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a movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that favored achieving political and social reform through education, wider political participation, and direct government action.
secret ballot
voting system by which those who vote do not have to reveal their identity when voting
direct primaries
in which the nomination of party candidates is by party members not by party leadership
a process in which voters initiate legislation by petitioning that legislatures consider an action
allows people to vote whether a law should be enacted or rejected.
the breaking up of monopolies
gas-and-water socialism
government owned gas and water
City Commission
divided city government into several departments, each headed by a city commisioner
City manager
system of city goverment in which the government is handled by a city manager
Sixteenth amendment
amendment that added federal income tax
Seventeenth amendment
amendment that called for direct election of senators
Eighteenth amendment
amendment that restricted alchohol
Ninteenth Amendment
Amendment that allowed women to vote
progressive writers who exposed abuse and corruption
Eugene V. Debs
Socialist candidate for President
Robert La Follette
Wisconsin republican progressive leader
Theodore Roosevelt
President most closely associated with Progressivism
“Square Deal”
Roosevelt’s central philosophy — that everyone should get fair treatment and equal opportunity
Upton Sinclair
Author of the Jungle, drew attention to the terrible conditions of meat packing plants
Hepburn Act
Act that regulated railroads
Pure Food and Drug Act
Act that outlawed the interstate sale of impure food and drugs and required honest labeling of such products
Meat Inspection Act
Act that required the Department of Agriculture to oversee the preparation and packaging of meat and to inspect the health of animals before they were slaughtered.
Plessy v. Ferguson
Supreme Court case that ruled that “separate but equal” facilities for blacks and whites were constitutional
Booker T. Washington
Author of Up from Slavery, sought economic betterment for Blacks apart from legislation
W. E. B. Du Bois
Argued that blacks could not truly improve themselves economically until they enjoyed equal participation in the political process as American citizens
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
a black-and-white organization that had the goal of equality for blacks and a focus on legal battles that achieved that objective
William Howard Taft
Winner of 1908 election, defended a publicly hated tariff law. Slow to act, unlike Roosevelt
Joseph Cannon
Speaker of the House
Progressive Party
Also known as the Bull Moose Party, headed by Theodore Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson
A progressive Democratic candidate who won the election of 1912
Underwood Tariff Act
Act that the Wilson administration helped pass that slashed tariff rates
Federal Reserve Act
Act that the Wilson administration helped pass that divided the nation into twelve banking districts, each served by a private regional Federal Reserve Bank
Clayton Antitrust Act
strengthened the Sherman Anti-Trust Act by expanding the list of practices prohibited to corporations. Exempted labor unions from antitrust legislation and legalized strikes, picketing and boycotts.
Federal Trade Commission Act
Act that established the FTC, authorized to define and halt unfair business practices
Progressive Education
Education method that stated that education should be based on experience, not simple memorization
George Washington Carver
professor at the Tuskegee institute, born slave, became a peanut farmer
John Dewey
professor at Columbia University and leader of secular humanism
secular humanism
philosophy that denies the existence of God and affirms the goodness and perfectibility of man
religious philosophy that rejected the Torah as written by Moses, denied atonement for sin, inspiration of the Bible, virgin birth
social gospel
religious philosophy that emphasized the external cleaning of people as opposed to heart change
Billy Sunday
Baseball player turned pastor who worked for the MCA