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In the application of Lean Six Sigma, which of the following is/are considered wastes:
I. Waiting
II. Defects
II. Motion
IV. Emotion
Which part of quality assurance is described when the physician ensures that in cases of typhoid fever, the specimen to be requested for culture on the first week of illness is blood?
A. Pre-preanalytical
B. Preanalytical
C. Analytical
D. Post-analytical
A. Pre-preanalytical
Which is part of pre-preanalytical phase?
A. Sorting
B. Aliquoting
C. Centrifugation
D. Test requisition
D. Test requisition
Grams of heparin per ml of blood when used in chemistry tests
A. 2 micrograms
B. 0.2 micrograms
C. 2 milligrams
D. 0.2 milligrams
D. 0.2 milligrams
What is used to zero the spectrophotometer before reading the test sample?
A. Calibrator
B. Sample blank
C. Reagent blank
D. Standard
C. Reagent blank
This is used to zero an instrument during a test procedure A. Calibrator B. Sample blank C. Reagent blank D. Standard
B. Sample blank
Convert 2 M NaCl to w/v% solution A. 10 B. 11.7 C. 13.5 D. 23.4
B. 11.7
Convert 9.6% (w/v) NaCl to Normality (N) A. 1.64 B. 12.3 C. 6.74 D. 8.9
A. 1.64
What is used to calibrate pH measurement? A. Distilled water B. Saline C. Standard buffers D. Tap water
C. Standard buffers
What is best used for potentiometry? A. Enzymes B. Proteins C. Electrolytes D. Lipids
C. Electrolytes
C. Mercury arc
Critical value for glucose A. >250 mg/dL B. >300 mg/dL C. >400 mg/dL D. >500 mg/dL
D. >500 mg/dL
The preferred screening test for diabetes is non-pregnant adults is measurement of A. Fasting plasma glucose B. Random plasma glucose C. Glycohemoglobin D. Depends on patient factors
D. Depends on patient factors
Xanthelasma A. Hyperbilirubinemia B. Dyslipidemia C. Hyperglycemia D. Hyperaldosteronism
B. Dyslipidemia
This is used as a stain for lipoprotien electrophoresis
A. Amido black B. Ponceau S C. Coomiassie blue D. Oil Red O
D. Oil Red O
Which is true for ascites? A. Hyperalbuminemia B. Hypoalbuminemia C. Hyperglycemia D. Hypoglycemia
B. Hypoalbuminemia
↑ Hydrostatic Pressure = ↓ Osmotic Pressure = ↓ Albumin
\Ascites is characterized by fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity, often due to liver cirrhosis or heart failure, leading to low levels of albumin in the blood.
Protein used as an indicator of nutritional status A. B trace protein B. a1-acid glycoprotein C. Prealbumin D. Haptoglobin
C. Prealbumin
Analyte that is helpful in differentiating bacterial from non-bacterial infection A. Troponin B. Haptoglobin C. B2-microglobulin D. Procalcitonin
D. Procalcitonin
What specimen/s/is/are collected for determination of creatinine clearance? A. Blood and 24-hour urine B. First morning urine C. Plasma and midstream clean catch urine D. Serum and suprapubic urine
A. Blood and 24-hour urine
Which condition is most likely present if the BUN is 80 mg/dL and creatinine is 4 mg/dL A. Malnutrition B. Chronic Kidney disease C. Chronic liver disease D. Dehydration
B. Chronic Kidney disease
What are the products of the forward reaction for AST determination?
A. Pyruvate + Glutamate
B. a-ketoglutarate + Glutamate
C. Oxaloacetate + Glutamate
D. a-ketoglutarate + Lactate
C. Oxaloacetate + Glutamate
What is the coupling enzyme of the second reaction for AST determination? A. Aspartate aminotransferase B. Lactate dehydrogenase C. Malate dehydrogenase D. Alcohol dehydrogenase
C. Malate dehydrogenase
Which enzyme is elevated in acute pancreatitis?
Which enzyme marker is best to identify cardiac injury? A. Troponin I B. LDH C. AST D. CK-MB
What is the most specific marker for myocardial injury? A. CK-MB B. AST C. LD D. Troponin
D. Troponin
What is the most commonly requested to assess cardiovascular risk? A. Troponin B. Lipids C. CK-MB D. CRP
B. Lipids
All of the following are causes of hyperkalemia except: A. Dehydration B. Severe sweating C. Addison's Disease D. Antihypertensive medication
B. Severe sweating - HYPOKALEMIA
All of the following are causes of hypokalemia except: A. Gastric suction B. Diuretics C. Cushing's syndrome D. ACE inhibitors
D. ACE inhibitors
Which of the following is the likely initial physiologic compensatory response to metabolic acidosis? A. Hyperventilation B. Hypoventilation C. Increased tubular reabsorption of HCO3 D. Reduced tubular reabsorption of HCO3
A. Hyperventilation
In clinical chemistry analyzers, why is the specimen acidified before measuring total carbon dioxide? A. To produce acid hematin and derive CO2 levels B. To form carbon monoxide C. To prevent bicarbonate into becoming gaseous CO2 D. To convert various forms of CO2 into gas
D. To convert various forms of CO2 into gas
A physician requested for cholinesterase for his patient who is a farmer. What is the possible indication for this laboratory request?
A. Chronic alcoholism
B. Anthrax infection
C. Organophosphate poisoning
D. Mesothelioma
C. Organophosphate poisoning
All are true about arsenic, EXCEPT: A. It is a potential carcinogen B. It has anti-inflammatory properties C. It has been used to treat acute leukemia D. It is a natural compound
B. It has anti-inflammatory properties
Which hormone is responsible for an increase in body temperature after ovulation? A. Estrogen B. LH C. Progesterone D. FSH
C. Progesterone
What is the predominant estrogen seen in males? A. Estrone B. Estradiol C. Estrogen D. Estriol
B. Estradiol
Which of the following acids is not considered to be an extreme hazard for humans? A. HCl B. Sulfuric C. Acetic D. Boric
D. Boric
You swabbed the back of a patient's throat. What organism would most likely be isolated? A. B. pertussis B. S. pyogenes C. Neisseria spp. D. RSV
B. S. pyogenes
Which of the following is true regarding the use of anticoagulants in specimen collection
I. Citrate and EDTA are used for microbiology specimens
II. SPS is the most common anticoagulant used in microbiology
III. Heparin may be used for isolation of Mycobacterium spp.
IV. Neisseria spp. is inhibited by lower concentrations of SPS
Which of the following is not a transport medium for Vibrio? A. Stuart B. Amies C. Buffered glycerol saline D. Cary-Blair
C. Buffered glycerol saline
All urine samples must be processed within A. 1 hr B. 2 hrs C. 6 hrs D. 8 hrs
B. 2 hrs
Typical calibration of inoculating loop used for urine cultures A. 1 uL B. 10 uL C. 100 uL D. 1000 uL
A. 1 uL
Addition of egg yolk to nutrient agar will make it: A. Differential B. Enrichment C. Selective D. General purpose
A. Differential
What type of incubator is used to incubate organisms which favor lower temperature? A. Agitator B. BOD C. Bioreactor D. Dry bath
Agar plates are inverted during incubation in order to: A. Prevent condensate from dropping onto medium B. Prevent overgrowth of colonies C. Facilitate easier storage D. Maintain sterility of the medium
A. Prevent condensate from dropping onto medium
Which of the following will result in a falsely large zone of inhibition? A. Agar depth too thick B. Agar depth too thin C. Inoculum too heavy D. Too much moisture on agar
B. Agar depth too thin
Very low pH of Mueller Hinton agar will result in: A. Large zone of inhibition (false susceptible) B. Decreased activity of erythromycin C. Increased activity of tetracycline D. False resistance to sulfonamides
B. Decreased activity of erythromycin
What is the inoculum size used in disk diffusion susceptibility testing? A. 5x10^5 CFU/mL B. 1.5 x10^6 CFU/mL C. 5x10^8 CFU/mL D. 1.5x10^8 CFU/mL
D. 1.5x108 CFU/mL
Upon observing a disk diffusion plate, you noticed a zone within a zone of inhibition. Which of the following could have possibly caused this? A. Contamination B. Proteus swarming C. Improper disk storage D. Sulfonamide disk
B. Proteus swarming
This pertains to the amount of bacteria in milk which can form colonies when plated using standard plating methods A. Most probable number B. Somatic cell count C. Total bacterial count D. Coliform count
C. Total bacterial count
This staphylococcal exotoxin disrupts smooth muscles in blood vessels and is toxic to hepatocytes and platelets
A. Gamma B. Delta C. Beta D. Alpha
D. Alpha
IMVIC: ++-+ Oxidase: - Phenylalanine deaminase: + Motility: + A. Providencia B. Proteus C. Serratia D. Edwardsiella
A. Providencia
This nucleic acid amplification technique uses four primers and proceeds using a constant temperature
A. Invader
B. Branched DNA
D. Hybrid capture
Which statements are correct regarding collection of fecal specimens in parasitology?
I. Ideal number is three specimens submitted every other day.
II. In a patient suspect of having intestinal amoebiasis, six specimens may be recommended.
III. If a series of six specimens is requested, the specimens should be collected within no more than 10 days.
IV. Multiple specimens may be submitted on the same day in cases of severe, watery diarrhea.
B. I, II
D. I, II, IV
D. I, II, IV > 14 days
What specific gravity of zinc sulfate should be used for the flotation concentration procedure performed on fresh stool?
A. 1.16
B. 1.17
C. 1.18
D. 1.15
C. 1.18
Which of the following are reasons why the flotation concentration is used less frequently than the sedimentation concentration?
I. Not all parasites will float
II. Protozoa tend to become distorted when left in contact with zinc sulfate
III. The surface film and sediment both need to be examined
IV. The specific gravity of fluid needs to be checked periodically
What is the best anticoagulant to use for blood parasite specimens?
A. Heparin
D. Citrate
Pear-shaped protozoan with 4 pairs of flagella, claw-hammer-shaped median bodies, and falling-leaf motility
A. T. vaginalis
B. C. mesnili
C. G. lamblia
D. D. fragilis
C. G. lamblia
Which is the etiologic agent of kala-azar or visceral leishmaniasis?
A. L. tropica
B. L. braziliensis
C. L. mexicana
D. L. donovani
D. L. donovani
This infectious agent is usually acquired through the bite of ticks but can also be acquired through transfusion of infected blood product
A. Dengue
B. Syphilis
C. Babesia
D. Plasmodium
C. Babesia
Curschmann spirals are
A. Yellowish or gray caseous matter the size of a pinhead
B. Wavy threads coiled into balls usually found with Charcot-Leyden crystals
C. Often mistake for Blastomyces
D. Branching tree-like structures made of fluids in the bronchi
B. Wavy threads coiled into balls usually found with Charcot-Leyden crystals
A = dittrich plugs
C = myelin globules
D = bronchial casts