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Adequate Yearly Progress
Adequate Yearly Progress
A provision in the NCLB Act that requires each state to implement an accountability system documenting how students are making expected academic progress (as defined by academic standards) each school year.
Individualized Family Service Plan
Individualized Family Service Plan
The process and product that ensures every child with a disability between birth and 3 years old and his/her family receive needed services implemented in a natural environment.
Individualized Education Program/Plan
Individualized Education Program/Plan
The process and product that ensures every child with a disability between 3 and 21 years receives a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.
Least Restrictive Environment
Least Restrictive Environment
The educational mandate that, to the maximum extent possible, students with disabilities must be educated with their nondisabled peers. The IEP team MUST document whenever services need to be provided in a setting other than the regular education classroom and explain why.
Free and Appropriate Public Education
Free and Appropriate Public Education
The mandate that public schools must offer every child with a disability special education and related services at no additional cost to parents/guardians.
Washington Administrative Code
Washington Administrative Code
Rules adopted by state agencies that provide interpretive support for the laws contained in the RCW. WACs contain details of the laws.
Extended School Year
Extended School Year
Services provided to students with disabilities beyond the regular school year, as determined by the IEP team each year.
Present Levels of Performance
Present Levels of Performance
A statement of where a child is currently performing in school.
Revised Code of Washington
Revised Code of Washington
A collection of laws adopted by the legislature in the state of Washington.
Local Education Agency
Local Education Agency
A public authority within a state that maintains control of schools. In Washington, LEAs are the same as School Districts and ESDs.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
A key U.S. Special Education law that gives rights and protections to children with disabilities from birth to age 21.
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
A key U.S. General Education law that authorizes states to provide equal opportunity education to all. It became NCLB in 2002 and ESSA in 2015.
Every Student Succeeds Act
Every Student Succeeds Act
A reauthorization of ESEA by President Obama, renamed ESSA. It requires all students to be taught to high academic standards and includes statewide assessments to measure student's progress toward those standards.
No Child Left Behind Act
No Child Left Behind Act
The main law for K–12 general education in the U.S. from 2002 to 2015. It held schools accountable for student achievement and penalized schools that did not show improvement.
Roles and Responsibilities Role 1
Required to work across all levels (3-21)
Roles and Responsibilities Role 2
Serve a range of disrders
Roles and Responsibilities Role 3
Ensure educational relevance
Roles and Responsibilities Role 4
Provide unique contributions to curriculum
Roles and Responsibilities Role 5
Highlight language and literacy
Roles and Responsibilities Role 6
Services must be culturally competent
what are the C’s, who issues them, and what are they needed for?
Certificate of clinical competency, issued by ASHA, needed to practice as an SLP, always need this
For a license, who issues it, and what is it needed for?
Issued by department of health, don’t meed to work in schools, for private practice or a medical model
what is an ESA, who issues them, and what are they needed for?
It is an educational staff associate, you get it through the department of education in washington (OSPI), needed in washington to practice in the schools (need to have a masters degree, fingerprints)
What law or action happened in 1973 and what did it do?
(PL 93-112) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Eliminated discrimination against those with disabilities by agencies that receive financial assistance; for FAPE, you must have a physical or mental impairment and momentum for Education for all handicapped children.
What law or action happened in 1975 and what did it do? (important)
(PL 94-142) Education for all handicapped children act (EHA), madated FAPE for students 3-21, provided IEP’s, due process, and education in the least restrictive environment
What law or action happened in 1986 and what did it do? (important)
(PL 99-457) EHA amendments, extended protections of EHA for birth-2, mandate for IFSP for early intervention, services provided at states discretion
What law or action happened in 1990 and what did it do?
PL 101-476, Americans with disabiilities act, accsessibility to public buidings, communication for those with disabilities.
What law or action happened in 1990 and what did it do? (important)
Individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA), expanded established laws, students can’t be excluded from education because of a disabilitiy, due process protection for parents and students, fair unbiased assesment, free and appropriate education in least restrictive environment, confidentiality, transition requirements.
What law or action happened in 1994 (1993) and what did it do? (important)
Goals 2000: educate america act of 1993, inclusion of children with disabilities in school reform, developed eight national education goals
What law or action happened in 1994 and what did it do?
Improving americas schools act, provided professional devlopment for educators, lists qualifications and competencies for individuals providing services, related services, and special education
What law or action happened in 1997 and what did it do?
reauthorization of IDEA, ensured children with diabilities had greater accsess for genral curriculum with IEP’s, stressed involvement of parents in eligibility and placement descions, expanded oppoutunities for all involved to collaborate
What law or action happened in 2001 and what did it do? (important)
No child left behind act, reauthorization of elementary and secondary education act of 1965, accountability for results, identification of schools in need of improvement and teacher quality, schools need to have standardized test scores and performance data, using methods based on evidence, provide parents with more information on school performance
What law or action happened in 2004 and what did it do? (important)
Individuals with disabilities education improvement act (IDEAIA), another reauthorization of IDEA, aligned IDEA and NCLB, stressed appropriately identifying students, identifying parameters for highly qualified teachers
What law or action happened in 2010 and what did it do? (important)
Common core state standards for all subjects, developed by council of cheif school officers, education standards designed to ensure all students are college and career ready in literacy by the end of high school.
What law or action happened in 2015 and what did it do? (important)
Every student succeeds act (ESSA), reauthorization of elementary and secondary education gives states more control to furthur support students underprivilaged and represented.