ASD 2: Cap. - verbos reflexivos

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Ella se cepilla el pelo.

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Ella se cepilla el pelo.

She brushes her hair.

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Yo me miro en el espejo.

I look at myself in the mirror.

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Vosotros os levantáis a las 7.

You get up at 7. (you plural, Spain)

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Tú te lavas la cara.

You wash your face.

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Uds. se levantan a las 7.

You get up at 7. (plural, LatAm)

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Yo me pongo un suéter.

I´m putting a sweater on.

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Nosotros nos ponemos los suéteres.

We´re putting sweaters on.

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El chico se llama Marcos.

The boy´s name is Marcos.

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Ellos se acuestan a medianoche.

They go to bed at midnight.

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Siempre me duermo a las 11:30.

I always fall asleep at 11:30.

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Mamá se lava la cara.

Mom washes her face.

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La chica se estira los brazos.

The girl stretches her arms.

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Ella va a quitarse los zapatos.

She is going to take off her shoes.

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Pienso acostarme.

I´m thinking of going to bed.

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Ellos van a ducharse.

They are going to shower.

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Tú lavas la ropa.

You wash the clothes.

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Tú te llamas David.

Your name is David.

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¿Cómo te llamas?

What´s your name? (to someone your age)

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¿Cómo se llama?

What´s your name? (to an adult)

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