Quark combinations for mesons that are not on data sheet and need to be remembered and also the exchange particles that meed to be remembered for A level and their ranges and what they apply on. - For some reason the symbol for pie came out funny and looks like a lowercase n
Strong Interaction particle
Gluon - G
Weak Interaction particle
W boson - W⁺/W⁻/Z⁰
Electromagnetic interaction particle
Virtual photon - γ
Gravity interaction particle
Gravitation (do not need to learn this)
Range of Strong Nuclear force
3×10^-15 (m)
Range of Weak nuclear force
10^-18 (m)
Range of Electromagnetic/Gravity interaction
Electromagnetic interaction acts on…..
Charged particles
Gravity acts on …..
Particles with mass
The weak nuclear force acts on …..
All particles
The strong nuclear force acts on …..
Quark combination of Pion - π+
up + anti down
Quark combination of pion - π−
anti up + down
Quark combination for pion - π0
up + anti up / down + anti down
Quark combination for Kaon