passed to protect u.s. manufacturers from international competition; passed during wake of war of 1812
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why did the south reject the tariff of 1816?
southerners exported most of their tobacco and cotton, in return for imports, which lessened due to the tariff; it restricted international exchange and limited many of the southern staples from foreign markets
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what were western land policies like during this era (1804-1817)? why?
there was a system of survey and sale; the westerners wanted cheap land, the northern manufacturers didn’t want cheap western land do drive up wages; southern planters didn’t want competition for cotton production to increase in western lands
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what happened with slavery in 1808?
the importation of enslaved africans was abolished in 1808 (with little impact on slavery overall)
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what was the distribution of free and slave states like in the u.s. by 1819?
there were 11 slave states and 11 free states (after the introduction of ohio, indiana, and the illinois to balance out louisiana, mississippi, and alabama)
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cotton boom
a great increase in demand and production of cotton; occured most often in the south
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how did the south and the north react to the cotton boom?
\-the south supported it (…)
\-the north were irritated by it but considered it a generally “local” issue in the south (they weren’t involved as much yet)
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missouri compromise (1820)
\-admitted missouri as a slave holding state
\-admitted maine as a free state
\-prohibted slavery in the rest of the louisiana territory north of lattitude 36’30’ (bottom of missouri)
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james talmadge
new york congressman that introduced the amendment to “prohibit the further introduction of slavery”; influential figure during missouri compromise era (approx. 1820)
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what did james talmadge’s missouri compromise call for (in terms of slavery)?
his amendment stated that all enslaved persons born in missouri would be freed at the age of 25; would end slaver over time
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american system
a legislative economic program designed to unify the nation; created by henry clay after war of 1812
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what did the american system call for?
\-setting the 1st protective tariff (tariff of 1816) to encourage american manufacturing
\-establish a national transportation system (canals, roads) through federal subsidies
\-create a second national bank
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what was the purpose of the second national bank?
to provide financial support by extending credit to farmers
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james monroe
democratic-repiblican from virginia elected as president in 1816; credited for the “era of good feelings” in america
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henry clay
leader in house of representatives from kentucky; created american system
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what happened to the first national bank?
the charter for it expired in 1811; it was revived in spirit with henry clay’s second national bank
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panic of 1819
economic disaster occurred after the second bank of the u.s tightened credit in an effort to control inflation
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what did the panic of 1819 cause?
\-many state banks closed
\-unemployment, bankruptcies, and imprisonment for debt increased sharply
\-westerners was affected the most and they began to call for land reform
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reasons for western movement
\-new land in the indiana territory after wars
\-economic difficulties in the northeast from embargo acts and the war caused people to try somewhere else