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A distinctive pronunciation that varies depending on where someone grew up, their class status, their native language, and a whole host of factors
A specialized language that enables the members of the co-culture to develop both an identity and a sense of community
Missing another person's meaning while thinking you understand one another
Communication Accommodation Theory
A theory explaining that people adjust language patterns to reflect how they feel toward another person
Communication Convergence
Purposely adapting one's speech style to match another person's
Communication Divergence
Purposefully adopting a style of speaking those contrasts with the style of speaking of the person from whom one desires to distance themselves
Connotative Meaning
The subjective, contextual meaning of a term
Denotative Meaning
The dictionary meaning of a term
A variety of the language associated with a particular region or social group and sometimes alternately referred to as a nonstandard variation of the language
Emotive Language
Language that announces one's attitude toward a subject
Equivocal Language
The use of words that can be interpreted in more than one way
A word that softens meaning
Extensional Orientation
The inspection and consideration of what words and labels represent
Intensional Orientation
Reacting to words and labels without inspecting or attempting to understand what the labels represent
The process of expressing the meaning of what was said in another language
The words we use to categorize and refer to people and things
A code, a system of arbitrary symbols (verbal or nonverbal), designed to permit a group of people to communicate and share meaning
Linguistic ambiguity
Saying something that can be taken in at least two ways, which can help avoid a confrontation
Linguistic Determinism
The belief that language shapes or determines thinking
Linguistic Relativism
The belief that while language shapes thought and meaning, it is not its mirror
Muted Group Theory
A theory espousing that the group that is dominant in a social hierarchy uses language to shape societal perceptions
The study of a language's sounds
Polarizing Language
Words describing experience in either-or terms
Politically Correct Language
Language intended to give the least amount of offense
The social and cultural appropriateness of language use in specific contexts
Purr Words
Words that register approval
The linguistic phenomenon where members of a group may reclaim and redefine words that once were used to stigmatize or degrade them
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
A theory asserting that language defines experience, shaping the perception and world view of users
Word meaning, both denotative and connotative
Snarl Words
Words that register disapproval
The conventions and rules or grammar of a language
What is being said in another language
Triangle of Meaning
A model illustrating the relationships among words, things, and thoughts
Woke Language
Language that is alert to injustice in society
Word Masks
Ambiguous word use
Word Wall
A communication barrier created by using words that block understanding