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One piece of information
Values made of the digits 0...9, are not required to be listed inside quotation marks
Values made of any characters, are required to be listed within quotation marks
Fancy name for + - * /
Combination of operators and values, evaluates to single value
Used to store information to be referenced and used by programs, holds one value at a time
Assignment Operator
In programming language, ← or = (Javascript) means "put this value in this variable
Counter Pattern
Used with a variable to count up or down
Used to combine a string with another string or number
The process of finding and fixing problems in code (Describe, Hunt, Try, Document)
Global Variable
Permanent. Can be used anywhere in your code.
Local Variable
Temporary. Can be used only in the part of the code where it was created, like inside an onEvent(). Deleted once the onEvent() is done running.
Boolean Value
A value that is either true or false
Instructions that depend on whether or not something is true and the thing that is checked is called the condition. Conditionals are especially useful when we want the program to react to situations that change while the program is running.
Boolean Expression
Any expression that evaluates to true or false
Comparison Operator
compares two values and outputs either true or false (>, <, >=, <=, ==, !=)
Logical Operator
A symbol or word used to connect two or more expressions such that the value of the compound expression produced depends only on that of the original expressions and on the meaning of the operator (&&, ||, !)
Truth Table
Used to evaluate the reduced Boolean expression to a single Boolean value
The remainder that is left after a number is divided by another number
Syntax Error
Code that doesn't follow the rules of the programming language
Logic Error
Code that follows the rules of the programming language but doesn't do what you intend
A named group of programming instructions. Also referred to as a "procedure"
Function Call
A command that executes the code within a function