APCSP Unit 1 Part 1 Big Idea 5 Vocab

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Computer Program

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33 Terms


Computer Program

A program is a collections of program statements that performs a specific task when run by a computer.

A program is often referred to as software.

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Computing Innovations

A computing innovation includes a program as an integral part of its function.  It takes in data, transforms data and outputs data in order to solve a problem and/or show creative expression.

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Legal and Ethical Concerns

The law protects intellectual products from being used in an unauthorized fashion.  Laws protecting intellectual property are of 4 different categories: copyright, patent, trademark, and trade secrets.

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Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Computing

Computing and computing innovations have global effects, both beneficial and harmful.

One innovation can have great benefits, yet the same innovation can also have harmful effects at the same time, or when it is used not- as-intended.

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Digital Divide

The digital divide describes the disparity between those who have access to technology and those who do not, including but not limited to access to a computer, the Internet, or other hardware and software.

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Artificial Intelligence

The ability of machines to perform tasks that are typically associated with human intelligence.

AI - is only as good as the data/training sets that we input into the AI computer system.  If the data is biased or inaccurate, the results won’t give accurate results.

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Machine Learning

Training the computer software.  It involves exposing a computer to large, relevant data collections, and then that computer learns to make judgments or predictions about the information it processes.

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Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Information about a person that can uniquely identify them, such as their educational, medical, financial, or employment information. Examples of data elements that can identify an individual include name, email, fingerprint, etc.

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Data Encryption is the process in which data is encoded into another form, using an encryption algorithm and an encryption key.

It aims to protect digital data confidentiality as it is stored or transmitted over computer networks.

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The practice of obtaining input or information from a large number of people via the Internet

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Citizen Science

Uses the collective strength of communities and the public to:

  • identify research questions

  • collect and analyze data

  • interpret results

  • make discoveries

  • develop technologies and applications

- all to solve problems.

It is a specialized form of crowdsourcing.

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Intellectual Property

A product created by a person - an artist, writer, scientist, or engineer.

It can include creative artistic work such as writing, music, drawing, photography, and film.

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Creative Commons

A not-for-profit organization that have various forms of licenses that can be used to protect original work from being plagiarized.  All Creative Common licenses have this symbol.

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Plagiarism is copying someone’s work and passing it off as your own work.

One way to avoid plagiarism is to give credit to the source of the information.  It is ethical to give credit to the sources you used to provide the information.

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Open Source

Open source development allows programmers and developers to access the source code and to modify and improve the code as they see fit.

The most significant advantage of this is that it allows many eyes to analyze the code and utilize unique skill sets to make it better.

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Cybersecurity / Information security

The protection of a system against the unauthorized or criminal use of a system.

Primarily it is to protect networks, devices, programs and data from external and internal threats.

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The conversion of encrypted data into its original form.  It decodes the encrypted information so that only an authorized user can decrypt the data with a secret key or password.

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How do FUNCTIONS help us write better programs?

  1. They break our programs down into smaller parts

  2. Make our program easier to understand

  3. Avoid repeating code over and over and over again

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Another Name for function?


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Define a Function

def turn_right():

def - keyword for define

Function name - turn_right

Parentheses – require syntax

Colon - required syntax, marks end of definition

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Call Function

You must call your function to get it to run.

Such as: turn_right()

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Functions are one of the most important parts of programming.

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Top Down Design

Start by identifying the problem that needs to be solved.

Then break the problem down into smaller manageable parts.

In some cases the different parts can be divided up and solved by various people.

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Means to breaking your program down into small manageable parts that are easy to understand.

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Commenting Code

A way for you to leave notes about what your code is doing in plain English, so other people can understand it.

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Python Multi-line Comment

“”” My code does amazing things that will change the world.  No one will be able to live without it.          “””

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Python Single-line Comment

# You are an amazing programmer

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When a programmer hides all but the relevant data/code in order to reduce complexity and increase efficiency.

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High Level Abstraction -

Programming languages like Python, have abstracted a lot of details away from the programmer.  Python let’s us use English like commands rather than using machine language.

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Low Level Abstraction

the machine language that tells the tiny bits and bytes to turn on or off.

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Procedural Abstraction

Functions/Procedures  - You can call procedure in your program, without needing to know what every step of the procedure does.

Functions are a great example of abstraction.

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API is a set of tools used for building programs.

API’s abstract away complex coding detail.

An API should have very good documentations to tell the programmer how to use the API.

Examples: turn_left(), turn_right()

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The Princeton Review, AP Computer Science Principles Prep 2023

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