Pyramid of human needs, beginning at based with physiological needs that must FIRST BE SATISFIED before higher levels become active
self actualization - to fulfill our potential
Esteem - need for self esteem, independence, recognition, respect
love and belonging - need to love and be loved to belong and be accepted, to avoid loneliness and isolation
safety - need to be safe, secure, stable. that the world is predictable
physiological - need to satisfy hunger and thirst
MASLOW’S CRITICISM - doesn’t always follow this order
4 stages of sexual responding describes by WIlliam Masters and Virginia Johnson
excitement - genital areas become engorged with blood
plateau phase - excitement peaks as breathing, pulse, and blood pressure rates increase
orgasm - muscle contractions all over the body. A woman’s orgasm facilitates conception by drawing the sperm inward toward the uterus.
resolution - body gradually returns to unaroused state after orgasm. Male enters refractory period where he cannot achieve another orgasm (few days or minutes)
we usually perform best when we are moderately aroused, level of arousal for optimal performance varies for different tasks.
with easy well learned tasks peak performance comes with high arousal
with more difficult unrehearsed tasks, optimal arousal is somewhat lower
gestures, facial expressions, tones of voice
Can be CONDITIONED - associating emotions with specific situations
can be LEARNED BY OBSERVATION - watching others display far in response to a certain event or surrounding
weight lost program when motivated and self-disciplined
minimize exposure to tempting food cues
boost energy expenditure through exercise
set realistic and moderate goals
eat health foods
space small meals throughout the day
don’t give up