HAG - Unit 6

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Progression Era Groups

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where the government is not to interfere with the free market system (government does not regulate business or economy)

  • profit, production, and economy increases

  • economy was booming on the backs of the workers

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journalists who exposed corruption, unsafe conditions, etc.

  • wanted to reform the laissez-faire system

  • Ida Tarbell and Jacob Riis

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Upton Sinclair

  • wrote “The Jungle” and published it in 1906— meat packing industry with Rudkus and as a form of socialist propaganda

  • wanted to expose the horrible working conditions in meat-packing factories through the book

  • led to the creation of the FDA

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Ida Tarbell

  • wrote “The History of Standard Oil” which exposed Rockefeller as a tyrant

  • resulted in the Sherman Antitrust Act passing which outlaws all monopolization (never enforced and was used in court to prove Microsoft, a monopoly, wrong)

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Jacob Riis

  • wrote “How the Other Half Lives” which compared the lives of workers to rich people through photo evidence

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  • housing built for immigrants that were very cramped, unsanitary, and unventilated.

  • had no running water, indoor bathrooms, or windows

  • kids played in an alley with dirty water and outhouses

  • if you wanted to help the poor or the workers at that time, you were labeled a communist and could be shot for “treason”

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The Jungle

  • written by Upton Sinclair

  • was about the meat-packing industry

  • characters in the book were spitting in the meat, falling into meat grinders, rats were getting processed with the meat, etc

  • book’s purpose was to expose the cruel working conditions in meat-packing factories (showed that they weren’t getting paid for the full hour, unsanitary conditions, etc)

  • readers were more upset about the unsanitary food than the workers

  • resulted in the Pure Food and Drug Act which helped create the FDA (first time government regulated business)

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Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

  • FDA had to go inside factories --- the first time the government regulated business

  • FDA protects public health by ensuring food, drugs, biological products, cosmetics, etc, are safe for to use (approves or disapproves them)

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Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

  • after the progressive era and great depression

  • switch from laissez faire to regulated economy

  • gave the first minimum wage: 25 cents

  • established overtime pay for working a shift over 8hrs (or 40hrs per week)

  • got rid of child labor

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Workers Rights Issues Today

  • child labor

  • gender-based discrimination

  • low wages

  • safety violations

  • paid leave

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Carrie Chapman Catt

  • women’s activist who worked with NAWSA (National American Woman Suffrage Association) to get suffrage in the U.S.

  • used state-by-state campaigning method to gain support in all of the states

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Alice Paul

  • wanted the right to vote immediately

  • wanted a constitutional amendment

  • forms NWP - national womens party

  • fights for women’s rights in england

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President Wilson

  • inauguration occurs after the women’s march

  • did not first think fondly of women’s rights and their right to vote.

  • as World War I starts, Wilson begins to shift his viewpoint of women as it was beginning to be a more popular issue.

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Gloria Steinem

led the Women’s Liberation Movement which wanted the Equal Rights Amendment

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National Women’s Party (NWP)

  • formed by alice paul

  • main focus was to pass the 19th amendment which granted women’s suffrage

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National Organization for Women (NOW)

1966-National Organization for Women (NOW) was founded by Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan to support equal pay and job opportunities.

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19th Amendment

  • Ratified 1920

  • Women get the right to vote

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Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

  • The Equal Rights Amendment is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex.

  • There is NO Equal Rights Amendment for women in the Constitution

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Hunger strikes

  • protesting strategy led by Alice Paul when they were arrested for picketing the white house

  • her and several other women didn’t eat for days until they were force-fed by the prison staff

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Roe v Wade (then and now)

  • Many states outlawed abortions.  (In Texas abortions were only legal to save the life of the mother)

  • Roe wished to have an abortion, but it was not allowed to under Texas law

  • 7-2 for roe

  • Abortion is legal

  • During the first trimester of pregnancy, abortion is legal without any interference from the state

  • **Ruling in June 2022, was overturned

  • abortion is controlled by states

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Title IX

  • No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance…

  • Schools must have equal funding for men and women’s sports as well as have equal opportunities to play sports

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Women’s Issue today

  • Equal rights Amendment- ERA

  • Equal Pay- new legislation

  • Reproductive rights- abortion and birth control

  • Equal Job opportunities- less women as CEOs & STEM

  • Body Image-beauty standards

  • Rape Culture-hypermasculinity, sexual assualt, victim shaming

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Cesar Chavez

  • Led UFW

  • Goal: Fight for rights of laborers and Chicanos (Latin X Community)

  • Reached goals with hunger strikes, grape wine strikes, wine boycott, sit-ins, and nonviolent marches

  • United Farm Workers (UFW)

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Delores Huerta

  • Brother in law was Cesar Chavez

  • Stopped teaching because she could not do anything for those who came to school barefoot and hungry

  • Began with CSO

  • Goals: register Chicano voters and have citizenship classes for Chicanos

  • Worked with Chavez in the UFW

  • Became part of the feminist movement after meeting Gloria Steinem

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LaRaza Party

  • Once a political party who now workes to help people in the Latino community

  • LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens)

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-Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

  • still exists

  • tries to promote a path to citizenship

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Latinos Issues today

  • Representation in STEM careers, government, media, and TV shows

  • Immigration— President Trump writes an executive order of building a wall which is now â…“ done

  • Path to citizenship

  • Border Crisis

  • Job Opportunities

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Native Americans suffrage date


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American Indian Movement (AIM)

fights for Native American rights

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NARF (Native American Rights Fund)

  • fights for Native American rights

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The Trail of Tears

  • “ethnic cleansing”

  • displace and forced many Native Americans out of their native land/homes and to the west

  • makeshift burials on the trail

  • many perished from the migration journey they were forced to pursue

  • the colonizers took their land as they were forced to migrate

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Issues on Reservations

  • lack running water

  • High levels of Poverty and lack of jobs

  • Massive alcoholism, diabetic, and obesity rate-health care

  • High school dropout rate

  • Mascots in sports

  • underrepresented in government

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“Cleaveland Indians” (thankfully they changed)

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The Dakota Pipeline

  • A pipeline almost 1,200 miles long was being constructed to transport crude oil across four states

  • Trump signed executive order to keep construction of the pipeline going

  • Biden has allowed the pipeline to continue to stay open while environmental review takes place

  • This is an issue because it crosses through Native American cemeteries when rich golf fields can be easily cut through without the need to damage these precious cemeteries

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Native Americans Issues today

  • Logos and mascots depict Native Americans in a disrespectful manner

  • Violence against Native American Women

  • Underrepresentation in government

  • Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL)

  • reservation status (refer to the reservation bullets)

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Madonna Thunder Hawk

civil rights activist with AIM

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Stonewall Riots

-A series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations against a police raid at the Stonewall Inn (a Gay Bar) in Greenwich Village

-Took place in New York City on June 28, 1969

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Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT)

-Passed by President Clinton  (ends up hurting the movement)

-A military policy that did allow people in the LGBT community to serve openly. They were not allowed to tell anyone and no superior could ask.

-If found out about their sexual orientation, they would be given a dishonorable discharge from the military. (Daniel Choi)

-President Obama got rid of DADT

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President Clinton

-When was running for presidency he was for the LGBTQ+ community and said he would make it more “allowed”. Except, he passed laws like DADT and DOMA which hurt the community severely. Was not liked by people from this community.

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AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

-At first, was thought to be a “gay disease”

-Increased discrimination in the gay community/hurt the gay rights movement

-Anyone can contract AIDS and HIV

-Magic Johnson and Ryan White fought against AIDS publicly, proving it was not a “gay disease”

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DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act)

-Passed by President Clinton

-Attempts to define marriage as union between one woman and one man

-Allows states to deny recognition for same-sex marriage

-(No full Faith and Credit)

-Was deemed Unconstitutional by the Federal Government, making same-sex marriage legal

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President Obama

-Repealed DADT

-Supported repealing DOMA

-Signed bills/laws that prevent hate crimes toward the LGBT community

-Made Stonewall a National Historic Landmark

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Obergefell v Hodges

-Ruled the Federal Same-Sex Ban was unconstitutional

-Fundamental guarantee of marriage to same-sex couples under 14th Amendment

-Same-sex marriage is now legal in all 50 states

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Bostock v Clayton County

-Ruled that it is illegal for businesses nationwide to fire employees based on their sexual orientation or gender identity under the Civil Rights Act of 1964

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Human Rights Campaign

Largest civil rights group fighting for equality for the LGBT community

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The LGBT media advocacy organization and changing the culture and acceptance within the community

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LGBTQ+ Issues Today

-Anti-Discrimination Laws in states

-Transgender rights and violence

-”Don’t Say Gay” Laws

- Education in school

-Adoption rights

-Drag Queen Bans

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Buck vs. Bell

  • Issue: can someone committed to a mental institution be sterilized?

  • Decision: Yes, a person that is “feeble minded” can be sterilized against their will since there is a hearing beforehand

  • Still legal today—especially in detention centers and prisons

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  • a surgical removal of reproductive organs to prevent an individual from having children

  • Almost always against one’s will and done without consent

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Capital Crawl

  • people in wheelchairs crawl up the steps

  • Designed to show how inaccessible the Capital Building was

  • Effect–George H. W. Bush signs the Americans with Disabilities Act

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IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)

  • focus on creating free public education for all students, including accommodations for students with disabilites

  • used to be Education for All Handicapped Children Act (1975)

  • renamed im 1990

  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

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ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act

  • signed by Geroge H. W. Bush

  • Prevent discrimination based on disability

  • Ensure that accommodations and accesibility is widely available in public space/workspaces

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The Arc

  • group that helps people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their family

  • largest community-based organization

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Autism Speaks

largest organization for research and support for people with autism

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Disabled Issues Today

  • Accessibility still remains the #1 problem facing people with disabilities

  • Lack of representation in media

  • Inaccessibility of media for the blind and/or deaf

  • discrimination against “invisible” disabilities

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Food and Drug Administration

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Fair Labor Standards Act

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Defense of Marriage Act

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Aquired Immune deficiency Syndrome

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Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

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American Indian Movement

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Native Americans Rights Fund

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National Organization of Women

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Nation Women’s party

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United Farm Workers

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Community service organization

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National American women’s suffrage Association

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Equal Rights Amendment

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Dakota Access Pipeline

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Individuals witj Disabilities Education Act

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Americans with Disabilities Act

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