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Choices in Relationships
Important decisions including whether to marry, whom to marry, when to marry, and whether to have children.
Not to Decide Is To Decide
Choosing to delay or avoid a decision is still a decision.
Evaluating choices involves weighing positive and negative aspects.
Generation Y
Refers to people born between the early 1980s and the late 1990s, influencing choices in relationships.
Technology Use Choices
Decisions about technology impact relationships and vary depending on the family life cycle stage.
Worldwide economic, political, and religious influences that affect marriages and families.
Social Structure
The organization of institutions, social groups, statuses, and roles within society.
Beliefs and values that shape our understanding of truth and influence choices.
Family of Origin
The family in which a person is born or raised, affecting their future choices and decisions.
Personality Influence
Individual personality traits impact relationship choices.
Social Media Influence
Excessive use of social media can relate to lower relationship satisfaction.
Social Exchange Framework
Evaluating relationships based on perceived costs and benefits.
Family Life Course Development
The evolution of family structures and roles over time.
Structure-Function Framework
Examines how marriage and family contribute to societal stability.
Conflict Framework
Recognizes that conflict in relationships can lead to growth and change.
Symbolic Interaction Framework
How meaning derived from interactions shapes future behaviors and perceptions.
Family Systems Framework
Views families as systems where each member plays a role influencing norms and behaviors.
Human Ecology Framework
Considers environmental factors as they impact family dynamics.
Feminist Framework
Focus on the inequality and oppression faced by women within societal structures.
Couple and Family Technology Framework
Studies the impact of technology on relationship dynamics.
Elements of Marriage
Legal and emotional factors, including commitment, companionship, and sexual fidelity.
Common Law Marriage
A partnership considered legally recognized after living together for a set period.
Emotional Relationship
Love and commitment as primary reasons for marriage.
Benefits of Marriage
Compared to singlehood, marriage often leads to better health and satisfaction.
Sexual Monogamy
Expectations of sexual exclusivity within marital relationships.
Types of Marriages
Includes polygamy, polygyny, polyandry, and pantagamy.
Changing Family Dynamics
Evolving definitions and structures within family units in society.
Family Definitions
Contrasting definitions of family based on blood, marriage, or adoption.
Fictive Kin
Non-relatives accepted as part of the family unit.
Family of Procreation
The family formed when individuals marry and have children.
Nuclear Family
A two-parent family structure consisting of parents and their children.
Traditional Family
A family model with clear gender roles, typically involving a working father and homemaking mother.
Modern Family
Families where both spouses work outside the home.
Postmodern Families
Diverse family structures including same-sex couples and single parents.
Blended Families
Families formed when one parent remarries and includes children from previous relationships.
Extended Family
A family unit that includes additional relatives beyond the nuclear family.
Myths about Family
Common misconceptions that can be dysfunctional or provide false hope.
Micro-level Perspective
Focus on individual social interactions and choices.
Macro-level Perspective
Examination of broad societal trends affecting family structures.
Multicultural Perspective
Understanding family dynamics across different cultures.
Research Process Steps
Identify topic, review literature, develop hypotheses, and collect data.
Marriage Lifestyle Choice
A significant majority of U.S. adults, typically 85-90%, choose marriage as their preferred lifestyle.
Delaying Marriage
Increased trend of marrying later in life, often into the late 20s to late 30s.
Future of Marriage
Continued trends toward delayed marriage and a rise in individuals choosing not to marry.