self-serving bias
to preserve one’s self-esteem, one attributes their success to their own expertise and their failure to outside factors
EX: I passed the math exam because I knew the content well, but I failed the history exam because the room was too cold
attribute substitution
substituting a simple solution or applying a heuristic when making complex judgements
fundamental attribution error
in group settings, people are biased to contributing other people’s failure to negative personal characteristics (laziness, intelligence…) rather than to situational causes (illness, being over worked, death in family)
tendency to take sole credit for group success
esteem support
affirms the qualities and skills of a person
network support
provides a sense of belonging
shown by gestures, group activities, group hugs, and shared experiences
cognitive neoassociation model
people are more likely to respond aggressively when they experience negative emotions (tiredness, hunger, sick, frustrated)
donor provides a benefit to the recipient at a cost to the donor
donor and recipient both benefit
2 people share food
both donor and recipient are negatively impacted
2 people refuse to share food with each other
the donor benefits while the recipient is negatively impacted
mating with multiple females
mating with multiple males
indirect benefits
attributes of a mate that promote better survival in offspring
provide advantages to offspring
direct benefits
attributes of a mate that will provide material advantages, protection, or emotional support
provide advantages to the mate
phenotypic benefits
observable traits that make a potential mate more attractive
traits indicate an increased production and survival of offspring
sensory bias
development of a trait to match a pre-existing preference in the population
runaway selection
a trait that becomes exaggerated despite no effect on survival b/c it is more sexually desirable
indicator traits
traits that signify the overall good health and well-being of an organism
increases attractiveness to mates
do not have to be genetic in origin
genetic compatibility
the creation of mate pairs that have complementary (different) genetics
to avoid recessive diseases
hawk-dove game
competing for access to shared resources
aggressive hawk vs pacifist dove
just-world hypothesis
good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people
paternalistic stereotype
a group is looked down upon as inferior, dismissed, or ignored
contemptuous stereotypes
a group is viewed with resentment, annoyance or anger
envious stereotype
a group is viewed with jealousy and bitterness (or distrust)
admiration stereotype
a group is viewed with pride or other positive feelings
ability for people to achieve their goals despite any obstacles
ability to control resources