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Functions of the Nervous system
Gathering information
Monitoring changes inside and outside the body
Processing sensory input
Motor output
Generation of a response that acts on muscles or glands
The central nervous system is composed of…
The brain and spinal cord
The peripheral nervous system is composed of…
Cranial and spinal nerves
Functions of the central nervous system
Command center
Interprets incoming sensory information
Issues outgoing instructions
Functions of the peripheral nervous system
Contains nerves that extend from the brain and spinal cord
Serves as communication channels
Spinal nerves carry messages…
to and from the spine
cranial nerves carry messages…
to and from the brain
The function of sensory neurons are
Carries information TO the central nervous system
what are somatic sensory neurons
Afferent fibers that carry info from the skin, skeletal muscles and joints
what are visceral sensory neurons
afferent fibers that carry info from the visceral organs
What is the function of motor neurons
Carries info AWAY from the CNS to effector organs (muscles or glands)
What is the function of the somatic nervous system
Voluntary control of skeletal muscles
What is the function of the autonomic nervous system
involuntary control of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands
What is the function of the sympathetic nervous system
Fight or flight response
What division of the nervous system is the sympathetic nervous system known as
‘E’ division
What does the ‘E’ division stand for
Exercise, Excitement, Emergency, Embarassment
What is the function of the parasympathetic nervous system
Rest and digest
Body conserves energy and maintains bodily functions
What division of the parasympathetic nervous system known as
‘D’ division
What is the ‘D’ division
Digestion, Defecation, Diuresis (urination)
what are the two types of cells in nervous tissue
Neurons and Neuroglia
What is the function of neuroglia
supports, insulates and protects neurons
What are astrocytes
Most abundant star shaped neuroglia
Braces/anchors neurons to blood capillaries
Protects neurons from harmful substances in the blood
Controls the chemical environment of the brain
What are microglia
Spider shaped neuroglia that monitors the health of neurons and disposes of debris
What are ependymal cells
neuroglia that Lines the cavities of the brain and spinal cord
Has cilia that assist with the circulation of cerebral spinal fluid
What are myelin sheath
neuroglia that protects and insulates neurons
increases the speed of nerve impulse transmission
What are satellite cells
neuroglia that protects and cushions nerve fibers
what are the functions of neurons
transmission of nerve impulses
what is the cell body of the neuron
contains the nucleus and is the metabolic center of the cell
What are processes on the neuron
fibers that extend from the cell body
What are nissl bodies/neurofibrils/rough ER in the neuron
important for maintaining cell shape
what is white matter
Myelinated fibers composed of axons that transmit signals to other regions of the brain, spinal cord and the rest of the body
what is gray matter
Unmyelinated fibers that receive messages and regulate outgoing information
What are interneurons
connect sensory neurons to motor neurons
What are the characteristics of neurons
Irritability, Conductivity
Reflexes occur via neural pathways called
reflex arcs
What are the two types of reflexes
Somatic and autonomic
What is a somatic reflex
A reflex that stimulates skeletal muscle
What is an autonomic reflex
Reflex that stimulates cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and glands
What are meninges
connective tissue membranes that protect the central nervous system
What are the 3 meninges layers called
Dura mater, Arachnoid mater, Pia mater
What is dura mater
the outermost layer that protects the CNS
What are the two layers of the dura mater
Periosteal layer and Meningeal layer
What is the periosteal layer of the dura mater
attaches to the inner surface of the skull
What is the meningeal layer of the dura mater
the outer covering of the brain
The dura mater folds inwards in several areas;
Falx cerebri and Tentorium cerebelli
what is the falx cerebri
a fold in the brain that separates the cerebral hemispheres
what is the tentorium cerebelli
a fold in the brain that separates the cerebellum and cerebrum
what is the arachnoid layer
the middle layer of the meninges, it spans the sub arachnoid space
what is pia mater
the internal layer of the meninges that clings to the surface of the brain and spinal cord
the subarachnoid space is filled with
cerebral spinal fluid
what produces cerebral spinal fluid
chordoid plexuses
what is multiple sclerosis
an autoimmune disease where the body attacks the myelin sheath. This leads to hardening and short circuited nerve impulses
What is hemiplegia
one sided paralysis as a result of a stroke
what is aphasia
damage to speech center as a result of a stroke
what is a transient ischemic attack
temporary restriction of blood flow to the brain resulting in numbness, temporary paralysis and impaired speech