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Stimulus leading to brief emotion-like state
Coordination and interaction
Emotion, psychological
Subjective feelings paired with motivation
Emotion, physical
posture, facial expressions (signaling)
Emotion, behaviours (adaptive)
defense, fight freeze or fight
Emotions help decision making if (3)
Lack of time or info
Surplus of options
ambiguous options
Emotion, buying, and selling
Disgust lowers buy+sell values (esp sell)
Sadness lowers sell but increases buy
Neutral increases sell but lowers buy
Impact bias
Predict own future emotional states, often overestimate intensity and duration
Overestimation of emotion
Great, leads to loss aversion and less risk taking behaviour
Number of emotions
Earlier models imply set number of emotions
Recent models imply wide range of many emotions
Ekman’s theory
6 discrete emotions
angry, afraid, surprised, happy, sad, disgusted
each emotion tied to different facial emotion
Plutchik’s model
8 core emotions on opposed pairs, new emotion from pairs
complexity was emphasized, hybrid emotions
Display rule
Differences btwn cultures in meaning, allowances of certain expressions of emotions
Facial feedback
If emotion influences expression can facial expression influence emotion
Facial action coding system (FACS)
Combos of coded facial movement associated with emotions
understand facial movements, understand emotions
Reading minds through the eyes test(RMET)
Infer emotion through the eyes very quickly, females outperform males
James-Lange theory
Event - arousal - interpretation - emotion
Emotions have distinguishable physiological states
Cannon-bard theory
Event - arousal or emotion
Emotion is separate from physiological arousal
Schachter Singer’s two-factor theory
event - arousal - cognitive label - emotion
interpretation of event is key, not always aware of event
Many reasons
Average amounts can be deceiving due to high average of prolific liars
Drive pushing us in a certain direction
Drive reduction
Drive exists to maintain balance
Incentive value
Drive exists to lead us to pleasurable states
enduring pattern of thinking, feeling, behaving
Psychic determinism
Events have a cause (subconscious)
Symbolic meaning
No action is meaningless, actions may represent another desire
Unconscious motivation
Rarely understand why we do what we do
Psychodynamic model
id, ego, superego, personality may be result of ego’s efforts to control the id
Ego defenses
repression and denial
healthy if used properly
Radical behaviourist perspective
behaviour determined by reinforcement/punishment
Humanist theory
Drive to self actualize
problems arise from failing to meet conditions of worth
Personality traits
Sable units of personality, conceptual values are measured by personality traits
Five Factor Model (OCEAN model)
Continuum and not a binary
Openness to experience
FFM traits as predictors
High C and A, low N predicts strong job performance
O positively correlated with and A negatively correlated with perceived leadership ability
O negatively correlated with family size
Personality Proportion
Due to environment, randomness, genetics and family
Personality trade offs
No good or bad traits, but range in benefits and cost
Big Five Alternatives (4)
Cattell 16PF
HEXACO model
Big Three
Two dimensions
Personality Heritability
H2 of religiosity and conservatism increase with age
Religiosity preference is not heritable, environmental
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Tests for specific cases of mental health in adults
Test is written so people can’t tell what the question is asking due to exaggerations
Mechanisms to detect patterns of responding
Projective tests (3)
Thought to reveal unconscious processes by having people project them onto items
Inkblot test
Thematic apperception test
Draw a person test
Projective test concerns (3)
Construct validity
Proprietary material
Phrenology and physiognomy
Even though facial features aren’t correlated with traits, still use them to judge
Barnum effect
tendency to believe descriptions are specific to one even though descriptors to almost anyone