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Why were Europeans moving to S. Africa in the late 1800s?-ICED Be familiar with Cecil Rhodes: 1. Monopolized diamond production in S. Africa (90% of the world). 2. Highly Be familiar w/ Cecil Rhodes: 1. Monopoli involved d in gold mining. 3. Prime Minister of Br. Cape Colony(1890s) 4. Desires to extend Br. control it was From the Cape to Cairo) 4. Annexes Bechuanaland & Rhodesia(Zambia/Zimbabwe). 5.He believes 11 Britain's duty to expand into the world.6. He believes Britain is the "finest race in the world"!! -
the discovery of diamonds and rich gold deposits brought both European Settlers and dramatic change to the region
What 2 empires weakened in the 2nd half of the 1800s?-P *Nationalism dismantles empires.
Ottoman and Qing
What equipped W. European states with effective tools/lethal weapons?-P
What 2 other countries had joined W. Europe as imperial powers at the end of the 1800s?-P *Know the effects of Imperialism.-P 1. Linked the world 2. Encouraged trade 3. Mass migrations 4.me division among states 5. Racism(Europeans view selves as superior.) 6. Spread nationalism to subject colonies
the United States and Japan
In addition to "force of arms" how did European imperial powers dominate the world?-P *Don't skip this one.
It often arose from trade, investment and business activities that enabled imperial Powers to profit from subject societies and influence their affairs without going to the trouble of exercising direct political control
Where did Europeans establish settler colonies?-PCED Must know info!!**Don't skip this! Know about colonies in India, SE Asia, & sub-Saharan Africa. 1. European migrants didn't settle there as much-Too hot!. 2. European officials turn colonies into exporting economies 3. Introduce education.
In lands such as North America, Chile, Argentina Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa
What did Europeans believe was crucial for survival of European states?-EP *Mercantilist Theory- Colonies exist to benefit the Mother country. Mother country want to keep gold/silver within the empire to win!!
Imperial expansion and colonial domination
Who worked tirelessly on behalf of British imperial expansion?-P
Cecil Rhodes
What were a reliable source of raw materials not available in Europe?-IE *Mercantilist Theory: Need colonies!! .
rubber, tin and copper
- by the late 19th century Petroleum
What 3 regions had rubber plantations?-IP *Mercantilism: Europe needs to colonize those regions!
Amazon River Basin, Congo River Basin and Malaya
What would colonies consume according to proponents of imperialism?-E*Mercantilist thinking; not Capitalism
Proponents of imperialism also held that colonies would consume manufactured products
What places would provide a haven for migrants in an age of rapidly growing population?-I*"Land of the free!"
Where would Europeans actually go to rather than overseas colonies?-I
To the independent states in the Americas
What are 2 military/political reasons for maintaining overseas colonies?-P Don't skip this!! *Be familiar w/ spiritual motives that fostered imperialism. 1. Missionaries flock to Africa & Asia. 2. Missionaries often opposed imperialist ventures. 3. Provided religious justification for imperialism. 4. Missionaries facilitate communication, provide information, & provide convenient meeting places.-C
Some overseas colonies occupied strategic sites on the world's sea lanes and others offered harbors or Supply Stations for commercial and naval ships
What phrase would the French use to justify their expansion into Africa/Asia?-C
French imperialists routinely invoked the mission civilisatrice or the "civilizing mission"
What did Kipling call the duty of Europeans to bring enlightenment to distant lands?-CP *Considered racist today!
The "white man's burden"
What enabled Europeans to produce mass quantities of advanced weapons?-IE
What kind of ships did the British begin making in the 1830s?-IC *Be familiar w/ the advantages of steamships. 1. Faster 2. Ignore wind 3. Every direction 4. Further upriver-I
They used steam power for military uses. and built large ironclad Ships equipped with powerful guns
What 2 canals facilitated the maintenance of empires?-IEPMost of us know this already! Significance of railroads. 1. Organize local economies 2. Armies moved quickly. 3. Export raw materials.-EI
The Suez Canal (built 1850-1869) and the Panama Canal (built 1904- 1914)
What weapon was more accurate than smooth-bore muskets?-I
Breech loading firearms with rifled bores
What devastating weapon was adopted in the 1880s?-I Impact of machine guns at the Battle of Omdurman (Sudan). 1. 368 v. 11,000 killed. 2. More like a massacre (sad) How did communication benefiting from industrialization? Hint: 1. 2 years 2.4 months 3.2 weeks 4.5 hours.
The Maxim gun which was a light and powerful weapon that fired 11 bullets per second
By what year had the British empire been linked by submarine cables?-I
By 1902
When did European states launch an unprecedented round of empire building?-P*Kind of a must know date!
In the second half of the nineteenth century
From what company's mercantile activity in S/SE Asia did the British empire grow?-EP
The British empire in South Asia and Southeast Asia grew out of the mercantile activities of the English East India company which enjoyed a monopoly on English trade with India
Who gave the East India Company permission to build fortified posts on the Indian coasts?-P
The Mughal emperors
What did company agents trade for in the 17th Century?-E
Traded mostly for Indian Pepper and Cotton, Chinese silk and porcelain, and fine spices from southeast Asia
What were the most prominent trade items in the 18th Century?-E Be familiar w/ Company Rule in India: 1. Took advantage of Mughal weakness(1700s) 2. Company begins conquest of India (1750) to protect interests 3. Sepoys (Indian troops) are hired by Company to enforce rule.-EP Know the Indian Revolt of 1857 or the Sepoy Rebellion. This is part of CED. 1. Sepoys supplied w/ Enfield rifles 2. Bullets/gunpowder in paper cartridges waxed w/ animal fat. 3. Indian Muslims (pork) & Indian Hindus refuse to bite cartridges (Foul & sacred). 4. Sepoys mutiny & want to restore Mughal rule. 5. Sepoys massacre Br men, women, & children at Cawnpore. 6. Br-revenge Blow up mutineers w/ cannons. 7. Br. govt. takes over.
Tea and coffee
What did the British government do to stabilize India?-P
To Stabilize affairs and forestall future problems, the British government preempted the East India company and imposed direct imperial rule in India
Who represented British authority in India and administered the colony Indian civil servants?-P *Be familiar w/ the changes that the British government made in India. 1. Cleared forests 2. Encourages cultivation of tea, coffee, & opium. 3. Built RRs, telegraph networks, canals, & harbors. 4. Established English style schools. 5. Suppressed Indian customs such as sati. 6. Made little effort to promote Christianity. -ECP
A viceroy
What did British colonial authorities do in regard to promoting Christianity (Or not?) in India?-C Be familiar w/ the Great Game. 1. This referred to the competition between Russia and Britain over Central Asia. 2. Much of Central Asia will be brought under the control of Russia (Russian hegemony). CED!! Know the following about these empires: 1. Sp/Port Empires are in decline. 2. Dutch/British are tightening control on Dutch E. Indies/British India. 3. Americans/Japanese are creating new empires.
British colonial authorities made little effort to promote Christianity, but they established English-Style Schools for the children of Indian elites whom they sought as supporters of their rule
What two new exports made the Dutch East Indies a more valuable colony?*CED
Rubber and tin
Where in SE Asia had the British established colonial authority by the 1880s?-EP
In Burma, which became a source of teak, ivory, rubies, and Jade
What British port did Thomas Raffles found on the Strait of Melaka?-EP
The Port of Singapore
What colony did the French establish in SE Asia?-EP
French Indochina
What modern states belonged to French Indochina?-P
The modern States of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos between 1859 and 1893
What religion did the French encourage in Indochina?-CP *A lot Vietnamese are Catholics and Buddhists today!
They encouraged conversion to Christianity and as a result the Roman Catholic Church became prominent throughout French Indochina, especially Vietnam.
What was the only kingdom in SE Asia that preserved its independence? Buffer state!-PCED
The Kingdom of Siam (modern Thailand); it was a buffer state between British dominated Burma and French Indochina
Where in Africa had Europeans established colonies by 1875?-P
Angola and Mozambique
Where did France maintain a settler colony in Africa before 1875?-P *A number of French descendants live here!
Northern Algeria
Before 1875, what part of Africa did Europeans maintain lively trade?* Including palm oil!-E
West Africa
Between what 2 dates did Europeans partition/colonize the entire African continent?-P *Kind of must-know dates.
1875- 1900
What was this frenzied quest for empire in Africa called? CEDKnow this! Be familiar w/ adventurers who provided information on the interior of Africa, 1. David Livingstone-missionary who sought locations for mission posts in central/southern Africa. 2. Henry Stanley-Searched for Livingstone, "I presume", & explored the Congo. 3. Burton/Speke-Sought the source of the Nile R.-
The "Scramble for Africa"
What 4 rivers provided access to the interior of Africa?
The Nile, Niger, Congo and Zambezi
Who employed Henry Stanley to help develop commercial ventures in the Congo?-ICED Know about King Leopold II of Belgium. 1. Made Congo a free trade zone. 2. Congo was his own personal colony 3.Developed rubber plantations using forced labor 4.Humanitarians protested his abuse. 5.Govt takes over
In the 1870's king Leopold II of Belgium
What Egyptian leader borrowed heavily from Europeans to distance Egypt from the Ottomans?-P
Muhammad Ali
Who sent an army to occupy Egypt to ensure the safety of the Suez Canal(Lifeline to India)?-EP
Egyptian Officials who sent a British army in 1882 to occupy Egypt to ensure the safety of the Suez Canal
What company established Cape Town as a supply station in South Africa in 1652?-E
The Dutch East India Company
What were the two names given to the Dutch settlers who migrated to South Africa?-I
Boers (The Dutch word for farmer) and Afrikaners (Dutch for African)
What peoples became nearly extinct due to warfare, enslavement, & smallpox?-I
The Khoikhoi
Chafing under British rule, who left their farms in Cape Colony & headed east on a Great Trek?-I
Afrikaners started to leave their farms in Cape Colony & headed east on a Great Trek
What republics did the voortrekkers create?
The voortrekkers (Afrikaans for "pioneers") created the republic of natal, annexed by the British in 1843; the orange free state in 1854; and in 1860 the south African republic (Transvaal territories)
What led to tensions between the British miners and the Afrikaners?
The influx of thousands of British miners and prospectors
At what conference were ground rules devised for colonizing Africa? *CED.
The Berlin West Africa conference (1884-1885)
How many African delegates were present at the berlin conference? *this is a very revealing piece of info.
What did the Berlin conference justify?
European diplomats drawing lines on maps and carving a continent into colonies
What were the only 2 African regions that had not been colonized by the 1890s?
Ethiopia and Liberia
What republic was populated by freed slaves from the USA?
Under direct rule, who assumed responsibility for tax collection and law/order?
European personnel
Why did boundaries intentionally cut across ethnic boundaries in Africa? *i.e., Rwanda: Hutus vs. the Tutsis.
In order to divide and weaken potentially powerful indigenous groups
What type of people were removed from leadership under direct rule?
Strong kings and other leaders
Where did Europeans establish settler colonies in the pacific? *CED.
Australia and New Zealand
What did Europeans seek in most of the pacific?
Commercial opportunities and reliable bases for their operations, but they did not wish to go to the trouble or expense of outright colonization
Whose pacific voyages in the 1770s stimulated European travel to Australia (southern continent)?
Captain James Cook
What type of people were brought to Australia in 1778? *established New South Wales!
Convicted criminals
What was the only independent state in the pacific by 1900?
The kingdom of Tonga
What two new imperial powers emerged toward the end of the 19th century?
The United States and Japan
Who warned European states against having imperialist designs in the western hemisphere?
President James Monroe
What became a U.S. protectorate under the Monroe doctrine?
The Americas
What proclamation served as justification for U.S. intervention in the western hemisphere?
The Monroe doctrine
Where would the U.S. send military to protect business interests?
Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Haiti in the early 20th century
Why was acquiring the Philippines important to U.S. businessmen?
Because of its strategic position in the south China sea
What man led Filipino rebels against the U.S. in an attempt to gain independence?
Emilio Aguinaldo. he was known to his followers as the George Washington of his country
Fighting over Korea, with what country did Japan get into a war in 1894? and easily won! Japan is moving up!*
What country became a dependency of Japan? *Bad location: China, Russia, and Japan fight over it.
What country forced China to submit to an unequal treaty?
What two countries had territorial ambitions in the Liaodong peninsula, Korea, and Manchuria?
Japan and Russia
What did Japan's victory over Russia in 1904-1905 transform Japan into?
A major imperial power
What agricultural product from China (introduced by British) transformed India and Ceylon? *India is famous for it.
Tea bushes
There were 2 major labor migrations during the imperial era. What climate zone did European migrants move to?
Temperate lands, where they worked as free cultivators or industrial laborers
What climate zone did Asian/African migrants move to?
Tropical and subtropical lands, where they worked as indentured laborers on plantations or manual laborers for mining enterprises or large-scale construction projects
How many Europeans migrated overseas between 1800-1914? What part of Europe did most of these poor migrants move from? Where did the majority move to? *This info is important to know for long-distance migration essays.
50 million
- they left the relatively poor agricultural societies of southern and eastern Europe, especially Italy, Russia, and Poland, although sizable numbers came also from Britain, Ireland, Germany, and Scandinavia
- a majority of the migrants—about 32 million—went to the United States
List some settler colonies.
Canada, Argentina, Australia, new Zealand, and south Africa
What was the most prominent effort to resist British colonial authority?
The Sepoy Rebellion in India - it was only one among thousands of insurrections organized by discontented Indian subjects between the mid-19th and the mid-20th century
Give some reasons why colonized subjects revolted against foreign trade.
Foreign rule, tyrannical behavior of colonial officials, the introduction of European schools and curriculum, high taxation, and requirements that subject peoples cultivate certain crops or provide compulsory labor for colonists' enterprises
What did the rebels think would protect them from German weapons?
"Magic water" (Maji-Maji)
How did subject peoples resist colonial rule without actually revolting?
By boycotting European goods, organizing political parties and pressure groups, publishing anticolonial newspapers and magazines, and pursuing anticolonial policies through churches and religious groups
Why was Hawaii so diverse culturally?
Workers on sugar plantations came primarily from China, Japan, and Portugal, but there were also sizeable contingents from the Philippines, Korea, and other pacific islands
Who claimed that race was the most important index of human potential?
French nobleman Count Joseph Arthur de Gobineau (1816-1882)
Who did race theorists agree were superior to other peoples?
What became the by word for Darwin's theory of evolution?
"Survival of the fittest"
Whose ideas did social Darwinist's adapt to explain the development of the human race?
Using the theory of evolution, what did spencer attempt to justify?
The domination of European imperialists over subject peoples as the inevitable result of natural scientific principles
According to colonel young husband, why were Europeans superior to non-Christian races?
Because he believed they were morally stronger than they were, and that their superiority is due to that higher moral nature that they have attained in the development of the human race
How did the Japanese view Chinese and Korean peoples in the 1890s?
As dirty, backward, stupid, and cowardly
What type of feelings did napoleon's invasions arouse?
National feelings
What did the Indian national congress seek by the end of the 1800s?
Indian self-rule within a larger imperial framework
What were some of the grievances that were aired in the Indian national congress?
Indian participation in government, political reform, and independence from British rule
What percentage of India's population did Muslims make up?
What year did India finally gain its independence from the British?
What served as a model for anticolonial campaigns in lands across the world?
Indian nationalism and independence movements