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Provided the ideological framework for the American, African, Haitian, and Latin American Revolutions. This was done by applying its new ways of understanding Like rationalism and empiricist to natural world and human relationships

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-Reason, rather than emotion or any external authority, is the most reliable source of true knowledge

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The idea that true knowledge is gained through the senses, mainly through rigorous experimentation

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Scientific Revolution

Led to enlightenment movement through applying their rational thinking process that was developed then to humans and their relations

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The enlightenment stopped the application of religious beliefs, mainly Christianity, and just doing what the person wanted

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Exceedingly popular among Enlightenment thinkers in which they believed that god made everything and did all he could and has now left the human race to take control.

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Complete rejection of religious belief and any notion of divine beings

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Most basic element of society was the individual human and not collective groups

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Natural rights (Enlightment)

Individual humans are born with certain right that cannot be infringed upon by governments or any other

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John Lock natural rights

Life liberty and property aka god given rights that cannot be taken away

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Social contract( Enlightenment)

Human societies, endowed with natural rights, must construct government of their own will

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Enlightenment effects→ Revolutions

American, Latin American, Haitian, and French

Enlightenment’s emphasis on the rejection of established traditions and new ideas of how political power ought to work which started these revolution

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A sense of commonality among a people based on shared language, religion, social customs, and often linked with a desire for territory.

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Enlightenment leads to expansion of suffrage(the right to vote)

From males can votes, to all white males can vote and then black and white males can vote which occurred because enlightenment preached liberty and equality

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Enlightenment leads to the abolishment of slavery

Abolished in Britain and Industrial Revolution played a great role in this as well. Overall, it made most economic sense at the time.

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Enlightenment ideas led to the end of serfdom

Transitioning from agricultural economy to industrial economy led to serfdom labor become less significant to economic growth and called for peasant revolts

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Enlightenment ideas led to increasing calls for women suffrage (Feminism RAH)

Due to Industrial Revolution and Enlightenment women advocated for the rights in everything

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Seneca falls convention

Called for constitutional amendment that allowed women the right to vote

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Causes of revolution

  1. Nationalism→ creating unity

  2. Political discontent → citizens didn’t like being controlled by the government (this led to the decline of many countries as internal affairs have external people an upper advantage)

  3. New ways of thinking aka enlightenment

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Popular sovereignty

The power to govern was in the hands of the people

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People have the right to vote and influence the policies of government

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An economic and political ideology that emphasized the protection of civil rights, representative government, the protection of private property, and economic freedom

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American Revolution

Independence developed a culture system of government, and economic framework without British influence. British taxes America without representation and so they revolt.

This influenced other states to revolt against oppressive forces and form a republic

Declaration of Independence

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French Revolution

France plays a great part in American revolution. Louis 16 tried to pay war debts and so he tried to tax and control and in return the people overthrew the government

Declaration of the rights of man and citizen

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Haitian Revolution

Haiti was the colonial property of France and when the enslaved population heard about the French Revolution they became influenced. They were led by Toussaint Louvatour. They became the second republic in the western hemisphere and the first black government in region

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Latin American Revolution

Spanish and Portuguese began to resent imperial families. Most common in the creole class which was made of European heritage but were born in America. Because of the napoleon invasion, an unstable political situation rose in American colonies which created occasion for revolution.

Letter from Jamaica

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propaganda movement in phillipines Spanish colony

Spanish controlled education

Only wealthier groups got university education by going to Europe to receive it which made them exposed to enlightenment ideals and so they brought them home. This made the Spanish government try to suppress the talk of these ideals leading to a revolution

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Italy and Germany nationalism

They used to be fragmented states and thought the concept of nationalism they became more unified

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Industrial Revolution

Made the creation of products go from hand to machines and it started by Britain. It changed the world’s balance of political power, reordered societies and made industrials nations really rich

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Britain and Industrial Revolution

Proximity to water ways which allowed the transportation of products to be quite easy

Geographical distribution yof coal and iron

First phase of Industrial Revolution is powered by coal→ enabled increased efficiency in the production of iron

Abundant access to foreign resources

Improved agricultural productivity→ more food

Rapid urbanization as people moved the for better job opportunities and a better future

Legal protection of private property

Accumulation of capital which they used to invest in the Industrial Revolution

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Agricultural revolution

Crop rotation

Seed drill

Columbian exchange foods also played a great role into this→ made them healthier and increased life expectancy

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Factory system

Concentrated production in a single location was powered by moving water through water ways

Textile factories used spinning jennies

Because of machines people no longer needed to be skilled at what they are doing or acquire any experience making workers easily replaceable

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steam engine

Converters fossil fuels into mechanical energy which made it possible for factories to places anywhere and so the pace increased rapidly and they were used in transportation system which increased the speed and efficiency of transportation

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France industrialization

Slower than Britain’s because they coal and iron

But they developed railroads, textile production and napoleon started off this industrialization by creating a Quentin canal which connected Paris to iron and coal fields from the north

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United States industrialization

Possessed many of the same traits that Britain had such as massive territory, rapid population growth which meant more workers and political stability

Higher standards of living for workers in US then Europe due to their fast economic growth

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Russia industrialization

Railroad and steams engines were adopted

They constructed trans Siberian rail road which created an increase in trade with China

Brutal conditions for workers which created uprisings and a Russian revolution later on

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Japan’s Industrialization **

Asian states were declining in power and western industrial states were gaining power!

Began defensive industrialization as to not be left behind and taken advantage of during the Meiji restoration

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Second Industrial Revolution

Spread beyond Europe

oil becomes the market of the second Industrial Revolution

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Internal combustion engine was developed as a result and was used in powering the automobile later on

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Second Industrial Revolution technology

Steel→ replaced iron through the Bessemer Process combined with carbon and blasted hot air into it which made it stronger and more versatile

Chemical engineering → synthetic does were developed for textiles and vulcanisation was a process developed to make rubber harder and more durable

Electricity→ Thomas Edison = streetcars and subways

Telegraph→Samuel Moore= used Morse code and helped people communicate from long distances

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Effects of new technology

Development of interior regions→ new settlements were developed in places where they weren’t before and this was made possible by railroads

Telegraph→ Made it possible to receive information quicker which allowed manufacturers to gain almost real time intelligence abt the market= more money being made

Increase in trade and migration→ Global trade multiplied by 10 which led to states around the world becoming more linked with the global economy + migration from rural areas to urban areas which meant more workers

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Egypt/ Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Empire was struggling and declining in power around this time due to internal conflict and therefore had little wealth to invest in industrialization

Mohammad Ali→ Egypt industrialized on its own through tanizam act

Later Britain interfers between the war with Egypt and the Ottoman Empire and forces Egypt to remove tariffs and such leading to the country’s decline once again

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Tanzimat reform

  1. Industrial projects→ textile and weapon factories built

  2. Agriculture→ government purchased crops to be sold on world market

  3. Tariffs→ taxes on important goods

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Japan industrialization ***

Used to be isolated from the world but the following factors changed that

  1. Western Powers→ dominated China

  2. Mathew Perry→ came to Japan with a fleet of steam powered ships stacked with guns to demand that Japan trades with the states through intimidation

This all led to Japan initiating an aggressive state sponsored program of industrialization as defensive measure again westernization domination

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Meiji restoration***

Japan wanted to escape domination but the west so they adopted industrial practice that the west used

  1. Culture→ sent emissaries to learn abt everything and implemented the parts that they wanted

  2. Government→ Japan established a constitution that provided for an elected parliament, which they borrowed from Germany

  3. Infrastructure → the state funded building of railroads, the establishment of national making system and development of industrial factories for textiles and munitions

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free market economic

Better fit industrialization

Replaced mercantilism


Created a poor bug working class

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Adam smith

Wealth of nations, claimed the mercantilism only benefitted the elites and father of capitalism and argued that this free market stream will make wealth more evenly distributed

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Laissez faire

the government is not as involved when it comes to the market and the people get to decide aka capitalism

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Invisible hand

Supply and demand with no government interference

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Capitalism critics

Jeremy Bentham→ Argued that for the suffering of the working class and society was not free market economics but government legislation =socialism

Fredrick list→ claimed it was a trick + his work led to development of the Zolverin, a custom union that reduced trade barrier between German states but put tariffs on imported goods

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Transnational corporation

A company that is established and controlled in one country but also established large operations in many other countries

  • Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking coorperations

  • Unlike et cooperation

Financed through

  1. Stock markets

  2. Limited liability

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call for reforms

  1. Political reforms → stemmed from the fact that many western nations were focused on giving people the right to vote so now middle class had a voice

    • conservatives and liberals in Britain and France incorporated social reforms into the platforms because people who wanted reforms were voting

  2. Social reforms→Working class people organized themselves into social societies providing insurance for sickness and social events

  3. Education reform→ high paying jobs were becoming more technical so compulsory education prepared children for these kinds of jobs

  4. Urban reforms→ Government passed laws and invested in sanitation and sewers

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Labor union

A collective of worker who join together in order to protect their own interests

  • Bargained for higher wages, limited working hours, and improved working conditions

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Karl Marx

Father of socialism and believed that capitalism is an unstable by nature and created a sharp class division in society.

Communist manifesto

History obeys laws just as the physical world obeys the laws of physics

It moves through patterns and stages and history’s major energy arises out of class struggle

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China industrialization

In response to China snubbing English traders which created a trade deficit, Britain importing illegal opium which had negative consequences on Chinese and led to opium wars= British had better weapons and therefore won and other countries attempted to take advantage of them

In response China moved toward industrialization while keeping their own traditions and culture but failed again during sino-Japanese war

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Social class hierchy

  1. Industrial working class→ factory worker and miners and viewed as replaceable

  2. Middle class→Benefitted the most from industrialization, includes white collar workers such as wealthy factory owners and managers, lawyers, doctors, and teachers

    Could afford manufactured products that improved their quality of life and some in the upper middle class could buy their way into aristocracy

  3. Industrialists→ At the top of the social hierarchy, the wealth they gained by owning industrial corporations allowed them to become more powerful than the traditional landed aristocracy

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women and industrialization

  1. Working Class Women

    • Worked wage-earning jobs in factories since their husbands' wages were not sufficient to sustain a family (if they were married)

  2. Middle Class Women

  • Husbands earned enough money to support the family

  • In general, they did not work

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Effects of industrialization

  1. housing shortages

  2. Pollution

  3. Disease

  4. Increased crime

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