrison

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Missouri Compromise

Henry Clay guided the Missouri Compromise through Congress. 

  • Missouri - Slave State

  • Maine - Free State

  • (Balance in the Senate)

  • 36-30 - above free/below slave (Louisiana Purchase)

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Cotton gin

a machine invented in 1794 to separate seeds from cotton. This would lead to the spread of slavery.

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Universal Manhood Suffrage

a voting right that gave privilege for all men to vote no matter their race, religion, income or property.

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Rise of the Common Man

In the late 1820’s all WHITE men had the right to vote.

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Industrial Revolution

the process of change from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing.

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Transportation Revolution

Transportation became cheaper and more efficient with the rapid development of new technology. (connected the East to the West)

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a religious group that embrace concepts of Christianity as well as revelations made by their founder, Joseph Smith.

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Presidency of Jackson

Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of the United States from 1829 to 1837, seeking to act as the direct representative of the common man - expanding the power of the executive.

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Bank War

A political struggle that developed over the issue of rechartering the Second Bank of the United States during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. The affair resulted in the shutdown of the Bank and its replacement by state banks, Jackson won vs. Biddle

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Tariff of Abominations

The tariff of 1828 raised taxes on imported manufactures so as to reduce foreign competition with American manufacturing. Southerners, arguing that the tariff enhanced the interests of the Northern manufacturing industry at their expense, referred to it as the Tariff of Abominations.

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Doctrine of Nullification

This claims that individual states can invalidate federal laws or judicial decisions they deem unconstitutional.  Led by South Carolina and John C. Calhoun

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Trail of tears

This is considered an ethnic cleansing. The United States government forcibly removed the southeastern Native Americans from their homelands and relocated them on lands in Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma).

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Spoils System

“To the victor goes the spoils”. The president appoints civil servants to government jobs specifically because they are loyal to him and to his political party.

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Mexican American War

The United States of America wanted Texas’ land but Mexico refused to give up any land (Between the rivers of Rio Grande and the Nueces River)

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Compromise of 1850

  • Admitted California as a free state (Unbalance the Senate)

  • Utah and New Mexico - popular sovereignty

  • Fugitive Slave Act

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Popular Sovereignty

A government that makes decisions based on what people want, decisions on slavery: free or slave state

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Manifest Destiny

The belief that American settlers were meant to settle on the land of North America

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Dred Scott Case

  • Denied the legality of black citizenship in America

  • Missouri Compromise null and void

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Southern Goals of the Civil War

To protect slavery, defend southern territory, and achieve independence

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Northern Goals of the Civil War

The Anaconda Plan, end slavery, reunification

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Emancipation of Proclamation

During the third year of the civil war, Abraham Lincoln declared “that all persons held as slaves are, and henceforward shall be free.” (He only freed slaves in the South not the Border States)

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13th Amendment

Granted freedom.

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14th Amendment

Granted citizenship

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15th Amendment

Granted the right to vote to all men.

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A system where the landlord allows a tenant (Usually black) to use the land in exchange for a share of the crop. This was, however, “slavery pt. 2.”

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Freedmen's Bureau

Provided food, shelter, clothing, medical services, and land to displaced Southerners, including newly freed African Americans. (Act signed by Lincoln)

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Rutherford B. Hayes

The president that was elected during the Compromise of 1877, this election ended Reconstruction

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Thaddeus Stevens

A radical republican that was an advocate for the Freedmen's Bureau, and was a part of the drafting of the 13th Amendment

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Civil Rights Act, 1866

This act gave equal protection to African Americans  

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Reconstruction Act of 1867

The Southern states were admitted into the Union, and the South would now be controlled by military (led to corruption by the North in the South)

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Homestead Act

provided 160 acres of federal land to anyone who agreed to farm the land.

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Frederick Jackson Turner

  • Historian known for his frontier thesis

  • American democracy was formed by the frontier

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Little BigHorn

  • In 1876, settlers overann the Lakota Sioux reservation to mine gold.

  • Because of this the Lakota moved and relocated near the Bighorn Mountains in Montana.

  • In response the government sent an expedition accompanied by Lieutenant Colonel.

  • George A. Custer (shot and killed) and the Seventh Cavalry. The Native American warriors defeated Custer and his army and this made its way into newspapers that eventually led the army to step up its campaign on the Plains.  

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Chief Joseph

a Nez Perce leader part of a tribe called the Wallowa band

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Dawes Act

law authorized the President to break up reservation land, which was held in common by the members of a tribe, into small allotments to be parceled out to individuals.

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Transcontinental Railroad

Was one of the many railroads built connecting the nation after the civil war. Joined the Union Pacific and Central Railroad. Finished on May 10, 1869 in just four years despite the challenges.

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What was the history of the two most famous railroads?

  • ** Central Pacific started in Sacramento California and went East - owned by Stanford

  • ** Union Pacific started in Omaha, Nebraska and went West - owned by Rockefeller

  • *** They met at Promontory Point, Utah

  • Paid - money, land and the tracks

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Leland Stanford

built the transcontinental railroad which connected the Eastern United States to the West.

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John D. Rockefeller

Controlled 90% of all oil in the U.S

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Robber Baron

Person who becomes rich through ruthless and unethical business practices

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West Closed

In 1890 when there was no more land to “discover” or forcefully take

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