1732- born in Rohrau (lower austria)
1740-1750- choir boy in St. Stevens Cathedral in Vienna
1750-1760 - lived independently in Vienna.
1758 or 59 - became music director for Count Morzin
morzin had financial issues so this was not long term
1761 - became vice-kapellmeister to the Esterhazys
These people were like mega rich.
1766 - promoted to kapellmeister
1790 - retired as kapellmeister; two trips to London
1809- rip. he died in Vienna
Entire history of opera:
began in Florence with the Florence Camerata
Moved to Rome, in this section you could bring in greater distinction of recitative and Aria. Castrati also started here
Opera became super pop. in Venice where there was a huge opera house. It became less classism here too I think
Moved to Naples
J.P Lully and the Academie Royale de Musique
Three forms of opera in Italy: seria, buffa, and intermezzo
Some things that might be easy to look back for and study:
big differences in between types of operas
examples of those types of operas
composers- who made big developments in opera