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the measure of the energy that is free to do useful work rather than just leave the system as heat
what is gibb’s free energy
enthalpy gives the quantity of heat change while gfe gives the quality of available energy
what is the difference between the measures of enthalpy and gfe
is a process is spontaneous, what is the sign for g
hess’ law, products-reactants, G=H-TS
what are the three ways to calculate g
always spontaneous
what is the effect on spontaneity with neg H and pos S
spontaneous at low temperatures
what is the effect on spontaneity with neg H and neg S
spontaneous at high temperatures
what is the effect on spontaneity with pos H and pos S
never spontaneous
what is the effect on spontaneity with pos H and neg S
when a reaction mixture is at the minimum value of gibb’s free energy
when does equilibrium occur
when the rate of the forward reaction is the same as the rate of the reverse reaction
when does equilibrium exist
the reaction is spontaneous and proceeds forward (product favoured)
what happens when g is negative
the reaction is non spontaneous and proceeds backwards (reactant favoured)
what happens when g is positive
the reaction is at equilibrium
what happens when g is zero