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what are examples of soluble fibres
pectin, guar gum
what are food sources of soluble fibre
oat bran
inside v + f
insides of legumes
what are examples insoluble fibres
cellulose, lignim
what are food sources of insoluble fibre
skins of all v + f
bran of whole grains
skin of legumes
important to prevent constipation
what does soluble fibre do in the colon
loose, mesh-work, gel form
lots of fermentation → gas
minimal bowel movement bc of fermentation
what are the three gases created by fermentation of soluble fibre in colon?
2:0 (acetate) absorbed → bloodstream, used as energy source
3:0 (propinate) absorbed → liver, shuts down cholesterol synthesis
4:0 (butyrate) preferred energy source by colon cells
what happens to insoluble fibre in the colon
bacteria has trouble breaking gown
minimal fermentation
high bowel movement
what is the structure of the wheat bran
(in to out)
germ (PUFA + vit. E)
endosperm (carb + pro)
aleurone layer (rich in B vit, Fe)
bran (insol. fibre)
what are the characteristics of soluble fibre and colorectal cancer
short f.a chain (2:0, 3:0, 4:0)
low pH in colon (favourable for colon cancer prevention)
stimulate microbial growth
low ammonia levels
what are the characteristics of insoluble fibre and colorectal cancer
bc of building effect, dilution of colon contents
provides surface for adsorption (byproducts stick to insol. fibre)
low transit time
alters bile acid metabolism
stops cancer promoter
how does soluble fibre effect blood cholesterol
usually lowers blood TC + LDL
how does soluble fibre lower blood cholesterol
prior learning
sol. fibre ferments to 3:0 (propionic acid)
absorbed from colon, travels via bloodstream via liver: shuts down cholesterol synthesis
what are the key roles of fibre in weight loss and weight management
increase satiety
delays gastric emptying (→ stomach → small intestine)
takes longer to eat (15-20 min)
between time are full to time we sense we are full
what is the current intake of dietary fibre
what are the nutrition recc for canadians (1990)
no specific #s provided
“majority of carb choices should be complex carb with an emphasis on whole grains, veg, fruit (+ nut, dees, legumes)”
what is the DRI report for macronutrients and fibre?
AI: 14g/1000 kcal