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A movement in the late 17th and 18th centuries that introduced a new world view based on reason, scientific method, and progress
Enlightenment principles
scientific method, nature, happiness, progress, and liberty
Enlightenment view on people
moral, rational, perfectable, can be improved
Enlightenment view on God
clock maker(deism), religious tolerance, seperation of church and state, secularism, miracles are "violation of the laws of nature"
belief in the existence of a supreme being who does not intervene in the universe
Early Enlightenment
started around 1750 in France
(1647-1706) Huguenot that fled France and wrote "Historical and Critical Dictionary", created the idea of skepticism
(1632-1677) Dutch Jewish philosopher who applied natural philosophy to human society​, rejected dualism in favor of monism
the presumption that mind and body are one in the same
(1646-1716) German philosopher and mathematician, developed calculus, refuted dualism and monism
an infinite number of substances that make up all matter​
(1632-1704) "Father of Liberalism" English physician who was one of the first British empiricists al​ong with Francis Bacon, and an inspiration for the Enlightenment​
The idea that all human ideas and thoughts are produced as a result of sensory impressions
"Man is born free but he is everywhere in chains."
Rousseau in the Social Contract
Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Written by Locke ​about how humans learn and form ideas, "tabula rasa"
tabula rasa
When people are born, their minds are a blank slate. They learn stuff and form opinions through experience
Two Treatises of Government
written by Locke, all humans should have the rights of life, liberty, and property and the right to rebel against the government if their rights are not protected.
French word for philosophers
(1694-1778) French Philisophe, Deist, and author that fought for tolerance, reason, religious tolerance, and freedom of speech. Wanted a good monarch because he believed that humans were rarely worthy to govern themselves.
written by Voltaire, attack on the optimism of Liebniz
I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it."
Voltaire(didn't actually say it though)
Emilie du Chatelet
(1706-1749) French mathematician, physicist, author, and companion of Voltaire who translated Newton's "Principia" into French. She was excluded from the French Royal Academy of Sciences so she advocated equal education for women​.
Republic of Letters
international community of writers who communicated, stretching from Europe to the Americas​
(1713-1784): Published work of many philosphes in his Encyclopedia. He hoped it would help people think more rationally and critically.
Encyclopedia: The Rational Dictionary of Sciences, the Arts, and the Crafts
edited by Diderot, collection of 72,000 articles by scientists and writers that questioned religion and immortality
(1689 - 1755)​ French judge and philosopher, known for advocating "separation of powers"
The Persian Letters
written by Montesquieu, satirical work that criticized France
"When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty; because apprehensions may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner"
(1712-1778) sexist French philosopher who believed that society threatened natural rights and freedom, and that society is corrupted by the revival of sciences and art instead of it's improvement
The Spirit of the Laws
This work by Montesquieu called for a separation of powers and heavily influenced the formation of American government
The Social Contract
Written by Rousseau, a voluntary agreement among individuals to secure their rights and welfare by creating a government and abiding by its rules.
(1738-1794) disagreed with cruel and unusual punishment, his ideas were an influence on the US Constitution
On Crimes and Punishments
Emile - On Education
written by Rousseau, he describes a system of education that would enable the natural man he identifies in The Social Contract to survive corrupt society
"The noble savage"
phrase falsely attributed to Rousseau, it means a person who has not been corrupted by society or civilization
(1724-1804) Prussian philosopher, wrote an essay about thinking for yourself - especially in regard to religion​
​"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity"
"Have the courage to use your own understanding"
Critique of Pure Reason
What is Enlightenment?
(1711-1776) central figure of the Scottish Enlightenment, emphasized civic morality and religious skepticism, and said the human mind is a bundle of impressions that come from sensory experiences
(1723-1790) "Father of Capitalism" laissez-faire capitalism, did not like mercantilism
The Wealth of Nations
laissez-faire capitalism
an economic system that believed there should be free competition among businesses without government interference
Smith's 3 laws of economics
self-interest, competition, supply and demand
"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest."
(1766-1834) British economist that supported Smith's ideas, he opposed government efforts to help workers as he said it would hurt profits and production
An Essay on the Principle of Population
written by Malthus, he said that population increases faster than food supply, so war and disease save poor people from bad lives
(1706-1790) American Politican and Inventor
(1737-1809) American political activist, philosopher, theorist, and revolutionary that was inspired by Enlightenment ideas
Common Sense
(1743-1826) American president, diplomat, and ambassador to France. Wrote the Declaration of Independence that was inspired by Locke
Franklin, Paine, and Jefferson were apart of what religion?