society and culture more important than individual
Exists before individua is born and continues after they die
Characterised by social order rather than chaos, people’s behaviour is patterned and predictable
Value consensusculture bonds people so they interact successfully
Pre industrialised society, religions had extreme power over individua behaviour
These societies had high levels of solidarity
(Indigenous Australian communities)
industrialisation and urbanisation have potential to undermine value consensus
Social order generally maintained because of social institutions that continue to socialise people in shared cultures
exaggerates positives, ignoring element of conflict
Little acknowledgement that people play an active role in shaping culture
Exaggerates degree to which culture is shared (australia - diverse social classes and ethnic groups)
views culture as shaped by the ruling class
Cultural ideas and values are dominated by ruling class ideology
Social institutions such as religion, education, and media reinforce ruling class culture
Lower social classes may perceive their own low status as natural and blame themselves
Marxists argue that cultural hegemony perpetuates class inequalities in society
question the idea of culture as simply being an ideology
Argued that individuals in capitalist societies developed a dual consciousness, viewing the world through the lens of ruling class ideology while also recognising the unfairness of their own experiences of low wages and exploitation, shedding light on the role of culture in perpetuating social inequalities
Means that ruling class idea never reach all, some members of working class will challenge this
Although some aspects of culture will be shared others will not and different classes have different cultures
overemphasises social class as the main source of conflict in modern societies other things may also be important causes in inequality
Assumed the working class are passive victims or puppets of ruling class culture and ideology
not just shared norms, values etc but is also produced by individuals as they interact
Approach Is known as micro theory, emphasis on actions of individuals not social structure
Potential for individuals to change the culture of society by acting differently
people who share similar socio economic status also share similar educational backgrounds and experiences lifestyles and outlooks
There is also a distinct inequality between social classes in terms of life chances such as infant mortality life expectancy the educational achievement of their children and the distribution of poverty and wealth