Learn all of Sig Tau - Gamma Xi Chapter boys
What are the national primary colors of the organization?
Azure Blue and White
What are the national Secondary colors of the organization?
Red and Yellow
Who was the first president of the Nationals chapter?
Mr. Emmett Ellis
What is the address of the White Rose Pavilion?
107 Ming St, Warrensburg Missouri.
When was Sigma Tau Gamma founded?
June 28, 1920
What is the secret/sacred society of Sig Tau?
Society of 17.
Sigma Tau Gamma was the first National Fraternity to accept which group of people?
African Americans
Who presented the petition to the staff?
Dr. Wilson Morris
When was the Gamma Xi chapter founded?
May 18, 1969
What was the house used for before it became a fraternity house?
A Boarding House
Why is it called the Blue Room?
It originally had Blue Shag Carpet.
Who is the first Black president of Sig Tau?
Jamal Crawley
What did we buy the house from?
Clara Mecum
What is unique about the number of links in the organization's emblem?
There are 18 links: 17 for founders and 1 for you as an associate.
What are the colors of Phi Alpha Psi?
Green, Gold, Red, Black.
What is the Sig Tau Mascot?
Knight/White Rose
When was the Coat-of-arms adopted?
When was the Coat-of-arms modified?
What is the name of the Headquarters building and in what city and state is it located?
Marvin Millsap Headquarters Building in Warrensburg Missouri
Marvin Millsap Headquarters Building in Warrensburg Missouri
117 NW 271st Rd, Warrensburg, MO 64093
Who is the most recent Sig Tau CEO?
Buz Barlow
Who was the first president of Sig Tau?
Mr. Emmett Ellis
Who is our Nationals Chapter Advisor (Chapter Success Coordinator)?
Brandon Bennett
How much does Brandon Bennett weigh?
103 lbs
What do you eat fruit salad with?
What was the first object moved into the house?
Green Filing Cabinet
In what year did the Attic burn down?
Who is our most recent Alumni Advisor?
Jeremy “Moose” Johnson
Who is our Alumni Board President?
Cody St. Micheal
Who is our Academic Advisor?
David Ernst
What is on the Front door?
Sigma Tau Gamma letters - White Rose - Gamma Xi
What’s new?
13th letter of the greek alphabet
Why is the Sky blue?
Because God has a hard-on for Sig Tau
Who is our current Gamma Xi White Rose?
Kaitlyn Walls
Who is our current Gamma Xi President?
Kyler VanRyzin
Who is our current Gamma Xi Vice President?
Seth Anderson
Who is our current Gamma Xi Director of Recruitment?
Dominic Halverson
Who is our current Gamma Xi Director of Community Engagement?
Alex Spottek
Who is our current Gamma Xi Director of Finance?
Braden Griffiths
What did we buy the house with
4 WW2 Bonds
When was Phi Alpha Psi founded?
May 26th 1965
What are all of the current Fraternities in UW-Platteville?
Alpha Gamma Rho - Delta Sigma Phi - FarmHouse - Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia - Sigma Phi Epsilon - Sigma Pi - Tau Kappa Epsilon - Phi Sigma - Sigma Tau Gamma
Which current UW-Platteville Fraternities ARE NOT national?
Phi Sigma
What are all of the current Serorities in UW-Platteville?
CERES - Gamma Phi Beta - Kappa Alpha Sigma - Sigma Alpha - Sigma Alpha Iota - Theta Phi Alpha
Which current UW-Platteville Serorities ARE NOT national?
Kappa Alpha Sigma
What was the nickname of the landlord of the original Sig Tau house?
Ma Trotter
What is Sig Tau’s original sister Serority
Zeta Beta Chi
What is the Address of the Original, Alpha Chapter House?
101 Ming Street
Who is the Sig Tau National Chief Financial Officer?
Angela Sanders
Who is the Sig Tau National Chief Operating Officer?
Adam Kowalski
What is the Sig Tau Philanthropy?
Special Olympics
When was Sig Tau’s Philanthropy adopted?
June 30th, 2011
What was the original College Sig Tau was founded at?
University of Central Missouri - Teachers college
Who was the original chapter’s sponsor?
Dr. Wilson Morris
Who rode the train and why?
Neiman and Hoback to Truman State college to found the Beta Chapter of Sig Tau
What is the song played during any white rose events?
The Rose of Sigma Tau
What was the first conclave
Held at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, Missouri
What was the most important conclave
Eighth Grand Conclave in 1936 held in Hot Springs, Arizona - Most significant leadership was passed
Who was the second sig tau founder to get a phd
Mr. Gorman
How many states is sig tau in
31 states
There is a conclave every- how long
2 years
Who inspired the white rose pavilion
Maurine Achauer
What region and district are we in?
Region 3
Where is the first conclave
Held at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, Missouri
Who published the Signet magazine
Ellsworth C. Dent
Who wrote the constitution of sig tau
Neiman and Hoback
Who was the youngest founder of Sig Tau?
Mr. Gorman
What are the 6 principals of Sig Tau?
Learning - Integrity - Excellence - Leadership - Citizenship - Brotherhood
Who wrote the creed?
Dr. McCune
Where is the current Sig Tau headquarters?
880 Monon Green Blvd. Suite 101 Carmel Indiana 46032
Who is our alumni association treasurer
Jeremy Probst
What does the Sargent of arms have to follow?
Robert’s rules of order
For what company did the Sig Tau founders work for?
Ambulance Company 355 in France
Who rode the train and why?
Mr. Neiman and Mr. Hoback to Truman state college in Kirksville to found the Beta chapter
Fellowship day is when?
February 28th
President of Alpha chapter?
Earl Webb
Who is the current president of UGC?
Ty Meyer
Who is the current UGC Vice President?
Breanna Cisketti
What are the current E-board positions
President - Executive vice president - Director of community of engagement - Director of finance and operations - Director of Recruitment