2.3 : Dynamics: Work, Energy, Impulse, and Momentum

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Intro to Physics

30 Terms


What is the work of a force ?

SCALAR value

when a force applied on a body causes its displacement in the direction of the force

expressed in joules (J).

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What is the formula for the work of a force ?

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What is the formula for the work of a weight ?

(If the body displaces upward, the work is - ; in the opposite case, the work is +)

<p>(<strong>I</strong>f <strong>t</strong>he <strong>bo</strong>dy <strong>displa</strong>ces <strong>upwa</strong>rd, <strong>t</strong>he <strong>wo</strong>rk <strong>i</strong>s <strong>- </strong>; <strong>i</strong>n <strong>t</strong>he <strong>oppos</strong>ite <strong>ca</strong>se, <strong>t</strong>he <strong>wo</strong>rk <strong>i</strong>s <strong>+</strong>)</p>
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What is the work of a spring force ? (Write the demonstration of the formula with Hook’s Law)

When stretching or compressing a spring, the displacement of the body is always opposite to the force in the spring (restoration force).

<p><span><strong>Wh</strong>en <strong>stretch</strong>ing <strong>o</strong>r <strong>compres</strong>sing <strong>a</strong> <strong>spri</strong>ng, <strong>t</strong>he <strong>displace</strong>ment <strong>o</strong>f <strong>t</strong>he <strong>bo</strong>dy <strong>i</strong>s <strong>alwa</strong>ys <strong>oppos</strong>ite <strong>t</strong>o <strong>t</strong>he <strong>for</strong>ce <strong>i</strong>n <strong>t</strong>he <strong>spri</strong>ng (restoration force).</span></p>
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What is the Work of a couple ? (Formula)

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What is the kinetic energy ?

A body develops a kinetic energy when it translates at a linear velocity and rotates at an angular velocity.

Kinetic energy is a positive scalar quantity & expressed in joules (J).

<p><span><strong>A</strong> <strong>bo</strong>dy <strong>devel</strong>ops <strong>a</strong> <strong>kinet</strong>ic <strong>ener</strong>gy <strong>wh</strong>en <strong>i</strong>t <strong>transla</strong>tes <strong>a</strong>t <strong>a</strong> <strong>line</strong>ar <strong>veloc</strong>ity <strong>a</strong>nd <strong>rotat</strong>es <strong>a</strong>t <strong>a</strong>n <strong>angul</strong>ar <strong>veloc</strong>ity.</span></p><p><span><strong>Kinet</strong>ic <strong>ener</strong>gy <strong>i</strong>s <strong>a</strong> <strong>posit</strong>ive <strong>scal</strong>ar <strong>quant</strong>ity <strong>&amp; expres</strong>sed <strong>i</strong>n <strong>joul</strong>es (<strong>J</strong>).</span></p>
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What is the Kinetic energy formula when the body rotates about a fixed pivot ?

(If the motion of the body is pure translation, it is sufficient to set in equation)

<p>(<span><strong>I</strong>f <strong>t</strong>he <strong>moti</strong>on <strong>o</strong>f <strong>t</strong>he <strong>bo</strong>dy <strong>i</strong>s <strong>pu</strong>re <strong>transla</strong>tion, <strong>i</strong>t <strong>i</strong>s <strong>suffici</strong>ent <strong>t</strong>o <strong>s</strong>et <strong>i</strong>n <strong>equat</strong>ion)</span></p>
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What is a conservative force ?

It’s when the work of a force depends only on the initial and final positions of the body (so independent of the shape of the path).

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What is potential energy ?

It is the energy developed by a conservative force quantifying the ability to change the position of the body with respect to a reference level line called “datum.”

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What is the expression of the gravitational potential energy ?

Gravitational potential energy is the work required to move an object vertically in a gravitational field.

<p>Gravitational potential energy is the work required to move an object vertically in a gravitational field.</p>
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What is the elastic potential energy ?

This is the energy stored in an elongated or compressed spring needed to be used as work to return the spring to its unstretched position (datum).

<p><strong>Th</strong><span>is </span><strong>i</strong><span>s </span><strong>t</strong><span>he </span><strong>ener</strong><span>gy </span><strong>stor</strong><span>ed </span><strong>i</strong><span>n </span><strong>a</strong><span>n </span><strong>elonga</strong><span>ted </span><strong>o</strong><span>r </span><strong>compres</strong><span>sed </span><strong>spri</strong><span>ng </span><strong>need</strong><span>ed </span><strong>t</strong><span>o </span><strong>b</strong><span>e </span><strong>us</strong><span>ed </span><strong>a</strong><span>s </span><strong>wo</strong><span>rk </span><strong>t</strong><span>o </span><strong>retu</strong><span>rn </span><strong>t</strong><span>he </span><strong>spri</strong><span>ng </span><strong>t</strong><span>o </span><strong>i</strong><span>ts </span><strong>unstret</strong><span>ched </span><strong>posit</strong><span>ion (</span><strong>dat</strong><span>um). </span></p>
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Whar is the expression of the mechanical force ?

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What is the expression linking kinetic energy and the sum of works done by all external forces ?

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What is the law of conservation of energy ? (show demonstration)

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What is the expression of power ?

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Give me the simplified expression of power (show demonstration)

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What is the other expression of power (using the torque) ? (show demonstration)

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Why is some power lost ?

  • Friction: Energy is dissipated as heat at moving parts and contacts.

  • Air resistance: Losses due to drag forces.

  • Material inefficiencies: Internal energy losses within the machine (e.g., electrical resistance in wires or mechanical inefficiencies in bearings).

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What is the efficiency formula for power ?

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What is linear impulse ? (and its expression)

This is a vector quantity measuring the effect of a force within the time during which this force is applied:

<p><strong>Th</strong><span>is </span><strong>i</strong><span>s </span><strong>a</strong><span> </span><strong>vect</strong><span>or </span><strong>quant</strong><span>ity </span><strong>measur</strong><span>ing </span><strong>t</strong><span>he </span><strong>effe</strong><span>ct </span><strong>o</strong><span>f </span><strong>a</strong><span> </span><strong>for</strong><span>ce </span><strong>with</strong><span>in </span><strong>t</strong><span>he </span><strong>ti</strong><span>me </span><strong>duri</strong><span>ng </span><strong>whi</strong><span>ch </span><strong>th</strong><span>is </span><strong>for</strong><span>ce </span><strong>i</strong><span>s </span><strong>appli</strong><span>ed:</span></p>
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What’s linear momentum ?

The linear momentum of a body is the vector quantity measuring the ability of its matter to translate by a vector velocity of its center of gravity.

<p><strong>T</strong><span>he </span><strong>line</strong><span>ar </span><strong>momen</strong><span>tum </span><strong>o</strong><span>f </span><strong>a</strong><span> </span><strong>bo</strong><span>dy </span><strong>i</strong><span>s </span><strong>t</strong><span>he </span><strong>vect</strong><span>or </span><strong>quant</strong><span>ity </span><strong>measur</strong><span>ing </span><strong>t</strong><span>he </span><strong>abili</strong><span>ty </span><strong>o</strong><span>f </span><strong>i</strong><span>ts </span><strong>matt</strong><span>er </span><strong>t</strong><span>o </span><strong>transl</strong><span>ate </span><strong>b</strong><span>y </span><strong>a</strong><span> </span><strong>vect</strong><span>or </span><strong>veloc</strong><span>ity </span><strong>o</strong><span>f </span><strong>i</strong><span>ts </span><strong>cent</strong><span>er </span><strong>o</strong><span>f </span><strong>gravi</strong><span>ty.</span></p>
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Give the expression of the principe of linear impulse and momentum : (and show demonstration)

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What can impulsive forces do ?

Impulsive forces have huge magnitudes during very short durations, which are sufficient to cause momentum change.

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Do non-impulsive force have any impact ?

Nope, non-impulsive forces are not able to change linear momentum considerably (such as the weight of a system

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How can you express the linear momentum of 2 systems balancing each other ?

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What happens during impact ?

A large impulsive force will develop between colliding bodies to induce new velocities.

Both particles deform gradually during impact until reaching a maximum deformation status, then they repulse each other.

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What’s the resitution phenomenon ?

In the most general case, particles absorb a portion of the momentum to deform and give back the other portion

<p><span><strong>I</strong>n <strong>t</strong>he <strong>mo</strong>st <strong>gener</strong>al <strong>ca</strong>se, <strong>partic</strong>les <strong>abso</strong>rb <strong>a</strong> <strong>porti</strong>on <strong>o</strong>f <strong>t</strong>he <strong>momen</strong>tum <strong>t</strong>o <strong>defo</strong>rm <strong>a</strong>nd <strong>gi</strong>ve <strong>ba</strong>ck <strong>t</strong>he <strong>oth</strong>er <strong>porti</strong>on</span></p>
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What is the coefficient of resitution for an elastic impact ?


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What is the coefficient of restitution for a FULLY plastic impact ?


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