Defines regimes based on elections and rule of law.
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Siaroff’s Types of Authoritarian Regimes
Totalitarian, Post-totalitarian, Sultanistic, Traditional Authoritarian.
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Bertelli on Public Engagement
Most people agree on broad goals but don’t want to engage in policymaking details.
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Narratives & Institutions
Narratives shape rules and influence change.
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Max Weber on Legitimacy
Domination is effective only when recognized by those subject to it.
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Michel Foucault on Power and Knowledge
Power perpetually creates knowledge and, conversely, knowledge constantly induces effects of power.
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Joseph Schumpeter on Democracy
The democratic method is an institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people's vote.
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Sheri Berman on Political Science
Political scientists prefer to study things that they can see, measure, and count, and ideas seem to be the opposite.
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Kathryn Sikkink on Ideas
It is paradoxical that scholars whose entire existence is centered on the production and understanding of ideas should grant ideas so little significance for explaining political life.
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Hungary’s Democratic Backslide
Hungary under Viktor Orbán transitioned from an electoral democracy to a competitive authoritarian regime.
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Poland’s Fluctuating Democracy
Poland has oscillated between electoral democracy and liberal democracy, facing challenges to judicial independence.
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George Stigler’s Economic vs. Political Competition
Political goods are mutually exclusive, unlike economic goods, making voter preferences harder to satisfy.
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Arrow’s Theorem Extension
No ranked voting system can simultaneously satisfy fairness criteria like universal admissibility and non-dictatorship.