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a philosophy which regards the entire world as one giant community that should be unified politically and socially
United Nations
one of the most prominent global bodies
General Assembly
each member nation is represented and has 1 vote (193 nations)
Security Council
made up of 5 permanent members and 10 elected-member countries
Economic and Social Council
study economic and social problems and make recommendations to the UN
World Bank
Created by the UN
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
helps develop middle-income nations
helps develop poor nations
monitors the value and exchange of currencies in the UN; also aids in funding and loaning money
Organizes international trade and the corresponding rules
Free trade among the US, Canada, and Mexico
main currency of the EU; designed to replace member nation’s currencies and remove the need for exchange rates
International Trade
Free Trade among nations determined by large organizations, not independent nations
The more industrially advanced a nation is, the more environmental problems it can cause
Global Warming
belief that the general temperature of the earth and its oceans is being warmed due to pollution and greenhouse gases
Kyoto Protocol
designed to require nations to buy allowances of “carbon credits” to decrease CO2 and reduce greenhouse emissions
an event that has either a positive or negative effect on someone who did not have a choice in the event and whose interests were not considered
Bretton Woods Conference
Where did IACS and LDCS originate from