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what event in 1952 impacted Cuba
Batista came to power via coup
Where did Chiang Kaishek move his exiled government after the CCP declared victory in 1949
Which political party took control after winning the South African 1948 election
National Party
What happened during the Long March that helped Mao’s career, 1934-1935
Mao pushed for them to go north instead of west which was the correct choice
How did Cuba’s foreign policy adjust in its Special Period after 1991
made “peace” with the US
What group of people heavily supported Mao Zedong and the CCP
list 2 reasons why WWII impacted the South African 1948 election
-segregation had gotten less strict
-Black Africans had ‘taken’ jobs of white ex-soldiers
What were 2 programs that Cuban women helped implement in Cuba
-literacy drive
childcare centers
Name the 2 opposing leaders of the Chinese Civil War (1945-1949)
Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong
this pre-1948 policy controlled where black Africans could work, live, and visit
Pass Laws
what was the name of the PAC military wing that called for launching a mass uprising to overthrow the South African government
What was one reason why the bay of Pigs failed
popular uprising did not occur
This organization was created by Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Oliver Tambo, and Antone Lembede
CYL -Congress Youth League
What were the young activists called that acted as terror squads during the Chinese Cultural Revolution
Red Guards
List 2 examples of how the international community tried to influence/influenced South Africa
-UN resolutions
What was the name of the Dutch settlers and their descendants
What is one segregation policy that was implemented against Black Africans before 1948
Pass laws
What was the name of the women’s organization in Cuba that helped Castro build a new Cuba
FMC - The Federation of Cuban Women
This pre-1948 policy reserved skilled positions in the mines and the factories for white workers
color bar
which UN General Assembly resolution called for South Africa to stop the Rivonia Trial and release all political prisoners
Name one example of how women were actively involved in the resistance movement
-Black sashes
-FEDSAW (federation of South African Women)
What was the name of the ANC military wing that conducted sabotage campaigns
What was the name of Mao’s economic program that went from 1958-1962
the great leap forward
how did the Fidelistas gain support for the Overthrow of Bastita’s regime
what did all young Cuban males have to do in Cuba
identify 2 leaders of the Cuban Revolution
Fidel Castro & Che Guevara
which UN General Assembly resolution urged member nations to break off diplomatic ties with South Africa and boycott South Africa goods
What best describes Castro’s relationship with the Soviet Union
how did the Soviet Union economically support Cuba after the US trade embargo
buying sugar
what was the impact of the Great Leap Forward
what was the name of the publication that had Mao’s speeches and writings
Little Red Book
What system did Castro want to dismantle by sending military troops and him visiting African countries
What organization elected Castro as its President in 1979
NAM - non-aligned movement
what did Mao Zedong order during the Futian incident of 1930
the torture of the Red Army members
how were homosexuals treated during Castro’s rule
forced into labor to ‘cure’ them
name the acts of legislation (2) that led to the forced removal of Sophiatown
-Group Areas Act
-Native Resettlement Act
what government action was taken after the Moncada Barracks attack
imprisionment of involved peoples (Castro)
what was one of the ways that Castro used to consolidate his power in Cuba
by making the Communist party the only official party
what was the impact of Castro’s 10 million ton harvest goal in 1970
it was harder to farm the next years because soil and sugar cane was in bad condition
what was the government’s goal with the Treason trial
to kill anti-apartheid leaders and disrupt their organizations
why did the Atlantic Charter between the US and Britain encourage anti-apartheid activists
it promoted the goals of ending discrimination and oppression
what were 2 basic human rights that were restricted in Castro’s rule
-freedom of movement
-freedom of speech
what actions did Castro take to deal with the economic problems of Cuba by 1960
tried to diversify crops produced
what happened at the Bay of Pigs in 1961
CIA trained Cuban emigres to prepare an attack on Cuba
what did the Platt Amendment allow the US to do in Cuba
intervene militarily
why did Castro’s autumn offensive of 1958 succeed
USA wasn’t supporting Batista any more
identify 2 countries in Africa where Castro worked with Marxist government or Marxist parties
Angola and Libya
what were young activists directed to do in the Up to the Mountains and Down to the Villages campaign
move to the countryside to learn what it’s like for Chinese peasants
how did Castro’s support of the military-led government of Argentina show his foreign policy inconsistencies
cared more about anti colonialism than communism
explain 2 reasons why the Freedom Charter was significant
-it gave activists specific goals
-it encouraged multiracial collaboration to fight oppression
what significant event occurred at Sharpeville
Massacre of unarmed protesters
what was the intended goal of the policy of apartheid introduced in the 1948 election
a complete separation of the races under white dominion
what occurred during the Reunification campaigns in 1950s
3 separate PLA armies were dispatched to improve conditions (and impose martial law)
how did Castro’s foreign policy affect his rule and standing with the Cuban people
the public really liked Castro’'s devotion to anti-colonialism
list 2/3 reasons why the Suppression of Communism Act was significant
-dismantled many anti-apatheid groups
-allowed govt to silence any opposition under the claim they were communist
explain one cause and the significance of the Sabotage Act and the General Law Amendment Act
cause: move to violent protests
significance: could detain people for 90 days before trial
how did the Institute of Agrarian Reform (INRA) help Castro address economic problems
took land from the rich and gave it to the poor
what was one of the Nationalists (GMD) weaknesses in the Chinese Civil War
they weren’t very effective with propaganda
what were 2 improvements that occurred for the Cuban people during Castro’s Rule
-increase in amount of doctors
-free higher education
what was one of the goals of the Moncada Program
restore the constitution and redistribute land
why did the reforms in the Soviet Union between 1985 and 1991 impact Castro’s foreign policy goals
less generous with buying sugar
what grand apartheid policy established the idea of homelands and Bantustans
promotion of Bantu self government Act
define the difference between petty and grand apartheid
petty: day to day
grand: systematic
what was one of Mao’s motives for implementing the Cultural Revolution
ensuring China stayed the same after his death
what caused outrage in China that led to the May Fourth Movement, 1919
Paris Peace Conference gave lost Chinese land to Japan
how were Black Cubans treated during Castro’s rule
largely ignored and accomplishments lessened
what was one of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) strengths in the Chinese Civil war
they could live off the land
what was the significance of the 1913 Native Land Act
Black Africans had to live on specific (bad) land
how did Castro use the legal system to control Cuba’s population
implemented the concept of being presumed guilty for crimes against the state
name 2 things that caused the anti-apartheid movement toward armed resistance
-sharpeville massacre
-continued police use of violence against non-violent protests
what was one of the ways that Castro used propaganda to help his rise to power
used propaganda to make the USA see him as a humble freedom fighter and therefore the USA will support him more
explain the significance of the Bantu Education Act
created the syllabus that mandated colored children learn about labor, obedience, and tribalism in school
whywas the 100 Flowers Campaign unique in Mao’s China
People were encouraged to critic Mao (before he decided he didn’t like it)
what best describes the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962
USSR was building missiles on Cuba and the USA found out
list 2 reasons why WWII impacted the 1948 South African election
-during it Black Africans ‘stole’ white Africans jobs
-pre 1948 segregation policies relaxed
explain 3 ways that the Defiance campaign impacted the ANC and the anti-apartheid movement
-it moved the movements into more of mass movements
-increased membership
-increased international membership
explain the cause of the split of the African National Congress (ANC) and the PAN Africanist Congress (PAC)
ANC wasn’t as Africanist any more and PAC wanted Africanism; PAC didn’t like ANC’s work with other races
compare and contrast the Treason Trials and the Rivonia Trials
Treason Trials: high treason were the charges
Rivonia Trials: sabotage were the charges
Both: used to stop/slow anti-apartheid protest movements
classify each as petty or grand apartheid: Population Registration Act, Bantu Education Act, Separate Amenities Act
Population Registration Act: grand
Bantu Education Act: grand
Separate Amenities Act: petty
what was the role of religion in Chinese Society
to promote Maoism through patriotic churches
how did collectivism undermine the traditional Chinese Family
women had to work and motherhood was less valued
why was organized religion restricted under Mao’s rule in China
you should obey and follow Mao and the government first
what type of performances were censored by Jiang Qing
any that didn’t center themes of proletarian triumph over the bourgeoisie
what was one way that the Cultural Revolution influenced Chinese culture
it made a generational culture of no culture
how did Mao’s wife Jiang Qing influence Chinese culture
she controlled what media was and wasn’t allowed
why was it difficult for women to gain equality in China during Mao’s rule
They weren’t given many positions of power in the government
What was one thing that the Marriage law of 1950 banned
how did nuclear weapons impact the Sino-Soviet relations?
once both got nuclear weapons they pointed them at each other
what was one of Mao’s criticisms of the USSR during the Cuban Missile Crisis
giving into the USA so easily
what was the impact of de-Stalinization on Mao
he assumed that it was an indirect attack on him as they criticized cult of personality style leadership which both Mao and Stalin used
how is the Sino-Indian War of 1962 influence the relationship between China and the USSR
it deteriorated them because a Soviet official offered to mediate and Mao assumed they planned to sabotage
what was one reason why Mao and China were bitter towards the USA
they are capitalist
how did the Dino-Soviet treaty of 1950 lead to tensions between China and the USSR
The USSR said the money they previously gave China was actually a loan with interest
what was one reason why Mao pursued a policy of detente with the USA
to give the USSR a taste of their own medicine
which of Mao’s policies was criticized by the Soviets due to its failure
the Greap Leap Forward
what was the “Iron Curtain”
the divide between capitalism and Communism in Europe
how was post-war Germany divided after WWII
into 4 parts (except economically) there was the UK, France, US, and USSR parts
Who were the leaders involved in the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences
Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill, Truman, Attlee
What organization was created during the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences
United Nations
what was one similarity between the US and the USSR in 1945
both proved themselves as superpowers with military strength