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What does a temple represent?
Presence of God, place of Covenant between God and Man, Worship including sacrifices and prayers, Knowledge of man's relationship to God, Blessing through the Holy Spirit.
What is the concept of sacred space? How does the temple function in terms of sacred space?
Sacred Space is set apart from the world, with the Holy Place made fit for God's presence. Anciently it involved temple courts and rules, while in modern times it includes setting recommendations.
What is the concept of sacred time? How does the temple function in terms of sacred time?
Sacred Time is consecrated to God/service, including Holy Days like Sabbaths and Festivals, allowing time dedicated to worship.
What is the purpose of sacrifice?
To symbolize the Savior, offer our best to God, partake in ancient repentance processes, and maintain a willing heart to avoid materialism.
Why do we have symbolism and ritual related to the temple?
Symbolism transcends time and acts as a teaching tool; Ritual allows participation in covenants and ordinances, providing structure and uniformity.
Who functioned in the temple? What is a proxy?
Anciently, the High Priest and priests functioned in the temple; a proxy performs ordinances on behalf of someone else.
What is the difference between hieron and naos (the Greek terms for temple)?
Hieron refers to temple sanctuary courts or precincts; Naos refers to the 'house' or holy place of the temple itself.
Did Jesus function in the temple during his ministry?
No, Jesus was not of the tribe of Levi or family line of Aaron, so He did not officiate in the temple.
Can you relate three episodes of Jesus at the temple?
Jesus was presented at the temple, taught the elders there, and was recognized by Simeon and Anna as the Messiah.
What did Jesus prophesy concerning the temple?
Jesus was angry at commerce in the temple (Matthew 21:12-15) and prophesied its destruction (Matthew 24:2).
Who was John the Evangelist and where was he banished to? What did John write?
John was a Jewish apostle in Jesus' inner circle, banished to the Isle of Patmos, and wrote the Gospel of John and Epistles.
How is John’s gospel different from Matthew, Mark, and Luke? Who was his target audience? How much of John’s gospel is unique material?
John's Gospel is 92% unique, aimed at a broader audience, emphasizing doctrine, symbols, relationships, and contrasts.
Know the division of the Book of John for class.
John 1-12: Book of Signs; John 13-21: Book of Glory.
Be able to explain the meaning of each of the ten titles of Jesus in John 1.
The titles symbolize different aspects of Jesus' nature and mission, emphasizing relationships and divine contrasts.
What does "Logos" mean and how does it relate to Christ? What is the JST clarification for John 1:1?
Logos means 'Word', referring to Jesus as the Gospel; JST clarification indicates that the Word was both with God and was God.
What does the “darkness” refer to in John 1:4-5?
Darkness symbolizes rejection and ignorance of Christ, while the true light refers to Jesus enlightening everyone.
What is the process by which we become children of Christ as described by John 1:12?
By believing on His name and being part of His fullness.
What Old Testament image is referred to by the word “dwelt among us” in John 1:14? What is “His fullness”?
Refers to God’s presence like the tabernacle; 'His fullness' means the complete grace and truth of Christ.
What is the JST clarification for John 1:18?
Clarifies that Christ, the only begotten Son, reveals God’s nature.
What do we learn about Andrew, Simon, Philip, and Nathanael in John 1?
Andrew introduces Simon to Jesus; Simon is renamed Peter; Philip invites Nathanael, who initially doubts but recognizes Jesus.
What is a sign? Why does John include them in his gospel? (See John 20:30-31)
A sign is a divine manifestation of power meant to help people believe in Jesus and obtain eternal life.
What are the symbols in the story of the Water to Wine at Cana? Why is marriage connected with the OT and wine with the Messiah?
Water signifies purification under the Old Law, wine symbolizes the New Covenant; marriage represents the covenant relationship.
How does John use “misunderstanding” to help us understand the stories? (John 2:13-25)
John highlights misunderstandings, revealing deeper meanings, such as Jesus speaking of His body not the physical temple.
Who is Nicodemus? What is the misunderstanding?
Nicodemus is a ruler of the Jews; misunderstanding revolves around being born again; signifies baptism, spirit, and blood.
How does the Book of Mormon help us understand the process of being born again? (Give 3 of the 7 steps listed.)
Steps include putting off the natural man, believing in Christ for a change of heart, and being spiritually begotten of Him.
Where does Jesus meet the Samaritan woman? What is the misunderstanding?
At a well; she is surprised because Jews typically do not interact with Samaritans, misunderstanding Jesus' offer of living water.
Why is the man waiting by the Pool of Bethesda? What do we learn from this story about Jesus and His relationship to the Sabbath?
He waits for healing; Jesus heals him on the Sabbath, showing His authority over the law and emphasizing wholeness.
What is the significance of each of the seven “I am” titles in the Gospel of John?
Each title reveals distinct attributes and roles of Jesus in relation to salvation and spiritual sustenance.
Why is the setting of the Passover important to the episode of the feeding of the 5,000?
It signifies God's provision, with bread symbolizing Jesus' body and manna representing spiritual sustenance.
How is John 6:51-58 related to the sacrament? What is the misunderstanding in this passage?
It symbolizes partaking of Christ's life through faith, misunderstood as a literal consumption of His body.
Review symbolism and meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles in John 7-8. What symbols are used by Jesus?
Symbols include water as living water and light representing Jesus as the revelation and sustainer of life.
What is the response of the Pharisees when Jesus asks who will condemn the adulterous woman?
They are convicted by their sins and leave one by one, illustrating Jesus’ offer of forgiveness and repentance.
What is the relationship between sin and physical/spiritual blindness in John 9?
Physical blindness demonstrates God’s power; spiritual blindness reveals Jesus' role as the light exposed against darkness.
What are “good” shepherds like? How does Jesus compare to “bad” shepherds in John 10?
Good shepherds protect their sheep sacrificially; Jesus contrasts them with neglectful bad shepherds.
What is the significance of the story of Lazarus in John 11, and how does it fit as the end of the Book of Signs and foreshadow the Book of Glory?
Symbolizes Jesus' power over death, transitioning from signs to glory and foreshadowing His own resurrection.
Why did Mary anoint Jesus in John 12:3-7, and what did the chief priests do in response to Jesus' miracles?
Mary's act symbolizes devotion for Jesus' burial; chief priests fear losing status and refuse to confess their belief.
What does the ordinance of washing of feet represent in John 13, and why was it significant for Peter to learn this lesson?
Represents humility and service; significant as it teaches Peter and disciples the need for selfless service.
What do we learn about Judas in John 13:26-30?
His betrayal is prophesied; signifies tragic rejection of Christ while highlighting Jesus' mercy.
What do the metaphors in John 14:1-3 represent, and what do the "I am" titles in John 14:6 suggest?
Metaphor represents heaven, the 'I am' titles assert Jesus as the sole path, truth, and source of life.
What is the "I am" title in John 15, and how do we show our love for God and Christ?
Jesus is the true vine; love for God is shown through obedience to His commandments and loving one another.
What is the relationship between Jesus leaving and the Holy Ghost in John 16:5-7?
Jesus' departure allows the Holy Ghost to guide and comfort believers, establishing direct access to God.
Why is John 17 called the Great Intercessory Prayer? What are three things Jesus prays for in behalf of His disciples?
Jesus prays for protection, sanctification, and unity of all believers.
How does Jesus define eternal life in John 17:3?
Eternal life is knowing God and Jesus Christ, signifying a personal relationship, not just immortality.
How does the Last Supper in the Gospel of John differ from the accounts in Matthew, Mark, and Luke?
John's account emphasizes the washing of feet and teachings, omitting details of bread and wine institution.
How does Jesus respond to the band of men at His arrest? Why do the Jews want the Romans involved?
He reveals Himself, showing divine authority; Jews need Romans to execute Jesus because they lack authority.
How does Jesus respond to Pilate’s question, “Art thou a king then?”
Jesus affirms His kingship as spiritual, clarifying His purpose is to bear witness to the truth.
What do the soldiers do to Jesus in John 19:1-3? What is the motive of the Jewish leaders and Pilate?
The soldiers mock Jesus, while Jewish leaders want Him condemned as a threat to their authority, and Pilate seeks peace.
What is meant by the term “Eternal Life” in John 17:3?
Eternal life is the relational knowledge of God and Jesus Christ that believers receive.
What type of knowledge is suggested by the word “know” in John 17:3?
It suggests experiential knowledge gained through ongoing relationship and spiritual growth.
What is written on the sign placed on the cross, and why is it ironic?
It reads 'Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews', ironically affirming the truth of His kingship.
Review the seven last sayings of Jesus from the cross. To whom are they directed, and what is their significance?
They include requests for forgiveness, promises of paradise, ensuring care for His mother, expressions of abandonment, and declarations of fulfillment of His mission.
Who prepared and buried Jesus? Who were the first three to go to the tomb in John’s Gospel?
Prepared by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus; first to the tomb were Mary Magdalene, Peter, and John.
What did Jesus do and say in His first post-resurrection appearance to the disciples?
He appeared, greeted them with peace, and breathed on them, giving the Holy Ghost.
What can we learn from Thomas?
Doubt is natural, but faith is paramount; Jesus affirms that belief is blessed, even when not based on sight.
Why does John focus on signs?
To demonstrate Jesus as the Christ, leading to belief in Him for eternal life.
Where are the disciples when Jesus comes to them in John 21? Relate the events, especially regarding Peter.
They fish on the Sea of Tiberias; Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves Him, symbolizing restoration after denial.
What do LDS realize these verses mean about John?
In John 21:20-25 and D&C 7, John is prophesied to live until Jesus' second coming, emphasizing his unique mission.