Altruistic (Part of speech)
Altruistic (Definition)
unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others.
Altruistic (Synonym)
Verb (to assent) + Noun (an assent, the assent)
Assent (part of speech)
Assent (Definition)
(v) to express agreement (n) agreement
Assent (Synonyms)
consent, concur
Benefactor (parts of speech)
Benefactor (Definition)
One who does good to others
Benefactor (Synonyms)
patron, humanitarian
Chivalrous (pt of speech)
Chivalrous (Definition)
marked by honor, courtesy and courage; knightly
Chivalrous (Synonyms)
civil, valiant, courtly
Clemency (part of speech)
Clemency (Definition)
mercy, humaneness, mildness, moderateness
Clemency (Synonyms)
leniency, forbearance, gentleness
Dearth (part of speech)
Dearth (Definition)
a lack, scarcity, inadequate supply; a famine
Dearth (Synonyms)
insufficiency, want, paucity
Diffident (part of speech)
Diffident (Definition)
shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved
Diffident (Synonyms)
timid bashful; unassertive: withdrawn
Discrepancy (part of speech)
Discrepency (Definition)
a difference; a lack of agreement
Discrepency (Synonyms)
disagreement, divergence, inconsistency
Embark(part of speech)
Embark (Definition)
To go make a start; to invest
Embark (Synonyms)
commence, begin, board
Embark (usage)
Embark on
Adjective (describes a thing not person)
Facile (part of speech)
Facile (Definition)
easily done or attained; superficial; ready, fluent; easily shown but not sincerely felt
facile (Synonyms)
effortless, assured, poised, specious
Adjective (refers to things not people)
Indomitable (part of speech)
Indomitable (Definition)
Unconquerable, refusing to yield
Indomitable (Synonyms)
Unbeatable, invincible, unyielding
Adjective (refers to people not things)
Infallible (part of speech)
Infallible (Definition)
free from error; absolutely dependable
Infallible (Synonyms)
unerring, certain
Verb (plod across)
Plod (part of speech)
Plod (Definition)
to walk heavily or slowly; to work slowly
Plod (Synonyms)
lumber, trudge
Pungent (part of speech)
Pungent (Definition)
causing a sharp sensation, stinging, biting
Pungent (Synonyms)
sharp, spicy, piquant, racy
Literal: Sharp smell of onions
Metaphorical: Pungent remark
Remiss (part of speech)
Remiss (Definition)
Neglectful in performance of one's duty, careless
Remiss (Synonyms)
negligent, lax, slack
Remiss (usage)
Remiss in
I was remiss in my duties.
Verb + Noun
To repose (Verb)
Repose (parts of speech)
Repose (Definition)
(v.) to rest; lie; place; (n,) relaxation, peace of mind, calmness
Repose (Synonyms)
(v) sleep; (n.) tranquility, respite
Temerity (parts of speech)
Temerity (Definition)
rashness, boldness
Temerity (Synonyms)
recklessness, foolhardiness, effrontery
Truculent (parts of speech)
Truculent (Definition)
fierce and cruel; aggressive; deadly destructive; scathingly harsh
Truculent (Synonyms)
savage, belligerent, vitriolic
Unfeigned (parts of speech)
Unfeigned (Definition)
sincere, real, without pretense
Unfeigned (Synonyms)
genuine, heartfelt
Virulent (parts of speech)
Virulent (Definition)
extremely poisonous; full of malice; spiteful
Virulent (Synonyms)
oxious, baneful, hateful
Altruistic (Antonyms)
selfish, elf-centered
Assent (Antonyms)
disagree, differ, dissent
Benefactor (Antonyms)
misanthrope, malefactor
Chivalrous (Antonyms)
uncouth, churlish, loutish
Clemency (Antonyms)
harshness, severity, cruelty, inflexibility
Dearth (Antonyms)
surplus, oversupply, glut, abundance
Diffident (Antonyms)
bold, brash, audacious, self-confident, jaunty
Discrepency (Antonyms)
agreement, convergence, consistency
Facile (Antonyms)
labored, awkward, halting
Indomitable (Antonyms)
surrendering, submissive, yielding
Infallible (Antonyms)
Plod (Antonyms)
scamper, skip, prance
Pungent (Antonyms)
unappetizing, colorless, insipid
Remiss (Antonyms)
scrupulous, dutiful, punctilious
Repose (Antonyms)
exertion, wakefulness, tumult, bustle, ado
Temerity (Antonyms)
timidity, fearfulness, diffidence, humility
Truculent (Antonyms)
gentle, mild, unthreatening
Unfeigned (Antonyms)
insincere, simulated, phony
Virulent (Antonyms)
harmless, benign
Embark (Antonyms)