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Military Industrial Complex
Large military corporations producing weapons for the U.S.
1960 Election
First to feature televised debates, JFK won, represented youth compared to Eisenhower
Yuri Gagarin
First man in space, Russian cosmonaut
Civil Rights Act (1964)
Prohibited discrimination in public facilities and employment
Voting Rights Act (1965)
Outlawed discriminatory voting practices
Bay of Pigs Invasion
CIA plan to overthrow Castro, led to Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis
U.S. discovered Soviet missiles in Cuba, tense confrontation
New Deal and Great Society Similarities
Government programs for employment, arts, housing, and elderly support
New Deal and Great Society Differences
Great Society included preschool education and civil rights legislation
Black Panthers
Urban revolutionaries targeted by FBI, led by Newton, Seale, Cleaver
Tet Offensive (1968)
Viet Cong attacks on South Vietnamese cities, undermined LBJ's credibility
Betty Friedan
Author of "The Feminine Mystique," first president of NOW
Relaxation of tensions between U.S. and communist world
Warren Court
Addressed sexual freedom, criminal rights, religion, civil rights
Energy Crisis of 1974
Arab nations' embargo against the U.S. after aiding Israel
Title IX
Passed in 1972, prohibits sex discrimination in education
Carter's Foreign Policy
Iran Hostage Crisis, SALT II talks, Carter Doctrine
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Organized civil rights protests
Freedom Rides
Bus journeys challenging racial segregation in the South
Great Society
LBJ's legislative proposal addressing voting rights, poverty, and more