Franz Ferdinand
the archduke/heir of Austria-Hungary whose assassination in Serbia served as the immediate cause of WW1
Kaiser William II
Emperor of the German empire during WW1
David Lloyd George
He was the British prime minister who attended the Paris Peace Conference, he helped to create the Treaty of Versailles, he wanted to punish Germany and protect the colonies
Georges Clemenceau
He was the French premier who attended the Paris Peace Conference, helped create Treaty of Versailles, he wanted Germany to pay reparations to France + return Alsace-Lorraine + give up other German colonies
Vladimir Lenin
A Russian Revolutionary who was the leader of a radical Communist group, he and his group staged a revolution and won control of Russia, he served as the first founding head of govt of Soviet Russia in 1917, he is the reason that Russia stopped fighting in WW1/ended war on the Eastern Front
Woodrow Wilson
The U.S. president during WW1, came up with idea for the League of Nations + led the U.S. into WW1 (despite his initial campaign being “he kept us out of war” in 1916)
Henry Cabot Lodge
Republican Senator + leading foreign expert, had views that were very different from Wilson’s (they disliked each other), he disagreed with Wilson’s League of Nations as he thought it threatened the U.S.’s power/he only prioritized U.S.’s best interests
George Creel
An American journalist and writer who was the director of the Committee on Public Information
Herbert Hoover
Leader of the Food Administration, encouraged Americans to practice voluntary rationing (ex: told Americans to stop eating wheat to show their patriotism)
Bernard Baruch
Leader of the War Industries Board, which controlled all industries
the Allies
major alliance that consisted of France, Britain, and Russia (in beginning)
the US secretly traded/gave weapons and supplies to these countries before they joined them in 1917, Serbia joined, and Belgium joined (b/c of German hostility)
the Central Powers
alliance that consisted of Germany and Austria-Hungary (in beginning)
Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria eventually join this alliance after WW1 starts