1-Analogies and Metaphors - helps one identify problems and understand them better.
2-Analysis of Past Solutions, and learning from failures.
3-Association - making a mental connection between two objects or ideas. They must be related in some manner.
4-Free Association - just getting as many ideas as possible on the white board. You're looking for thoughts
5-Attribute Association Chains - technique begins with a list of the attributes of a problem. You free associate on each attribute to generate ideas about the problem.
6-Attribute Listing - consists of listing all the attributes or qualities of a problem, object. Then, they systematically analyzes each attribute or group.
7-Back to the Customers - turns our attention from production problems to marketing problems.
8-Back to the Sun - for each elements you can trace a process back to natural resources and ultimately the sun.
9-Circle of Opportunity - randomly selecting problem attributes and combining them to create a topic for a brainstorming session.
10\=Computer Program - no other meaning here. It just means using software programs.
11-Deadlines - some people claim they work better under pressure.
12-Direct Analogies - knowledge/facts/technology from one field is applied to another.
13-Establish Idea sources - such as magazines
14-Examine it with the senses (using hearing, sight, touch, smell, taste)
The FCB Grid - Four cell matrix