Robert's Rules of Order

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absentee voting

This type of voting is done by a person who is not in attendance at the meeting. The bylaws must expressly authorize this action before it is allowed.

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To verbally refrain from voting. Frequently the reason for _______ing is a conflict of interest.

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The result of abstaining from voting. Because the __________ is not voting, it does not count as a vote cast.

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To adopt or approve a motion or report. The effect of ______ing a report is the assembly endorses the report in its entirety, every word of it.

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An election by unanimous consent.

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ad hoc

A special committee. The term comes from a Latin term meaning "to this" and refers to a committee formed for a particular purpose.

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A motion to close the meeting.

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adjourned meeting

A meeting that is a continuation of a previous meeting. It occurs when the work was not completed at a regular or special meeting and there was a motion to continue the meeting at a different time. The original meeting and the _________ _______ make up a single session. Because it is a continuation of a previous meeting, special notice of the meeting doesn't need to be sent to the membership. The _________ _______ begins on the agenda where the meeting it is continuing left off.

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adjournment sine die

A Latin term which means "without day." It is the final adjournment of an assembly. The last meeting of the convention is said to be an ___________ ____ ___.

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administrative year

While not a parliamentary term, this term refers to the time period in which the officers remains in office without need for re-election.

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affirmative vote

A vote in favor of the adoption of the motion.

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A predetermined sequence of items of business to be covered at a specific meeting; an order of business.

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A member authorized to substitute for another member.

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A motion to modify the pending motion before it is voted on.

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Amend by adding

One of the forms of a motion to Amend. This form places a word, consecutive words, or a paragraph at the end of a motion.

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Amend by inserting

One of the forms of a motion to Amend. This form places a word, consecutive words, or a paragraph in the beginning or the middle of a motion.

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Amend by striking out

One of the forms of a motion to Amend. This form takes out a word, consecutive words, or a paragraph in a motion.

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Amend by striking out and inserting

One of the forms of a motion to Amend. This form strikes out a word or consecutive words and inserts a word or consecutive words in its place.

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Amend by substituting

One of the forms of a motion to Amend. This form strikes out a paragraph or more and inserts another paragraph or more.

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Amend Something Previously Adopted

A motion that allows the assembly to change an action previously taken. This motion can be applied to a motion adopted at a previous meeting provided that none of the action involved has been carried out in a way that is too late to undo.

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When a motion is _________, it can be modified during the time it is pending (Step 4).

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A motion that proposes a change to the wording of a pending motion.

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American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP)

The professional organization of parliamentarians that emphasizes knowledge of RRoO, Sturgis, and other parliamentary authorities.

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announcement of the vote

The sixth step in the processing of a motion. In a complete announcement, the chair states the following: the results of the vote, declaration of whether the motion passed or failed, the effect of the vote, and the next item of business.

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annual meeting

A meeting held yearly usually for the purpose of electing officers and receiving the annual reports of current officers and committees. The ______ _______ is usually specified in the bylaws. You may also find in the bylaws what business can be brought up at the ______ _______ as well as whether the ______ _______ is considered a regular meeting, thus having the flexibility of a regular meeting. Sometimes certain subjects, for example, Bylaw Amendments, can only be acted on at the ______ _______.

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annual meeting rules

These are rules that are adopted for a single meeting and may include parliamentary rules.

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Appeal from the Decision of the Chair (Appeal)

A motion to take a decision regarding parliamentary procedure out of the hands of the presiding officer and place the final decision in the hands of the assembly.

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To name or assign a person to an office, a position, or a committee.

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articles of incorporation

May also be referred to as the corporate charter. It's the legal instrument required by the state to incorporate an organization.

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A group of people meeting together to openly discuss issues and make decisions that then become the decision of the group. Also referred to as a deliberative ________.

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A fee that is imposed on the members. It must be specifically authorized in the bylaws.

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asynchronous meetings

Electronic meetings that occur with the participants in different places at different times. Venues of asynchronous meetings include, but are not limited to, e-mail, e-mail list groups, and fax. Also referred to as non-synchronistic meetings.

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attendance via a communication method

There are various methods by which a person can attend a meeting electronically, but only as specifically authorized in the bylaws. For example, if a member must miss a meeting because they physically cannot be in the meeting room, then some bylaws authorize that person to attend by video or audioconferencing methods. Unless the bylaws indicate otherwise, that person is considered in attendance at that meeting.

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An examination and verification of the financial records of the association. Depending upon the size of the organization, an _____ may be required by federal or state law. The size of the organization also determines whether the _____ can be done by an internal group, usually referred to as the _____ committee, or an external, independent auditor.

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Word frequently used in a voice vote to vote in the affirmative. For example, "All those in favor of the motion, say ___."

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ballot vote

A method of voting in which ballots, usually pieces of paper, are passed out to each voting member, the member fills in the ballot, and the ballot is collected. Instructions from the chair might be: "Please mark your ballots clearly, fold them one time, and hand them directly to a teller."

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board of directors

A specified group of members who make decisions on behalf of the organization. The membership, authority, and limitations of this group are specified in the bylaws. Meetings of the board are usually only open to members of the board and their invitees.

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board of directors meeting

Because it takes a lot to run an organization, and all the members do not have a tremendous amount of time to devote to the organization, the members give some of the responsibilities of running the organization to a group of people frequently referred to as the board of directors. Thus, the board meeting is a meeting of a specified group of members who make decisions on behalf of the organization. The membership, authority, and limitations of this group are specified in the bylaws. Because this group has been given total authority over specific aspects of the organization, meetings of the board are usually only open to members of the board and their invitees and the meetings are usually held in executive session.

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The itemized estimate of income and disbursements.

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An item or matter brought up at a meeting in the form of a motion, for action by the assembly.

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A governing document that, when used without a constitution, comprises the highest body of rules of the organization except rules from a higher governing authority, such as a parent body or laws. In the ______, an organization is free to adopt any rules it may wish, subject to higher governing authority such as a parent body or laws, even rules deviating from the organization's established parliamentary authority.

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Call for the Orders of the Day

By the use of this motion, a single member can require the assembly to follow the order of business or agenda, or to take up a special order that is scheduled to come up, unless two-thirds of the assembly wish to do otherwise.

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call of the house

This is used only in bodies that have the legal power to compel the attendance of their members, such as legislative bodies. This motion requires the unexcused absent members to be brought to the meeting, following the established procedures.

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call of the meeting

The official notice of a meeting given to all members of the organization.

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call the roll

A method of taking a vote or of determining attendance of members in which each member's name is called out and members publicly announce their vote or their presence.

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call up the motion to Reconsider

The motion to Reconsider can be divided into the making of the motion and the actual consideration of the motion, referring to as calling up. Words used: "Mr. President, I ____ __ ___ ______ __ __________ the vote on the motion..." Also called Making the Motion to Reconsider.

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called meeting

Another term for a special meeting.

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calling a member to order

An order from the presiding officer to a member to stop an inappropriate action and be seated. If the presiding officer does not call to order a member behaving inappropriately, another member may ____ that ______ __ _____.

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A meeting to plan strategy toward a particular issue or motion.

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A motion to reprimand or admonish a member. The only consequence of this motion is the admonishment or reprimand.

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The person who is in charge of the meeting. Presiding officer and _____ are interchangeable terms. They both are sometimes used to refer to the president of the organization when the president is conducting the meeting.

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A document issued by a parent organization authorizing the establishment of a subordinate unit.

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close debate

Termination of Step 4 in the processing of the motion. It occurs when the chair ends debate because no one else wants to speak, or with the adoption of the Previous Question motion.

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close nominations

This is a motion that puts an end to nominations. The motion is out of order if any member is seeking the floor to nominate a candidate: this motion should not be used. Instead, when there is no one seeking the floor to nominate a candidate, the chair should _____ ___________, without a motion.

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Commit/Refer to a Committee

This motion sends the Main Motion to a smaller group (a committee) for further examination and refinement before the body votes on it. Be sure to be specific which committee, size of committee, and so on.

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A group of one or more persons who are appointed or elected to carry out a charge. The charge can be to investigate, to recommend, or to take action.

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committee meeting

The larger group frequently assigns specific tasks to a committee. When they assign the task, they usually give the committee a specified level of authority to carry out the task. That authority may be to research the subject and make a recommendation to the larger group or it may be to make a decision for the larger group and carry out that decision. That group comes together to meet and, based on the authority given them, takes the action directed by the larger group.

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committee of the whole

The entire assembly acts as a committee to discuss a motion or issue more informally. The presiding officer vacates the chair and another member is appointed to serve as chairman. This motion is usually reserved for large assemblies, particularly legislative bodies.

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committee report

An official statement that is formally adopted by a majority vote of the committee and that is presented to the parent body (either the entire membership or the board of directors) in the name of the committee. It contains information obtained, information regarding action taken, or recommendations on behalf of the committee.

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conflict of interest

A situation in which a member has a direct personal interest not common to the other members.

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consent agenda/consent calendar

An agenda category that includes a list of routine, uncontroversial items that are approved with one motion, no discussion, and one vote.

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Consideration by Paragraph/Seriatim

The effect of this motion is to debate and Amend a long motion paragraph by paragraph. The vote is taken on the whole motion after consideration of each paragraph separately.

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consideration of a question

The discussion that occurs during Step 4 of the processing of a motion, while the motion is pending.

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Constituent unit

Organizations, particularly national organizations, are frequently made up of units at regional, state, or local levels that are referred to as ___________ ____s. The bylaws should establish their relationship within the organization's structure.

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A governing document that contains the highest body of rules of the organization, except rules from a higher governing authority, such as a parent body or laws. Some organizations have both a ____________ and bylaws, but the single bylaws document is recommended.

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continued meeting

A term interchangeable with adjourned meeting.

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To initiate a meeting by calling the meeting to order.

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An assembly of delegates usually chosen for one session. The participants frequently attend as representatives of a local, state, or regional association. The __________ participants come together to make decisions on behalf of the entire organization. Some smaller organizations give all members the right to attend the convention as voting members. Thus, the voting members of the convention are the individual members of the organization who are registered and attend the __________.

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convention standing rules

These are rules that are adopted for a single meeting or series of meetings and may include parliamentary rules.

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corporate charter

A legal document that includes the name and object of the organization in compliance with state statutes for the state in which the organization is incorporated. It may also be referred to as the articles of incorporation.

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corresponding secretary

An officer who is responsible for the general correspondence of the organization.

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counted vote

A method of voting in which the members express their vote by standing or raising their hand and then those standing or with their hands raised are counted and the number is reported to the presiding officer.

"Those in favor of the motion, please stand and remain standing until counted. [pause] You may be seated. Those opposed to the motion, please stand and remain standing until counted. [pause] You may be seated."

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Certified Parliamentarian through the American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP). To become a __, a person must pass a written examination that covers the rules in various parliamentary authorities and must earn service points.

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Certified Professional Parliamentarian through the American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP). To become a ___, a person must pass a rigorous oral examination and demonstrate expertise in presiding.

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Certified Professional Teacher of Parliamentary Procedure through American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP). In addition to being a CPP, the person must complete a teacher education course and must show evidence of successful teaching experience.

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Certified Teacher of Parliamentary Procedure through American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP). In addition to being a CP, the person must complete a teacher education course and must show evidence of successful teaching experience.

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Create a Blank

A method used to change a motion that allows an unlimited number of choices for a specific portion of a motion to be considered at the same time. For example, if the motion is to purchase an item for $50.00 and there are several choices on the amount of money to spend, a member could first move to strike $50.00 and ______ _ _____. If that motion is adopted, then members could list any number of recommendations for the amount of money. The body votes on those recommendations one at a time, in a specified order, until one receives a majority vote and thus fills the blank. Then the Main Motion of the purchase is voted on.

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A certificate that shows a person is authorized to serve as a delegate or alternate delegate or a representative of a specific body.

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credentials committee

The committee that has the duty to certify the credentialed delegates or members and report that number to the membership. That number then becomes the highest number of votes that can be cast at the meeting.

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cumulative voting

A voting method used when there are multiple positions or propositions and each member may cast a vote multiplied by that number of positions or propositions. The member may assign those votes however he or she chooses among the various positions or propositions, including multiple votes to one position or proposition. In order to be used, this method of voting must be specifically authorized in the bylaws or the state statutes.

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A long established practice of an organization. If a ______ is found to be in violation of the organization's bylaws, rules, or parliamentary authority, and a member challenges that, the ______ must cease.

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dark horse

A nominee who many not be the first choice of most, but on whom most may prefer to agree.

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When a motion is _________, the members may discuss it during Step 4 of the processing of the motion. Un_________ motions must skip Step 4 and go immediately to the vote on the motion.

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The discussion of a motion that occurs after the presiding officer has restated the motion and before putting it to a vote.

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To conduct oneself in a proper manner. Usually refers to debate, as in _______ in debate.

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decorum in debate

Appropriate behavior during debate. RRoO lists nine such debate rules, including not attacking another member's motives, addressing comments through the chair, and so on.

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defer action

Using specific motions to delay action on a motion.

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delegate body

In organizations that are large and/or spread throughout the country or the world, it's not practical for all the memberships to come together for a meeting. To still maintain decision-making that represents the membership, this type of organization may have delegates who come together and meet on behalf of the entire organization. The participants frequently attend as representatives of a local, state, or regional association. The convention participants come together to make decisions on behalf of the entire organization.

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deliberative assembly

A group of people, meeting together to openly discuss issues and make decisions that then become the decision of the group.

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A motion, action, or statement that's purpose is to delay action. It is an attempt to obstruct the will of the assembly.

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Discharge a Committee

A motion that relieves a committee from further consideration of the task that has been assigned to it.

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disciplinary procedures

An organization has a right to make and enforce rules, and to require members to refrain from conduct that hurts the organization. Therefore a society has a right to discipline its members, following very specific procedures that are outlined in RRoO.

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Debate that occurs after the presiding officer restates the motion and before the vote is taken on the motion.

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Dispense With the Reading of the Minutes

This motion, if adopted, delays the reading of the minutes to a later time in the meeting. In most contemporary organizations, the minutes are distributed in advance of the meeting and, therefore, there is no need to read them at the meeting.

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dispose of

Action on a motion that removes it from consideration by the assembly. A motion is considered permanently ________ __ when it has been approved or defeated by vote of the assembly.

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Division of the Assembly

The effect of this motion is to require a standing vote (not a counted vote). A single member can demand this if he/she feels the vote is too close to declare or is unrepresentative. This motion can only be used after the voice vote or show of hands vote where there is reasonable doubt of the results.

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Division of the Question

This motion is used to separate a Main Motion or Amendment into parts to be voted on individually. It can only be used if each part can stand as a separate question.

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entertain a motion

A request, usually from the presiding officer, for a formal motion on the subject under discussion.

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executive board

A term usually synonymous with board of directors or board of trustees.

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executive committee

An _________ _________ is to the board of directors what the board of directors is to the membership. It is a smaller group, usually the officers, who are given specific authority in the bylaws. They have only the specific authority that is given to them in the bylaws, even though some _________ _________s assume a lot of authority. Like the board, their meetings are open only to members of the __________ _________ and their invitees and are held in executive session.

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